Chapter 16: General affairs department

Chapter 16: General affairs department


Morning, at 8 am.

Dong Xuebing was walking towards Western District StateSecurity Branch Bureau. He was still thinking about the ridiculous goal he set for himself two days ago. But when heremembers that he had not even reportedfor work and he was already dreaming ofbecoming a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, heblushed. If his mother or his classmates knew about his dreams, they would surely laugh at him. But Dong Xuebing willnot give up so easily. He will work hard to achieve this goal.

Western District, Zhixin Road.

West side of a cross junction.

Looking at the time, it was only 8.20 am. There was stilltime before 9 am. Dong Xuebing walkedover to a roadside stall and bought an egg crepe for breakfast. He ate the crepe behind a pirated book store. He wasfamiliar with this area. The venue for his written test, No. 15 Middle School, was just ahead. Just across thewalkways was the South entrance to Jiangong Hospital. Further east was thenorthern entrance of Tao Ran Ting gardens.

Just after Dong Xuebing finishes his crepe, he saw a busentering a bus stop in front of him.

A man alighted from the bus. All the passers-by turned tolook at him. He was a young man about 1.9m in height and about 150 Kg inweight. He should be about Dong Xuebing's age and had a fierce look. All theother office workers at the bus stop thoughthe was a hooligan and stepped away from him.

After alighting from the bus, the tall and fat man lookedaround and walked towards Dong Xuebing.

When Dong Xuebing thought that he was going to be beaten upby this big size hooligan, that big size man squatsdown on a step 1 m away from him. He reachedout his hand and patted a dirty stray cat sleeping on the steps. He stroked thecat, and the cat was meowing and lickingthat man's hand. This material is rooted in n0velbin★

"Are you hungry?" That man asked the cat gently. "What doyou want to eat? I will go and buy now."

The cat was meowing and playfully scratching that man withits claws.

That big size man paused and scratched his headembarrassedly. "I am also here to report, and I am also looking for theoffice."

"Huh? What a coincidence." Both kept quiet. Dong Xuebingcould feel this person was not good at talking like him. He cleared his throatand said: "Errrmmm... My name is Dong Xuebing."

That big size man smiled: "I am Sun Zhuang. I have justgraduated from University. My friends in school callme Zhuang Zhi (means pillar in Chinese)."

Both shook hands and walked into an office nearest to them.They entered the correct office. A staff member in civilian clothes told themto wait there. A Deputy Chief from the Political Section office entered theroom and go through all the paperwork and told them the rules and regulationswithin the department.

More than an hour past.

The Deputy Chief took a sip of tea: "That's all. The both ofyou will be posted to the General Affairs Department. I heard that the department is short on manpower. Try tofamiliarize yourselves with this place. Tomorrow will be your official firstday. As for your uniforms, we will give it to you when it is ready. Anyway,other than some meetings in the City Bureau, we do not need to wear the StateSecurity uniforms. This is not important."

After finishing what he had to say, he asked the staffmember to show Dong Xuebing and Zhuang Zhi where their office was.

The General Affairs Department was located on the groundfloor. It was a partitioned small office. There were 8 to 9 desks in it.

That staff member from the Political Section office walkedin and said: "We have newcomers. Both are fresh graduates. This is DongXuebing, and this is Sun Zhuang."

Dong Xuebing knew the firstimpression was essential and he modestlysaid: "I am new here and do not know anything. Please guide me along in thefuture. Thank you."

Zhuang Zi heard Dong Xuebing, and he quickly said: "Me too. Please guide us along."

The people in the office look at both of them from head totoe.

One girl in the office laughed. "Don't worry. Once you enterthis office, we are one big family."

That staff member from the Political Section office pointedto the 5-6 people in the office. "Chief Zhou had gone to the doctor? He doesnot seem to be around. This lady is Tan Limei, that is Old Yan, Guo Panwei, GuoShunjie, Changjuan..."