Chapter 1255

Qian Dafei is a deputy general in the army. Under Yue Lei, his position is very high. He is the most brave in battle, and he has a temper. He can't be oppressed by others!

But this guy is not married until now, his parents died early, and now he is a lonely man, so he is not afraid of Bai Chen's threat at all. He takes off and kills Bai Chen with a knife!

Bai Chen is surrounded by two super guards. Hong Shaoqian is still casting a spell to control the wine bowls and wine jars floating in the air. Naturally, he can't stop Qian Dafei. However, another middle-aged man in Tsing Yi takes a step. He has a sword in his hand and suddenly falls towards Qian Dafei. The light of the sword cuts across the sky, just like the setting sun of a long river, Straight at the head of strong light!

Qian Daguang is an army commander. His strength is to command thousands of troops to fight in the battlefield, not to fight alone. If Qian Daguang and this middle-aged man in Qingyi are given 1000 soldiers and horses respectively, Qian Daguang will be able to command his own soldiers and horses, not only to kill each other's soldiers and horses, but also to take off the head of the middle-aged man in Qingyi. But now, Qian Daguang has no ability to fight back, Only to die!

Seeing that the sunset like sword light of Qingyi people is about to kill Qian Daguang, a sharp flying sword suddenly flies in from the outside of the post house. A gorgeous light is passing in the air, whistling at the sunset like sword light of Qingyi middle-aged people!


The two sword lights collided with each other in an instant and gave out a loud bang. The two powerful sword lights all broke in an instant, and then the sudden flying sword flew back!

At this time, a middle-aged man appeared on the ridge of the south house of the post house. He was dressed in gray homespun clothes, hemp shoes under his feet, and his face was expressionless. He reached for his flying sword and looked at Bai Chen with sharp eyes.

The person of white Chen one side all a Leng, who all didn't think of, these big old men in the army unexpectedly still have reinforcements!

White Chen is facial expression big change, lose voice to say: "you are Tian Yufeng!"

It was Tian Yuqing who came here. In the battle a few days ago, Tian Yuqing showed his true colors when he killed Bai Wuyu. Since then, he has no longer disguised himself. After all, he has rebelled and there is no need to disguise himself.

Bai Chen had seen Tian Yuqing kill Bai Wuyu, the elder of Bai family, before, so he was surprised to see him at the moment.

"Now I'm not Tian Yufeng, but Tian Yuqing." Tian Yuqing said lightly.

"What are you doing here?" Bai Chen feels that the situation is not very good.

"To collect the debt! Pay back the debt that your Bai family owes me Tian Yuqing said.

"Bai Yue killed your wife that year. You not only killed Bai Yue, but also killed the elder of Bai family a few days ago. How can you collect the debt? It's my Bai family that should ask you for a debt! "

"Bai Yue killed the woman I loved most before. It was his fault. If the Bai family punished Bai Yue at the beginning and gave me justice, only Bai Yue had a grudge against me. Bai family and I had no grudge, but you Bai family all helped him cheat me. When I walked in and punished Bai Yue, you Bai family wanted to chase me, so you Bai family were all wrong! I'm going to kill all your white family members! " Tian Yuqing said darkly.

"Ha ha ha, Tian Yuqing, you are so big. You are the only one?" Bai Chen laughs wildly.

"I'm not alone, of course! I know how many kilos Tian Yuqing has Tian Yuqing said lightly.

When his voice fell to the ground, Bai Chen and his subordinates saw figures appear on the roof of the post house. There were more than 250 people in a circle!

Zhou Xianguang deployed more than 500 experts to infiltrate Yunzhong city. Only half of them appeared here, including a Cheng, a Xin, Ding Silu, Yang Siping, Tang Sixin, Gu Tianhang, Liu Jiayi, Deng Yuqi, Xiao Zhu, an jilena, Xue Fangfang, and so on. Although Tian Yuqing is the highest among these people, But the leader is Gu Tianhang. Because Gu Tianhang's overall view and command ability are much stronger than Tian Yuqing's.

Another group also has more than 250 people. The leader of the group is Bai Huanfeng, the leader of Tiandu school. He has gone to the family home of the military camp to intercept another group of people sent by Bai Chen.

Poor Bai Chen thought that he had arranged very carefully. He didn't know that everything was under control, but he didn't know that everything was under the surveillance of the secret service personnel of Tianbing!

White Chen's facial expression then some ugliness, oneself one side but more than 150 people, not as many as the other side people!

A group of experts from Xiangguang city didn't pay attention to Tian Yuqing and others. The middle-aged man in Qingyi, who just had a fight with Tian Yuqing, glanced at the corner of his mouth and said with a sneer: "hum, a group of anti thieves, a mob. Do you think it's great to have more people? Dream, take your life

In the roar, his figure had already shot out like a beam of electricity, straight at Tian Yuqing, and the sword in his hand was powerful enough to split Huashan.


Tian Yuqing also got up, along with a Cheng, a Xin, Ding Silu and Yang Siping!

Ah Cheng and ah Xin are two warmongers. As long as there is a fight, they are not willing to fall behind others. When they see Tian Yuqing trying to steal their limelight, how can they be willing?

Ding Silu and Yang Siping know that their husband's temper can't beat them, so as long as they move, they will move!

Tian Yuqing and the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi are both in the dragon's gate. He easily blocks each other's sword with one sword. At the same time, ah Cheng and ah Xin's colorful silk flies, like two colorful snakes, instantly entangles the two wrists of the man in Tsing Yi. Then they divide each other's legs to both sides, and the other's middle door opens wide!

At the same time, Ding Silu and Yang Siping seem to have two butterflies in their hands. They seem to be empty, but their swords pierce each other's belly and chest!

The shadowless mandarin duck sword is an invisible sword. Only when it is put in the water can it be seen clearly. Although the middle-aged man in Qingyi has a high level, he has already realized that Tian Yuqing is the most difficult of his five enemies, so he puts 80% of his energy on Tian Yuqing, and unexpectedly he doesn't find Ding Silu and Yang Siping's shadowless mandarin duck sword!

When he found out that this was the only way to kill Tian Yuqing, his hands were busy dealing with Tian Yuqing, and his legs were entangled by a Cheng and a Xin, so he could not spare his hand to deal with the two swords. Finally, he was stabbed in the abdomen by two swords, and one sword pierced his chest!

Ding Silu's and Yang Siping's swords rotate slightly counter clockwise at the same time. They even draw a big circle on the chest of the people in Qingyi. When they withdraw their swords, the part cut off in the middle will separate from each other's body and fall to the ground with a piece of blood!

"Wife, the circle you two drew is not very round!"

Ah Cheng said something disgusting. He shook the colored silk with ah Xin. The body of the middle-aged man in green also fell on the ground with a whimper. Blood splashed everywhere. It was shocking and creepy!