Chapter 103: End of his career?

Chapter 103: End of his career?

Friday morning.

The furious Dong Xuebing had just entered the Branch Bureauand saw Guo Shunjie walking in front of him."

"Brother Guo, congratulations." A young man from PublicSecurity Sixth Bureau was congratulating Guo Shunjie. The link to the origin of this information rests in n0v3lb!n★

Guo Shunjie smiles: "What's there to congratulate? I am onlygoing to attend a training course."

A few other people from the Political Section and theFinance department walked past and greeted Guo Shunjie. "Shunjie, not anyonecan attend the training course at the Party School. Hahaha. You will bepromoted soon. When are you giving us a treat?" The leaders in the Bureau willchange soon, and everyone knew Zhou Guoan favors Guo Shunjie. He even let GuoShunjie have the precious spot of the training course. Any smart people will understandthat Zhou Guoan wants to promote Guo Shunjie to be the Chief of the GeneralAffairs Department. That's why everyone changed their attitude towards him andstart to suck up to him.

Guo Shunjie enjoyed this feeling and even start to behavelike a leader. He smiled and chatted with them.

Dong Xuebing, on the other hand, was feeling what ZhouChangchun had gone through when he was retiring early. As Dong Xuebing hadoffended Zhou Guoan, everyone in the branch was avoiding him like the plague.The football players who were very close to Dong Xuebing stopped interactingwith him. They only nodded to Dong Xuebing as a form of greetings and quicklywalk away. They did not even address him as Chief Dong. No one wants to haveanything to do with Dong Xuebing.

Guo Shunjie turned and saw everyone was ignoring DongXuebing and gave a smirk. Serve you, right!

Dong Xuebing's anger had reached a boiling point. The momenthe arrived back in his office, he called Guo Shunjie into his room.

"What is it?" In the past, Guo Shunjie would still addressDong Xuebing as Chief unwillingly. But today, he did not even greet him. Helooked at Dong Xuebing straight into the eyes with his head held high. His tonewas like someone superior, like Dong Xuebing's leader!

"What's with this attitude? Do you know who you are speakingto?" Dong Xuebing frowned. "Guo Shunjie don't think I don't know what you aredoing. I have been closing one eye when you create some minor problems for me. Butyou are too daring. You even dare to switch the meeting documents and frameyour leader?"

Guo Shunjie stared at Dong Xuebing and replied coldly: "Don'taccuse me!"

"Chief Yan, I want to report something to you." Dong Xuebingsaid directly.

Yan Liang raised his head and looked at Dong Xuebing. "Whatis it?"

Dong Xuebing said: "It is about that the incident of PoliticalCommissar Zhou's meeting documents. I..."

Yan Liang interrupted him: "Go and tell this to PoliticalCommissar Zhou."

"Chief Yan, there are some problems." Dong Xuebing did notcare and continued. "The mistake is not caused by printing and sorting. GuoShunjie was the one who purposely framed me. You should also know that he hadbeen unhappy with me all this while. On the day of the meeting, he sneaked intomy office and switched the documents for Political Commissar Zhou duringlunchtime."

Yan Liang frowned: "Do you have evidence?"

Dong Xuebing replied: "Someone can prove that Guo Shunjiewas alone in the office for a long time during lunch. As for other evidence... Iam still looking for it. Those few pictures of the cakes are still with me. Ifwe can check for fingerprints or..."

Yan Liang shook his head. "Come to me again when you haveconcrete evidence."

Dong Xuebing was not willing to give up. "The Party School'straining course spot was given to Guo Shunjie. How can someone of his characterbe allowed to go for this training? Chief Yan, I hope he will be withdrawn fromthe course until the investigation for this incident is over!"

This was Yan Liang's last day at Western District Branch. Hedoes not want to meddle with these matters. "I want evidence. Without evidence,everything will be useless. You can go and speak to Political Commissar Zhouabout this." Ring, ring, ring. The phone on Yan Liang's desk rang. Yan Lianganswered, and he immediately brightens up. After hanging up the call, he madeanother call. "Minister Lui is arriving. Is everything ready?"

Dong Xuebing could only leave Yan Liang's office dejected.

That's it?

Everything's over?

My career in government service had reached the end?!