Chapter 1249

The governor's office.

Hiding in the darkness of a flower bed, Li Qingyu can't help wondering when he sees Liu Shou carrying his luggage and going out.

He didn't come out directly to meet Liu Shouzheng. Although this is the governor's office, it's hard to guarantee that there is no big mouth to spread the news of his arrival. Once it's spread to Bai Chen and Bai Yugui, things won't be very good.

"Liu Tidu, come to the study as soon as possible." Li Qingyu said to Liu Shouzheng with the martial arts method of condensing sound into a line.

Liu Shouzheng, who just walked out of the Chuihua gate and took the horse from his hand, was about to get on the horse and leave. Subconsciously, he was about to look around, but the voice in his ear rang out again: "don't look around. Come to the study quickly. I have something important to tell you!"

Liu Shouzheng confirmed that it was Li Qingyu's voice. He couldn't help wondering: "when did Li Qingyu sneak into my governor's office? What does he mean by his sneaky arrival at this time? Is there another moth coming out? "

He faintly feels that Li Qingyu is secretly looking for himself at this time. It's certainly not a good thing. Maybe he's trying to sow dissension between himself and Bai Chen. It's better not to see him, so that he won't cheat him again after seeing him. Li Qingyu's ability to deceive, in the end, how strong, but he deeply understood.

So he raised his foot to get on the horse, but just as he got on the horse's back, the horse only took two steps, then suddenly fell to the ground with a flop, and rolled on the ground. If it wasn't for Liu Shouzheng's quick action, a forward somersault jump, and landing steadily, he would be in a mess.

"Liu Tidu, if you don't listen to me today, you can't get out of this door." When Li Qingyu saw that Liu Shouzheng didn't listen to him, he said impolitely that since the negotiation couldn't be completed, he should be strong. This is Li Qingyu's style of doing things.

Liu Shouzheng couldn't immediately find out Li Qingyu and slap him in the face!

Damn, I haven't seen such a bully! Is there any reason?

However, although this guy is angry, he knows Li Qingyu's character more or less. That's what he said. He knows that if he doesn't see Li Qingyu, he really can't go out.

So he rushed to his men who had just brought him a horse and had not left, and said, "how do you do things? Let you bring me a good horse, why do you bring me such a horse? Thanks to me, or I will be killed by you! Go back and change one for me! Just wait for me here. "

Seeing the accident, the man shivered all over. He didn't know what to do. It seemed that he didn't have a deep understanding of the meaning of the governor. Then he was a little relieved and complained again and again. Then he led the horse away and quickly went back to change horses.

"Waste! It's all rubbish! What's the use of raising you? "

Liu Shouzheng pretends to be angry and reenters the Chuihua gate and walks into his study.

Chuihuamen is the gate of the inner and outer houses of Jiekai. Inside is the inner house of the governor's house, and outside is the place where the servants live.

When Liu Shouzheng came into his study, he found that Li Qingyu was sitting peacefully in his usual chair waiting for him. When he saw him, he narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "the governor is carrying his luggage. Is this going to travel all night? Don't know where to go? "

Liu Shouzheng stood on the spot, his face full of anger. No matter whose home is inexplicably intruded, and act wantonly, ignoring the existence of the master, the heart will not be happy.

"Li Qingyu, don't you care where I'm going? I'd like to ask you, what do you want to do when you sneak into my house so late? Isn't that a gentleman's behavior? " Liu Shouzheng said angrily that although his realm was not high, he was the governor of a city after all. He had been in the upper position for a long time, and there was a sense of dignity between his eyebrows.

"I have nothing to do for the safety of Lord Tidu. Please forgive me. Sit down. I have something to talk to the governor. Anyway, we have just won a battle through sincere cooperation, and we will certainly cooperate more closely in the future. We don't have to make it look like a sword pulling out a crossbow every time we meet, do we? "

As soon as Li Qingyu waved, a chair flew under Liu Shouzheng's buttocks.

Liu Shouzheng's nose was about to be crooked, and his heart said: "you dog day Li Qingyu really doesn't treat himself as an outsider. This is Lao Tzu's home, Lao Tzu's study, OK? You're a good dog. You've turned away from the guest. "

Although he was depressed, he sat down and said, "Li Qingyu, don't be alarmist. For my safety? What's my danger? "

"Lord Tidu, if I'm not wrong, you must have talked with Bai Chen and Bai Yugui?"

"How about talking about it, how about not talking about it?"

"Did you talk about that video? I don't know how you talked about it, but now I can tell you that the video I gave you was fake. "


"The Bai Chen in the video is true, but the words Bai Chen said are all my dubbing. Oh, do you understand dubbing? It's adding sound to a video. This is a very simple technology on our side. It's so simple that a junior high school student can do it. "

Although Li Qingyu's tone was calm, it set off a storm in Liu Shouzheng's heart!

You know, just before, when he talked with Bai Chen and Bai Yugui, Bai Chen himself admitted that the video was true! It's true that he asked Li Qingyu to record it in person, and he also recorded one for Bai Yugui. Why does Li Qingyu now say that the video is fake? Which one of them is lying?

It's easy to understand if Li Qingyu is lying. Although they have cooperated once, Li Qingyu is an anti thief after all. Naturally, his purpose is to alienate himself from Bai Chen and Bai Yugui.

But what if it's Bai Chen who lies? What does he mean by that? This is a little bit of thinking, very scared!

"You may not believe me. I have the original video that I haven't dealt with. You can have a look."

Li Qingyu took mobile phone as like as two peas and opened a video and handed it to Liu Shouzheng. Liu Shouzheng took a look, the video was exactly the same as before, but the voice be quite different. In this video, the meaning of Bai Chen and the video phase he saw before were white, rather than to turn white.

After watching the video, Liu Shouzheng has a vague judgment in his heart. I'm afraid that this video is true. He knows Bai Chen, and this is Bai Chen's character. When he watched the previous video, he always wondered how Bai Chen could make such a decision, and even suspected that the video was fake. It's only because Li Qingyu points out the best way for him and Bai Chen that he cooperates with Li Qingyu regardless of whether the video is true or false.

But he didn't say what he thought, just said: "Li Qingyu, your words are opposite. How can I believe you? How do I know which of the two videos is true and which is false? "