Chapter 1361

In recent days, while reorganizing the army and boosting morale, Li Qingyu has been thinking about how to break the enemy and break the siege of Tianyu city.

In such a big city, there are few enemies on all sides, but there are only a few defenders. It's not reliable to stick to them, and it's impossible to take the initiative to attack them. Even if Li Qingyu has been promoted to Zhuji dayuanman, he can't succeed!

With Li Qingyu's current state strength, even if he is suppressed by the military, he can still dominate a region by his own strength and take charge of his own affairs. However, guarding the city is a systematic project, and there must be no problem at any point of the whole city wall. As long as one point is broken, no matter how firm Li Qingyu's defense is, all previous achievements will be wasted.

After thinking about it, Li Qingyu came up with a more dangerous but promising way.

When he told everyone his method, they all looked at each other.

"I think so! It's a dangerous idea, but at least it has a chance of success. If we don't do it, it's estimated that the city will be destroyed and people will die. " Tian Xingbin was the first to make a statement.

"Right! Now we are all dead horse doctors, trying to live from the dead. The leader's strategy has a good chance of success! That's it! " Jiang Yichen also said decisively.

"I think it works! Once we succeed, we can win with less and annihilate the enemy thoroughly! "

"That's it! This time, we'll give them a counter charge. Damn, we've been defending all this time. We've got a lot of losers! "

"Done! Grandma, it's time for these officers and soldiers to see our real strength! "

Everyone is excited to express their position!

Time doesn't wait. After a group of excited guys leave the meeting, they immediately act according to Li Qingyu's arrangement.

What happened in the city is unknown to Xu Gaoyuan outside the city. But that morning, the Grand Marshal of Sky Patrol flew into Tianyu City, but Xu plateau knew it.

In the past few days, the Grand Marshal of Sky Patrol either hovered over the Tianyu city or walked on the city wall. His huge body almost covered the sky. Raoshi's barracks were far away from the city. Xu Gaoyuan also felt the pressure from the Grand Marshal of Sky Patrol.

Xu Gaoyuan felt something unusual. He wanted to find out what happened to the ROC, where it came from, what it came for, whether it had a master or not?

Because when Li Qingyu entered the city, he hid behind the sky patrol and didn't show up. All Xu Gaoyuan knew was that a super Mirs had entered the Tianyu City, but he didn't know that Li Qingyu had also entered the city.

He wanted to investigate the situation of the Grand Marshal of the sky patrol more clearly, but there was no way. The four doors of Tianyu city were closed all day, and even a mouse couldn't get in, let alone send agents in.

Xu Gaoyuan was not flustered either. He just followed his own steps and mobilized his troops step by step to re deploy the siege of Tianyu city and prepare to attack the city again.

In his opinion, although the ROC is unusual, it can only bring partial influence to the siege at best. In any case, it will not change the outcome of the battle. After all, there are too few rebel soldiers guarding the city. There are more than 20000 soldiers, with an average of 5000 on each wall. How can they defend the attack of tens of thousands of people?

On the third day when Li Qingyu came to Tianyu City, under the suggestion of Xu Gaoyuan, the commander-in-chief of the army again gave the order to attack the city! 150000 people divided into four directions, launched a no dead corner attack on the city wall!

From the beginning of the battle, it became white hot!

There are not many defenders in Tianyu City, but there are still many people. In recent days, Li Qingyu and Jiang Yichen have mobilized almost all the people.

Li Qingyu directly opened the Garrison's granary and paid for it with grain. Everyone who went up to the city wall and directly participated in the battle had a big nest of 15 yellow rice noodles a day. Everyone who helped to do logistics work in the city had a big nest of 10 yellow rice noodles a day!

Fifteen big buns are enough for a big belly man!

If someone died on the wall of the city, his family and children, the volunteers promised to support them for a lifetime, can sign an agreement on the spot!

It can be said that Li Qingyu's policy is to burn the boat and let it go!

The food in Tianyu city can last for more than a month. That's under the condition of frugality, regardless of the life and death of the common people. Li Qingyu made it like this. In seven or eight days, the food in the city will have to be made up!

If the enemy doesn't fight, they will starve to death!

Li Qingyu is to cut off everyone's back. Once a counter charge is launched later, the three armed forces must fight with their lives!

This battle, won, ahead is another day, lost, give your life out!

The government and army have already sent out a letter that the city will be slaughtered on the day of its destruction. Therefore, even if Li Qingyu does not come up with these policies, the volunteers and the people will fight with their lives. With these policies, almost everyone has played their greatest potential!

Even those ordinary people who have never participated in the battle are extremely brave. They will put down the rolling stones that have been prepared for a long time and smash the siege officers and soldiers to cry for their parents and beat back the enemy's attack wave after wave!

On the highland in the distance, a big man with big body, sword eyebrows and leopard eyes and a face full of flesh was riding on the horse. Looking at the siege in front of him, his eyebrows turned into a knot.

This man is the governor of Fengrui City, and also the Grand Marshal of this troop. His name is Wu Shaojun. His name sounds a little gentle, but he is a real irascible man!

Next to Wu Shaojun, there is a man of 37 or 8 years old, riding on a sika deer. His long hair is pinned with a bamboo hairpin. His gray Taoist robe is embroidered with blue eight diagrams on his chest.

This man is no other than Xu Gaoyuan, the first counselor of the army. He is not only the first counselor of the army, but also a military strategist.

He had a good face, thick eyebrows, big eyes, square nose, and a silver basin like face with a trace of heroism, which made people feel trust at a glance.

He has a high position in the army, and the commander-in-chief Wu Shaojun basically obeys his instructions.

Of course, there are exceptions. For example, after Wu Shaojun ordered to destroy the city, he was strongly opposed by Xu Gaoyuan three days after the city was slaughtered. However, Wu Shaojun did not listen to Xu Gaoyuan and insisted on giving the order!

At the moment, Xu Gaoyuan, like Wu Shaojun, is frowning - the battle in front of him is beyond his imagination!

"What's the matter? Isn't the enemy less than 20000? Why are there so many people on the wall? Is our information wrong? " Wu Shaojun said angrily.

Xu Gaoyuan said with a bitter smile: "marshal, on the night when the rebels broke through, we captured a lot of prisoners, including many senior officers of the rebel army. They all agreed that there were less than 20000 defenders in the city. So, this information can't be wrong. "

"So how did so many people come from above the wall? Can the rebels do tricks? " Wu Shaojun said.

"The rebels won't do tricks, but they will mobilize the people in Tianyu city! Although Tianyu city is not very big, there are more than 300000 residents in it. It's very easy to select 50000 or 60000 people with the strength of World War I from these people... "Xu plateau sighed.