
"Smoothing Qi and Blood? "Hmm, I do feel that things haven't been going well recently, but to spend the night with an extremely masculine man, you can't be the one being mentioned, right?" Li Bing'er thought about it, then spoke out.

Damn, it's not like I'm still like a flower. Although Li Bing'er is a big star, even though you and I are so close, and you didn't even mention me when I drew circles on your body just now, but to put it bluntly, you still have a depressed heart, hahahaha, stop pretending to be serious, let me be honest with you, in other words, as long as you don't reject me, I will blame you for tonight. Hehe.

"Sister Li, look at my Yang energy thread. Here, right, here, and look at this mole on my arm. Look at your arm, you have a mole too." I hastily spoke again and even looked at Li Bing'er's arm. It was quite a coincidence that she and I both had a small mole on our arms.

"Eh? Really? Is there even a method of lecturing?" Li Bing'er said in surprise.

"Our nevi is complementary nevus, which means to say that you are Yin and Yang, we are complementary to each other. Of course, you should also be clear about the yin and yang energy in Sister Li." I coaxed again.

When I said the words' Yin-Yang Fusion ', Li Bing'er's face immediately turned even redder, and I obviously couldn't let go of this crucial point. My right hand once again slid downwards, continuing to dot the inside of Li Bing'er's thigh, and drew a semicircle on it.

"Eh, you!" Li Bing'er's body suddenly trembled, and I felt her breathing become heavier.

"You see, I only had this reaction when I came into contact with your most ordinary body. You can imagine to what extent our complementarities have reached." I managed to pull it off and kept my face straight.

"This is the most normal kind of physical contact?" Li Bing'er was extremely shocked.

I slightly nodded my head, not caring about her doubtful gaze at all. After that, I directly rubbed my entire palm against her jade leg, with a hint of a provocation in my tone, and at this time, Li Bing'er couldn't sit still any longer. No one could endure my provocation, no matter how I said it.

"Eh, don't, don't move!" Li Bing'er's face was already extremely red, and according to the information that I had sent back with my finger, hahahaha, women are indeed made of water, this Li Bing'er is obviously one of them.

Oye, I am sure that Li Bing'er will definitely ask me to accompany her tonight. If she is still unmoved by these continuous provocations, then she will definitely let her jade-like hands stay on the night shift. Maybe she will even secretly cut her nails.

No, don't ask me how do I know about such nonsense like manicure, when it comes to men and women, it's basically the same. As the saying goes, 'seven emotions, six desires, and dominating lives', no one can ignore this.

"En, Sister Li, do you think that what I have said makes sense?" I withdrew my hand, but when I spoke, my expression was as refined as ever.

However, I still maintained the demeanor that a man should have after today. Especially under my handsome appearance, this Li Bing'er had already been conquered by me a long time ago.

"That does make sense. Let's go upstairs." Li Bing'er thought about it, then stood up.

When Li Bing'er stood up, I specially observed the seat she was sitting on. When I saw that the clothes on the seat were a little wet, I was even more certain that Li Bing'er had been provoked by me to the utmost limit.

If she were to directly put Li Bing'er on top of me right now, she will definitely pretend that she doesn't want to, and furthermore, she will be moving around randomly. Tsk, how could I not know her current state of mind?

Haha, I did not come here for nothing tonight. As for tonight, I did have a small pill in my purse, depending on the situation, Li Bing'er was indeed like thirty wolves and forty tigers, so I had to explode. On the other hand, I had to save my energy, since I still had to go to the Jade Sea Park tomorrow to learn Purple-qi Arts from the Old Master Huang, I still had to learn how to drive after that.

I thought to myself, and then followed Li Bing'er to a room.

The entire room is quaint, the first thing I see is a large bed, basically two meters multiplied by two meters, it is enough to roll around, then I looked at the balcony and the bathroom, hmm, this bathroom is not bad, there is also a mirror as tall as a person in there, this can be used for synchronization.

"Hey, what are you looking at?" Li Bing'er saw that I was looking around and immediately opened her mouth.

"It's like this. Let me see the feng shui here." I deliberately put my hand under my chin and looked thoughtful.

"You understand feng shui?" Li Bing'er pulled up the curtains and turned.

Hehe, you pulled the curtains! Wahahaha, I knew that you were feeling a bit depressed. No matter if it was because you were afraid of the paparazzi or something, I will control you tonight.

"The sofa, the bathroom, the bed, etc." The sofa, the bathroom, the bed. I looked around and as I spoke, I moved the sofa to the side of the TV cabinet.

If you don't turn on the TV, you can reflect the scene in the room. If you put the sofa here, you can also see the synchronization. Hahahaha, I'm really a genius.

"Oh oh, then I'll take a bath first!" Li Bing'er nodded, and then walked into the bathroom.

I don't know if this Li Bing'er is shy but it's the first time she's calling me handsome guy, since she gives me the impression that this beauty is a bit strange. I don't dare say anything to her, if her fans discover me, they would definitely gang up on me.

Seeing Li Bing'er finally take her pajamas to the bathroom, I walked to the balcony and lit up a cigarette. I couldn't hold it in anymore, I wanted to smoke, this is my first time taking on a celebrity business, if there are still people coming back like this, then why not?

While I was smoking on the balcony, I heard the shouts coming from the room next door.

"Aiya, my god, this spinning is a bit too fierce, you tormenting little demon!"

"Brother Yang, do you want me to slow down?"

"I can take it!"

Unexpectedly, I heard the movements of Yang Kunkun and Rotating Mei, and didn't expect that they would have already started not long ago. As for Li Bing'er and I, we weren't anxious at all.

When I finished my cigarette, I took the opportunity to spray a breath of freshener into my mouth and, to reinforce myself, took a gloss.

After around half an hour, Li Bing'er finally walked out from the bathroom. She was dressed in a loose gold robe, and was even sitting on the bed wearing some lotions, that lotion looked really beautiful, hehe, it made me feel like a little deer was bumping around.

"Sister Li, your skin is so good. However, I feel that if I have the time, it would be better to apply it with yang liquid!" I looked at Li Bing'er and asked.

"What brand is the yang liquid?" Li Bing'er stopped what she was doing and asked.

"Let's talk about this after I finish my bath. Sister Li, don't raise the temperature of the air conditioner when you're cold." I made a perfunctory comment and headed straight for the bathroom.

When I stepped into the washroom, I directly shut the door. Looking at my handsome appearance in the mirror, I was even more pleased with myself. But after a short moment, I looked at the clothes on the sink beside me.

Wow, didn't Li Bing'er wash this down? I have to take a deep breath. I can't look at these things, or they'll make me dizzy.

As soon as I took off my clothes, I began to wash up. As a man, taking a bath, brushing my teeth, washing my hair, and so on, they were all in one place and didn't seem to be on any level at all. Unlike women who took part, I finished washing up in a matter of moments.

Clean, clean, handsome, this is me, different fireworks, hahahaha.

When I pushed open the bathroom's door, Li Bing'er was already waiting for me on the bed. Although she was still wearing her pajamas, but her face was still a bit red, and I didn't know how she would start tonight.

"I didn't expect you to be so handsome after washing up." Li Bing'er said softly, and at this moment, I had already crawled into her blanket.

"Then let's begin." My eyes were extremely clear, but I knew that I had to start provoking her in the next moment. I didn't know why, but this kind of famous celebrity gave me a strong desire to conquer her.