Chapter 36: Fire!

Chapter 36: Fire!

10.30 am.

General Affairs Office.

Guoo Panwei and Guo Shunjie went out with Zhou Changchun forsome errands. Tan Limei and Changjuan also went upstairs to collect the twovery important documents from Li Qing's office. But there was no one at theConfidential Department to receive the documents. It seems that they were stillhaving a meeting. There was only two staff on duty at the counter. But thesedocuments need the leader to acknowledge and signature. Tan Limei and Changjuncould only bring the documents back to DirectorLi Qing.

Dong Xuebing was looking at the attendance sheet when theyreturned. He asked: "You delivered the documents?"

Tan Limei sat down on her chair. "The leader of ConfidentialDocument Department is not around. Director Li told us to send the documentsagain in the afternoon."

Dong Xuebing looked around and saw there were no outsiders.He asked softly: "tan Zhi, is it because I am still under my probation? WhyChief Zhou never pick Zhuang Zhi and me to deliver those important documents?Is he afraid that we will look at the documents?"

Tan Limei laughed. "I am not sure about this. What's wrong?You are jealous of me and Sister Chang?" This content has its origins in n0v£lbin★

Dong Xuebing sulked. "Do I need to? But I just feel that theleader does not seems to trust me."

"It's not he doesn't trust you, it's..." Tan Limei paused fora while and looked around the office. She picked up a document and pretended tobe discussing the document with him. "I had wanted to warn you yesterday. Ithink Chief Zhou might be slightly pissed with you."

Dong Xuebing was shocked. "Impossible... I did not doanything to make him angry."

Tan Limei continued. "This is only my opinion. That day whenyou had the conflict with Guo Shunjie, you purposely did not say you were inChief Zhou's office and lead Guo Shunjie to say those things. Yes. Guo Shunjiewas scolded by Chief Zhou. But have you ever thought that what you did wasforcing Chief Zhou to step in to scold Guo Shunjie? He had no choice as one ofhis subordinates was shouting outside. If he still did not step in, people willlose respect for him."

"Damn!" Dong Xuebing felt this might really be true.

"That's why although Chief Zhou did not say anything, in hisheart... you should know." Tan Limei had been in the government sector for morethan one year. She could see further than Dong Xuebing. "Chief Zhou had askedGuo Shunjie to follow him along for his errands was the leader's art of carrotand stick. Since he had shown that he is the boss of the office, there was noneed to make things worse. At the same time, he was giving you a warning."

Guo Shunjie also stopped speaking. He was laughing in hisheart. Seems like Chief Zhou was not very pleased with Dong Xuebing.

Guo Panwei was also thinking in his heart. Chief Zhou shouldnot trust that Xiao Dong much. If not, he would not initiate this conversationwith both of them.

Branch Bureau's cafeteria.

Dong Xuebing, Tan Limei, and Zhuang Zhi were sitting at asmall table having their lunch. Dong Xuebing was thinking of a way to changeZhou Changchun's impression of him and earn the trust of the two leaders of theGeneral Affairs Office while eating. He was thinking hard, but could not thinkof a good solution. He sighed. It was too complicated to survive in thegovernment sector. If this carries on, it might be years before he could gethis promotion. He needs an opportunity to prove himself.

Dong Xuebing looked around and saw Zhou Changchun and LiQing entering the cafeteria.

Dong Xuebing called out to them. "Chief Zhou, DivisionChief." But they did not hear him and sat down at an empty table not far away.Dong Xuebing sat down embarrassed and continued eating his lunch.

After eating for a while, Li Qing remembered something andfrowned. "Old Zhou, did I unplug the electric kettle in my office?"

Zhou Changchun replied. "I did not notice when we areleaving your office." He knew that the electric kettle in Li Qing's office wasfaulty. No matter how long the water was boiling, it will not stop heatingunless you unplug it. "Shall I go up and check?"

Li Qing replied: "Let's have lunch first."

Dong Xuebing and Tan Limei overheard their conversation.Dong Xuebing wanted to go up to them and offer to check the kettle for them.But he remembered that there were many important documents in Li Qing's officeand most likely he was not allowed to enter. So he did not approach them.

Suddenly there were shouts outside the cafeteria.

Everybody looked out. "What's wrong?"

"Fire. The grey building is on fire!"

