Chapter 1349

The officers and soldiers soon came to the city and launched an attack on Tianyu city!

Before, the battle against Tianyu city was too smooth. Modody thought that with strong city walls and advanced weapons, he would be able to easily block the siege troops. But when the enemy began to attack the city, he found that he despised the enemy!

Although the rebel army has advanced weapons, these advanced weapons are limited after all, only enough for more than 1000 people of the star river fleet. These more than 1000 people scattered around the city walls can only play the role of firepower support point. It is impossible to suppress the enemy's attack on a large scale!

At the beginning of the offensive and defensive war between the two sides, the officers and men surrounded Tianyu city with a large number of people. They did not separate the main attack from the secondary attack. All the four walls were the main attack!

Although the officers and soldiers did not have cannons, they had catapults, which were exquisitely made and had amazing launching capacity. They could easily throw 20-30 Jin of stones onto the wall.

They also made firebombs, loaded flammable sulfur and sawdust in wooden boxes, coated them with animal grease, ignited them, and then fired them onto the wall.

After the wooden box falls to the ground, it will be broken, and the inflammables inside will immediately burn up. If it splashes on the rebel soldiers, it can easily ignite their clothes. Even if it does not directly infect the soldiers, the pungent smell of sulfur burning can almost suffocate people!

They also built wooden towers, which were higher than the walls of Tianyu city. The archers of the officers and soldiers started to shoot arrows on them and splashed the arrows on the walls of Tianyu city like raindrops, causing heavy casualties to the volunteers guarding the city.

There are countless officers and soldiers holding shields, carrying the ladder, shouting, as if the tide rushed to the wall below, the ladder frame to the wall above, like ants, struggling to climb up the ladder.

There are hooks on the ladders of the officers and soldiers. When they reach the city wall, they climb on the ladder again, so it is difficult for the garrison to overthrow the ladder. They can only release the rolling stones that have been prepared for a long time, and smash down the enemies who climb up the ladder!

But the soldiers of the enemy are all warriors. They are very agile. Many of them can avoid the attack of rolling stones!

Just one day later, more than 5000 volunteers were killed!

Jiang Yichen feels that things are not good. The next day, he starts to mobilize the people in Tianyu city to stand up and guard the city! Those who can fight join the army, while those who can't are responsible for transporting materials to the soldiers on the city wall. Because of the huge consumption of rolling wood and stone on the city wall, Jiang Yichen called on the people to tear down their houses and transport all the stones and wood to the city wall.

In order to set an example for the people in the city, Jiang Yichen ordered to dismantle the city Lord's office and all levels of Yamen in the city! Those people who still want to bear the burden of not demolishing their houses will not be able to carry on as soon as they see the posture of the rebel army.

Under Jiang Yichen's organization and unified command, although the volunteers suffered heavy casualties, they persisted for three days under the crazy attack of officers and soldiers! Also caused heavy damage to officers and soldiers!

In three days, the number of casualties exceeded 30000! More than twice as much as the rebels!

There are Wushen battalions in the army, and there are countless experts in each camp. As a result, the siege war has become what it is now, with so many casualties! Even the Wushen camp is dead. More than 30 experts who peep at the gate of xuanjing are all shot in the head by the enemy with Lingjing bullets!

The commander-in-chief of the army was completely mad. He gave orders directly. After destroying the city, he slaughtered it for three days! Women and property are all robbed by soldiers themselves. They don't have to pay for the money they get!

The command of the commander in chief is like a shot in the arm for the whole army. The soldiers who are attacking the city seem to see the women and treasures all over the city waving to them, and they begin to fight for their lives!

However, the order quickly spread to Tianyu city. Some of the people in Tianyu city didn't actively defend the city. They thought they were just ordinary people. No matter who occupied Tianyu City, their situation would not change. At this time, they heard that the enemy would destroy the city when they attacked it. They immediately changed their original attitude!

Nima slaughters the city! Once the city is broken, the lives of myself, my family, and my relatives and friends will all be finished! Women still have to be looped and forked. Instead of being abused and killed by them at that time, it's better to go to the city wall now and fight with them to the end!

So the enemy's order of slaughtering the city not only aroused the enthusiasm of the siege officers and soldiers, but also mobilized the enthusiasm of the city guards. Both sides were willing to fight, and the intensity of the battle was increased by a generation!

Jiang Yichen once again showed his excellent command ability. Under his unified command, the materials for guarding the city were continuously sent to the city wall. The wounded soldiers were carried down in time and sent to the temporary medical center, and then the reserves quickly went up to continue the fight!

When the sun set, the army finally stopped attacking again, and the rebels held their city again!

At night, Jiang Yichen, with a few bodyguards, stood on the wall, looking through the crenels of the wall and looking at the dark camp of the enemy. His face was as deep as water, and he had a lot of thoughts.

He knew that the possibility of the enemy launching an attack at night was very small. They were tired and needed to rest. Moreover, their poor vision at night was not conducive to their large-scale movement. On the contrary, it was better for the volunteers to wait on the wall.

No accident, the enemy is likely to be the same as the previous two days, waiting until after dawn to launch a fierce attack, but Jiang Yichen did not know how long the rebels could last!

Through these days of fighting, the string of the rebel soldiers has collapsed to the extreme! At any time after the collapse, Jiang Yichen will not be surprised!

Jiang Yichen stood on the wall, looking at the dark night, looked up and sighed. He took the guards around the wall and made a thorough inspection. He told the sentinels to go back to rest.

Jiang Yichen fell asleep, but he woke up on time the next morning. Just as he was about to go to the city wall, a soldier came to him and told him in surprise: the enemy is retreating!

Jiang Yichen was stunned. Then he asked people to inform the other leaders of the rebel army immediately, and he went to the wall for the first time.

He was surprised to find that the enemy really retreated! But not all of them have retreated, only part of them have retreated. In short, the enemy's encirclement has become thinner. One third of their barracks disappeared, but they still surrounded Tianyu city.

His brow immediately wrinkled up, constantly tossing in his mind: what happened to the enemy? Why was one third of the troops transferred overnight? Is there an urgent problem in other places that needs to be suppressed? However, the Sima family has a large number of soldiers and a million strong soldiers. Even if something goes wrong in other places, they can also transfer troops from other places. Don't they have to transfer the troops that are besieging Tianyu city? What the hell is going on

When he was wondering, all the other leaders of the rebel army went up to the city wall after they got the news. They were all in a daze. They didn't know why the enemy suddenly withdrew some of their troops.

Do they feel that the situation is set and they can't use so many people, so they withdraw some of them first?