Chapter 961

Three C-8 strategic transport planes crossed the white track in the sky and flew directly to Australia's Liuxia island.

The cabin of the transport plane is very spacious, like a large conference room. In front of it is a large electronic screen with satellite photos of Liuxia island.

The photos were taken by the US spy satellite. They are very clear, even the flowers and trees on the ground can be seen clearly. However, countless photos are like slides of the past, but few people appear on the screen.

Now, there are four or five hundred people gathered on the island, and there are so many photos but few people can be found. It's really weird.

Liuxia island is not a desert island. It used to be a private island of some world-class rich people. The whole island is just a mountain peak. Only the place near the seaside is very flat, and the vegetation coverage is not dense. It's really abnormal that people can't be found.

Mark, who is responsible for remote satellite photographing, is staying in the United States. Although mark, Li Qingyu and Zhou Xianguang have different opinions and insist on using nuclear bombs in the meeting room of the leading group, he has been kidnapped by Li Qingyu and Zhou Xianguang and can only give full assistance to the whole rescue team.

The 120 undead soldiers are the lifeblood of mark and the foundation of American star fleet! If mark doesn't fully cooperate, these people may be annihilated in Liuxia island!

Mark can't afford the loss!

Mark wants to find the place where the hostages are being held through satellite photos, but he has been in charge of it since the end of the meeting, and he still has no clue.

When he first got on the plane, Li Qingyu was still very focused on looking at the big screen in front of him, hoping to find something mark ignored. But after half a day, he also found nothing, so he gave up.

Li Qingyu looks at sanaste sitting in front of him and finds that the product has been carefully looking at the big screen, and now and then swipes twice on his mobile phone. He doesn't know whether he is writing his feelings.

Li Qingyu was too lazy to pay attention to him and began to shut his eyes.

He also wondered that although the hermit family had a high level of martial arts, they were a group of technology blind. They should have no knowledge of satellite detection. Now why do they seem to be particularly familiar with satellite detection? Is it difficult that they still have high-tech talents?

Even let their own activities successfully evade the satellite detection?

Li Qingyu thought for a while, but he couldn't figure out why, so he shook his head and didn't think about it any more. There must be a way to get there. Let's wait until the plane arrives at Liuxia island.

He believed that since the hermit family took those people hostage, they would not be killed until the last moment.

Li Qingyu thought of another thing.

The purpose of those bastards of the hermit family to catch those celebrities is to make their influence big enough that China has to send people to the island for rescue, but they can't agree to use nuclear bombs. But why do they want to catch Zhou Shuxian?

Through the video sent back by Zhou Shuxian, he can see that in fact, Bai Chen went to southern Yunnan and suddenly appeared by the river. He ran for Zhou Shuxian. His purpose was to hijack Zhou Shuxian, but Hua Yunfei and some of his classmates were just unlucky to catch up.

Zhou Shuxian and the hermit family have nothing to do with each other, and she is an ordinary anti drug police. She has no influence. Why does Bai Chen hijack her?

You know, this time, these bastards of the hermit family hijacked all the dignitaries! The influence is very big. Zhou Shuxian and these people are not of the same level at all!

Before, Li Qingyu has not thought about this problem. Now he calms down to think about it, only to find out that the secret family hijacked Zhou Shuxian for their own sake! They are worried that they will not go to Liuxia island if they only get some influential people who have nothing to do with themselves.

Then the question comes again. How do the hermit family know the relationship between Zhou Shuxian and themselves?

You know, although Zhou Shuxian and I are friends, we usually contact each other online, but we don't meet many times offline.

It is because of this that Li Qingyu thinks that offending the hermit family will not affect Zhou Shuxian, so he did not specially send someone to protect Zhou Shuxian. Unexpectedly, he was wrong. The hermit family knew the relationship between themselves and Zhou Shuxian, and knew that if Zhou Shuxian had an accident, he would never sit back and ignore her!

So, they finally laid hands on Zhou Shuxian!

"Yes, it seems that the hermit families are really penetrating into the first space. This information network is almost everywhere. Maybe they have investigated Laozi's ancestors for 18 generations." Li Qingyu gave a bitter smile and said in his heart.

At this time, Li Qingyu's mobile phone in his pocket suddenly rang. He felt out the mobile phone and found that it was Huang fuming, the head of the Huangfu family in southern Yunnan.

After the ordinary civil aviation takes off, it is impossible to make a call with a mobile phone. Even if the crew asks to make a call, there is no signal. However, the people of the star river fleet have no such restriction. They can communicate with others with a mobile phone at any time. They use satellite signals and are not limited by the ground base station. In addition, their mobile phones have many magical functions.

As soon as Li Qingyu got through the phone, Huang fuming's voice was lowered: "Qingyu, is it convenient to talk? I have important news for you. "

Li Qingyu looked around him, hesitated a little, and said, "just a moment."

With that, Li Qingyu got up, walked out of the big engine room, entered a small conference room and said, "OK, go ahead."

"Just now, we joined hands with the armed police detachment to enter a certain country and launched a fierce attack on the drug makers who are entrenched here." Huang fuming said.

Li Qingyu knows that Zhou Xianguang told Li Qingyu about the remote police transfer. Because the drug dealers are extremely vicious, the Chinese star river fleet should have sent people to participate in this incident.

The strong individual combat effectiveness of the members of star river fleet can effectively reduce the combat casualties.

However, because the Xinghe fleet was going to Liuxia Island, it was impossible for him to separate his staff, so Li Qingyu had an idea and introduced the Huangfu family in southern Yunnan to Zhou Xianguang. Zhou Xianguang was also introduced to the person in charge of the arrest.

After listening to huangfuming's phone call, the Huangfu family took part in the operation, but Li Qingyu didn't understand why huangfuming wanted to call him, so he didn't have to report it to him at all, OK?

Thinking of this, he immediately said, "Oh, I know about this. Is the operation over? Is it going well? "

"The operation was quite smooth, but we were in operation thunder, and we took those drug dealers to their hometown directly. However, there was a master who was not only clever, but also very fast. He almost ran away. Later, Huangfu Yonghui caught up with him. You know, Huangfu Yonghui had a bad temper and was about to kill him on the spot. However, he said that he was a member of the European star fleet, and his name was pelai. He also said that sanaste, the military chief of the European star fleet, was a spy of the hermit family. Sanaste had woven a big net all over the world to collect all kinds of intelligence, Give it to the hermit family. I don't know if what that person said is true or not, so I'll let you know. " Huang fuming said.

Li Qingyu can immediately confirm that what the guy named Perry said is absolutely true!

The star river fleet used to be a secret organization. In the past two years, with the more frequent activities of the hermit families in the first space, the star river fleet's exposure rate has been higher. Even so, ordinary people still don't know much about their own star river fleet. How can they know about the European star river fleet? And also know that the head of the EU star fleet is sanast?

It's a big deal!