Chapter 2213

Although several days have passed, everything is still disturbing. After all, the scene that happened that day was too amazing. Many people on Earth saw what happened through satellites. The most important thing is that the government did not deliberately try to obstruct, so the related videos soon fell to the people.

Compared to Odin’s sudden appearance, and then like God, taking away the entire new Asgard from such a surprise picture, Norman Osborne, Sentinel, also Dark Wolverine, etc. are planned by a lot of people The conspiracy, also after the conspiracy was exposed, was simply not worth mentioning.

Odin, the powerful King Odin, his power is clearly displayed in front of everyone in Earth, even after several days, in the streets, in the newspapers, on the TV media, on the Internet, the discussion is still Odin’s strength, such talents are the real God.

But no matter what, Asgardian left Earth after all, all evacuated. For some interested people, they were disappointed and rest assured, although the withdrawal of Asgardian made Terrans no longer worry about the threat of Asgard. But unable to hold this power in his hands, some people are disappointed and tossed and turned, and without this power, Earth will have to pay more when facing more threats from outer space in the future.

But all this is meaningless. Asgardian has withdrawn after all. Although many things are not on the surface, the ones that should be held accountable are still held accountable, especially Norman Osborne and His men.

Lake Island, this is a Mysterious Land, located in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean, a place invisible to satellites, and this is the highest security prison on Earth, an anti-matter prison, which has the world The highest level of security facilities.

And today, under the escort of Captain America, Iron Man Stark and War Machine Colonel Rhodes, a helicopter sent Osborne directly here, and even today, Osborne is still A pretentious look.

The Iron Man Soldiers in full armor pressed Osborn down from the helicopter and stood on the small square. Yesterday, he glanced at Osborn and then looked at the other side to receive the prisoner. The prison side, slightly nodded, said: “gentlemen, also Osborne, the President asked me to personally take charge of your imprisonment. Underground 7-Layer is your new home. You are the only prisoner on that floor. Is there a problem?”

“hmph!” Osborn couldn’t help being coldly snorted. He had some good ideas about Captain America not at all.

“Very well.” Rogers waved his hand gently, next moment, the prison side had already taken Osborn, pressed him into the depths of the prison, Rogers and Stark, also Colonel Rhodes all Among the prisons that followed, this one had the highest level of security on Earth and held the most extremely evil prisoners.

In the underground 7-Layer, Osborne has been imprisoned, his hands and feet are firmly controlled, and he cannot get rid of it.

At this time, I heard a voice suddenly sounded behind Osborne: “Come on, Norman, let me give you a comment, how about it?”

“get lost ! “Osborn screamed very unceremoniously, he didn’t have the slightest desire to talk to that person.

But the man knew very well how to arouse Osborne’s anger. He listened to him mockingly and said: “No, Norman, you are the kind of A very thorough person, you should know that this is the truth.”

“You can mock me, but you should know that I am right.” Norman Osborne bit his Ya, full of unwillingness and anger, said: “This World is a mess. He needs someone like me to pull strongly against a crazy tide, and I have the ability to do it. I could have done it. This World is full of Mutants, terrorists, and spirits. Perverts, aliens, and also monsters of all kinds and colors. All these goods are in conflict with each other every day.”

“And those superhero, they believe oneself infallible world as soon as they appear Rescuers, they thought oneself would do whatever they wanted, just because they wore ragged battle clothes, this World will be over sooner or later, and someday he will bury us all.”

“The creatures that shouldn’t exist will crash with those trash Mutants sooner or later, and then “peng”.” Osborn sneaked, and continued with a little pain: “It will definitely be like this, all of this is meaningless. And I just want to stop it, all I do is to solve the problem before it happens.

I know Mutants will rise sooner or later, so I want to kill them, I know these heroes Will get involved in oneself’s clueless troubles, and will bury this World together before death, Victor von Doum will trample everyone under his feet sooner or later, I know this is the truth.

I know very well, and I could have stopped everything, if not you damn it kept in front of me.”

Osborne lifts the head fiercely, and I see a green The ferocious rare beast appeared in front of his eyes, and he could not spit out the exact same voice as he heard from this rare beast: “I really enjoy it here.”

“Go away for Laozi Point!” For this rare beast, Osborn was obviously not surprised by his appearance. There was only disgust in his eyes, incomparable disgust.

“I’m sorry, I can’t do it, because I’m trapped here too.” This rare beast looked at Osborn, with a sense of sarcasm in his eyes.

At this moment, if you stand outside the cell, you will find that in the entire cell, no, there is only Osborn in the entire Seventh Layer, and he is the only person in the previous words. If a person can hear it, it may be an illusion, or it may be the rare beast named Green Goblin in Osborne’s heart.

Anyway, Osborne will be imprisoned here forever, and imprisoned here forever alone, even if the current Captain America has become Hydra Captain, he will never He released his own plans to help, because whether it was Captain America or Hydra Captain, they all had one common wish, which was to make this World better. As for the methods used, no one cared.

On that day, Odin took away all the Asgardians, and all the Terrans were left, and everyone from Jane Foster and 4D Technologies was left on Earth, none of them Being taken away, even Barbara Morse is the same.

However, Odin’s hand eventually caused some confusion. Two Osborn’s men took the opportunity to escape. These two men are the Dark Wolverine Daiken and the Walker, who captured the Dark Wolverine Dai Wolverine oneself is responsible for Ken’s work. Who made them the father and son; as for Hikers, even Captain America eventually just issued a wanted notice for him, and no more people were sent to arrest him. .

And now Captain America appeared in a reception room, a prison reception room, and sitting at the end of the table was Moonstone.

Moonstone has been sitting in this room for a long time. Her eyes are full of regret and unwillingness, but she is helpless.

In another room, there is a person who has been observing him for a long time, and this person is indeed Captain America.

For Moonstone, Rogers is actually not at ease. Although Moonstone joined Osman’s team, it is because she was originally a member of the Thunderbolt Special Forces. After Ling Xiao led the own subordinates to leave Earth, Moonstone There is nothing incomprehensible choosing to return to the Thunderbolt Special Forces. After all, the Thunderbolt Special Forces were the official agency of the US Government at that time. The only thing she didn’t expect was Osborne’s madness.

But anyway, she took the side of the evil-doer behind Osborne after all, and also participated in the attack on Thor, so no matter what, she would be In prison, and according to the Superhero Registration Act, she will be held for a long, long time.

Actually, Moonstone has been kept here for several days. Rogers has been watching her secretly, watching her every move, watching her any emotional reactions, Rogers is really very Suspected that she was a pawn left by Ling Xiao on Earth, especially worried that it was a pawn against him.

But Rogers quickly hooked the head. This kind of thing is impossible. Ling Xiao is basically impossible to know about his changes, so he is also impossible to leave a hand behind to target him.

However, Moonstone is also very likely to be used by Ling Xiao on Earth to convey information. It may not be aimed at him, or it may be aimed at others. Just be careful, Moonstone is still a good match Useful, after all, he is Captain America, enough to get anyone trust Captain America.