CH 52.1

Originally E ChangGuang could hold on for a few more months, but as of late, her spiritual energy expenditure had increased, so she was quickly walking towards her death.

A few days ago she could still have conversations with Su TingYun, but after that she did not even have the energy to talk. Occasionally she would smile, ‘I need to conserve my energy to prepare for my final moments, so go play by yourself.’

Su TingYun was grieving without comparison.

Although their time together was short, she admired this lady. Three thousand years ago she was a heaven defying powerhouse, and she managed to keep her sanity after three thousand years of loneliness. She could even face her death with such indifference.

This world, was really sinister

It was just like what E ChangGuang said, have hope, and don’t think about the disparity, and you will keep on living.

These few days, Su TingYun did not have the heart to cultivate. She constantly checked up on the sleeping E ChangGuang turning who is turning old, then abruptly waking up, and then turn herself young again. After repeating it for a few times, she became even weaker.

These changes could be seen with the naked eye, just like a candle, the fire gradually becomes weaker. Su TingYun wanted to advise her not to, but after some thinking, she decided not to.

Just living for a few more days did not have much meaning to E ChangGuang, living a reckless and unrestrained life was better.

She will definitely be the brightest star in the night sky.

Today, E ChangGuang had worn a sapphire blue skirt, her hair had completely turned white, her hands also looked the same as the hands of an elderly, only by looking at her face did she look younger.

‘Come, help me coil up my hair.’ she didn’t have the energy to do her hair anymore.

Su TingYun’s hands and legs of were not dexterous, how could she style that hair style. She could only comb E ChangGuang’s hair straight.’

‘You are not born pretty, and yet you still don’t dress up yourself.’ E ChangGuang slightly knitted her eyebrows, her black eyebrows had also turned white recently. It matched her white hair and delicate egg shaped face. It brought a unique sense of appeal, it’s just the words she says, they really hurtful to the listener.

‘What have you been doing for the seventy years that you have been alive, don’t even know how it combes the flying immortal bun hair style.’ E ChangGuang’s hands trembled when holding the comb, willfully combing her hair not too quickly or too slowly. She even allowed Su TingYun to stay by her side and learn. Even at her deathbed, neither did she impart any magical techniques nor give her any magical treasures. She only taught her how to comb her hair.

Su TingYun bit her lips hard, mimicking her hand motions to coil up her hair. When the hair was done, tears quietly streamed down.

After her hair was done, E ChangGuang gradually sat up, she turned one round at the same spot and said, ‘Bring out your friend’s physical body.’


‘Quickly, don’t dilly dally.’

Su TingYun took out Li XinMei’s body and under E ChangGuang’s demands, she possessed Xiao Mei’s body. When she opened her eyes, they had eye contact at the same time.

That pair of eyes that could suck out one’s soul was now emitting a faint white radiance. Su TingYun had zero understanding of the universal formation of eyes. She saw all kinds of formations using those eyes, FuXi eight trigrams, Solar luna formation, and the Envelope world formation.

The formation insignias entered her pair of eyes at this very moment, making her eyes feel a stinging pain, her tears were streaming non-stop.

It felt like two rods of bamboo were keeping her eyelids open, preventing her from closing them, she could only only accept those painful lights that were constantly pounding assaulting her.

‘Your friend’s cultivation is too low, and is even inflicted with a disease. The only befitting thing I can give her would only be this pair of eyes.’ Her voice was no longer hoarse like the past, instead it became free and natural, pleasant to the ears. ‘That beast’s sleeping schedule does not have a pattern, so you have to be cautious since I cannot protect you anymore.’

Su TingYun’s throat became stifled when she heard these words, her heart left like sea water had drowned it, it felt both bitter and astringent. Currently, all her eyes could see are formation markings and writings, she could not see her surroundings, she did not know what condition E ChangGuang was in now.

E ChangGuang’s eyes now did not have any more brilliance, her pupils in her eyes even disappeared.

She was originally weak. On top of that, she dug out her universal formation eyes, so she was blind now. E ChangGuang saw that there was someone shedding tears incessantly. Although her eye sockets are now concave, she still had her awareness, just that it is getting weaker. She gently laughed and turned her head to look at the corpse beside her.

Wearing a flying immortal bun hairstyle, and clothes that did not fit its body.

Thank goodness the person I waited for was you. This allowed me to live my last years of life with some excitement. The long wait was worth it. E ChangGuang sighed lightly, then said: ‘Oh, by the way Su TingYun.’

Her voice became increasingly indiscernible.

Su TingYun did not know which topic to talk about. She felt like her entire body was like a gust of wind.

‘When I kick the bucket, those beautiful skirts, wear then if you’d like, hahaha.’

These were E ChangGuang’s last words before departing from this world. Letting heaven and earth hear her final voice, that was an unbridled and straightforward laugh.

Su TingYun’s mental energy was in a mess, however at this moment, within the haze, she saw a twinkling starlight.

Although her eyes still hurt to the point of claiming her life, those formation insignias had faded away. Su TingYun rubbed her eyes and when she opened her eyes, then she saw countless light blue starry lights floating in the air.

This place is usually pitch black, and only some weak light rays, but now, it felt like the entire sky was filled with glistening stars. It was like fireflies were dancing in the night sky.

The light blue stars did not last too long, after a while all of them disappeared. Su TingYun sat on the soft animal skin cushion for a long time. She touched the soft fur for a long time, she felt that there was still some of senior E’s warmth left on it.

There is a universal pouch on top of the animal skin cushion. It was left behind E ChangGuang. As E ChangGuang’s consciousness had fully dissipated, the universal pouch is now ownerless treasure. Placed on top of the animal skin cushion, it meant that the item was left for Su TingYun.

Su TingYun opened and took a look. Inside it were a few neatly placed female clothing. At the top of it, was her favorite hundred pleat crimson skirt.