Chapter 1216

Fifty mile shop is only fifty miles away from Yunzhong city. There are 200000 troops participating in the exercise, and the battle is almost under the gate!

The Governor Liu Shouzheng and the city leader Li jiahuai stood on the top of the city, each holding a telescope to observe the whole exercise. They were surrounded by a group of people, all of whom were subordinates.

Although the two have been intriguing, but after all, they are officials of the white family, the surface of harmony or to maintain.

On the battlefield, the red and blue armies have been completely hanged together.

In this kind of battle on the plain, both sides are fighting for hard power. Stratagem is no longer very important, but tactics are very important. The generals of the red and blue armies are constantly mobilizing their troops, changing the formation, realizing the best cooperation between the horse and the infantry, forming superior forces in some areas and strangling each other. On the earth, the dust is rolling, the dust is filled, and the killing is loud. Although it is an exercise, it seems that a real battle is unfolding.

Wang Dongliang is a tiger general. He led 1000 people in Hutou camp to block one of the blue army's battalions. The two sides had the same number of people, constantly fighting and hanging. Wang Dongliang took the lead and took four personal guards to fight. Where there were many people, he would rush to where there were dangers. When the battle came to the most critical moment, he went all the way, In a hurry, he rushed to the enemy's general manager Qian and poked his opponent's chest with a stick. A big red dot immediately appeared on the opponent's chest, like a red peony in full bloom.

Of course, the red dot is not the blood, but the paint on Wang Dongliang's stick. If it hits his chest, he will be sentenced to death. Although he was unwilling, he had no choice but to lead his horse to one side and watch from a distance, but he could no longer fight or command.

The main general was "killed in battle", and the blue army was even more scattered. It turned out that less than half of them were killed by Hutou camp's soldiers and horses, leaving only more than 400 people. Under Wang Dongliang's command, more than 700 people under his command completely surrounded each other, and they were about to eat each other completely.

However, just at this time, more than 300 blue soldiers suddenly arrived on horseback and rushed into Wang Dongliang's Hutou camp. One of them, a strong general in silver helmet and silver armour, and a white dragon foal in his crotch, had a long stick in his hand, pointing East and West, guiding north. It was like a dragon into the sea, who easily took the Hutou camp's soldiers off one by one. Moreover, he was very heavy handed, Wang Dongliang saw that his two soldiers were broken by each other's arms and legs!

Wang Dongliang saw his face wrapped in a square helmet, and his anger rose from his heart, and he was angry with him!

Even if he burned this man to ashes, he knew that it was his own death enemy, wusuhe!

Many people know that Wang Dongliang and wusuhe have grudges, even endless hatred, especially Wang Dongliang. Every time he sees wusuhe, he always wants to kill each other completely!

But there are not many people who know what hatred is between them and how to form a feud.

It turned out that the hatred between the two men had been settled long before they joined the army. At that time, they were still in the same village. Wang Dongliang had a sister. Although she was born in a poor family, she had beautiful clothes, thick shoes and stockings every day. Because of malnutrition, she even had a good face, but all of these could not hide her natural beauty.

At that time, wusuhe was still a villain in the village. He did things like stealing, stealing and bullying all day long. This guy's character is not good, but his heart is not small. He even takes a fancy to Wang Dongliang's sister, so he asks people to go to Wang's door to ask for marriage.

How are Wang Dongliang's parents willing to marry their beautiful daughter to such a broken family? Then he flatly refused.

But after that, wusuhe held a grudge and thought of revenge. While Wang Dongliang was not at home, he stole two old hens and a mouse catching cat from the Wang family.

When Wang Dongliang returned home, he immediately went to wusuhe to settle accounts. However, his parents and sister stopped him, saying that more is better than less. Besides, they had no evidence to prove that wusuhe must have stolen the things.

Wang Dongliang had no choice but to swallow his breath temporarily.

But the forbearance of the Wangs made wusuhe more daring. He thought that the Wangs were cowards, so one day when Wang Dongliang's sister was washing clothes by the river, he suddenly jumped over and pulled Wang Dongliang's sister to the woods nearby.

Wang Dongliang's sister is a fierce woman. She resisted to death. Her fingernails touched wusuhe's eyes, which almost made wusuhe blind. Wusuhe was so angry that she stifled Wang Dongliang's sister!

Even if Wang Dongliang's sister was strangled, he did not forget to do his business until his desire was over, and he felt afraid. Not to mention whether the government will find him and arrest him, that bastard Wang Dongliang is crazy enough for him to drink.

So this guy ran away all night!

After Wang Dongliang and his parents knew about the tragedy, they were naturally heartbroken. Wang Dongliang's eyes were splitting, so he immediately went to wusuhe to settle accounts. Wusuhe's broken walls and rotten courtyard, but where else was there? That "lonely man" has long been on the run.

Wang Dongliang did not give up, vowed not to avenge his sister, vowed not to be human!

So he began to look for wusuhe everywhere. Because of the delay in farming, the originally poor family went bankrupt completely, and the last meal was not the next. That year, Yunzhong city just recruited soldiers and horses, and Wang Dongliang joined the army in order to support his parents.

Because he trained hard in the army, he was brave and good at fighting. In a fight against bandits, he saved Liu Shouzheng's life. With Liu Shouzheng's support, he began to rise step by step.

Later, by chance, he knew that wusuhe was also a soldier in yunzhongcheng!

So he immediately wanted to kill the bastard to avenge his sister. But there was discipline in the army, and Liu Shouzheng was strict in running the army. So he never had a chance. After seven or eight years, they both became the thousand generals in the army. Wang Dongliang had more constraints and less opportunities to start.

Wang Dongliang did not expect that at the moment in the chaos of the exercise, wusuhe took the initiative to rush to himself!

This is a challenge to myself! The tragedy of his sister's death appeared in Wang Dongliang's mind. Who can bear it!

He pushed his horse to wusuhe, and without saying a word, he stabbed him straight to wusuhe's throat!

Although the weapons in their hands are wooden sticks at the moment, their authentic weapons are long guns. Because they are exercises, they use sticks instead of guns. But they are used to using guns, so even if they have sticks in their hands, they still use guns.

Wusuhe just slightly deflected his head and easily avoided Wang Dongliang's stick. Then he slapped his hand on Wang Dongliang's arm and showed his teeth in pain.

If wusuhe gets the stick, he will run away!

"Wusuhe, you bastard, don't leave. You and I will fight to the death today!" Wang Dongliang a roar, chase down!