Chapter 200

The ring is coming again!

The mountain is born on the shore, the river is on the ferry, the river mouth is small, the leader of the letter in the mountain, and Ma Sheng Liuchuan is surprised to hear this place.

They looked at the tail of the machine with stiff necks, and their eyes were wide.

And others looked at the tail of the machine equally nervous, and no one dared to speak.

One of the phones lost to the tail of the machine, is on at the moment, a ring after another, like a reminder.

Originally, there was no phone call for a while, and everyone thought losing a cell phone was useful, but now, the phone is coming again.

In a moment, the plane was still, and only a few thick, heavy breathing sounds could be heard.

Just then, the phone suddenly automatically connected.

"Ah.... Save me... Save me!!! " The howl of terror came in a flash.

"This... This is my voice A younger brother of the leader of the mountain heard this, his face suddenly white, and then he cried out nervously.

His voice was full of panic, panic, fear, fear of death as the people in front of him.

"Should... It should be OK. We lost our cell phone One man gulped his saliva and said.

"The young woman in front of him lost his cell phone too, he... He died too. " One man said.

"He... He answered the phone... Shitian didn't pick up One said nervously.

"Eight GA! Why do we still call in, didn't we lose our cell phone? Didn't it work just now? The cell phone is not in our hands. Who does he call? " The ferry side of the river face ferocious roar way.

"But... It could be.... Who's the phone to call... Who is that... Who is going to die... Lost cell phone... It doesn't work to lose the phone and not answer it. " Ma Sheng Liuchuan said nervously.

"No! I don't want to die! " The third phone howled in the stone field, then Teng suddenly stood up, terrified and exclaimed.

"Shitian, calm me! Calm down! Don't move! " The letter chief in the mountain looked at the stone field angrily and said.

He was angry with the fear of Shitian, and after the strange phone rang, someone died and angry.

Of course, more than that, he was scared.

This incredible ability, mysterious way of death, deeply stimulated him.

Hearing is false, seeing is true, the leader of the mountain sees the death process with his own eyes, so he is afraid and cold.

But self-esteem forced him to show no cowardice, so he was angry, he was covering up panic and fear with anger.

"Boss.... Save me... I don't want to die The stone field body is stiff, then panic incomparable shout.

Just then, the mobile screen starts to play video automatically.

Because the phone is at the end of the machine, no one can see the video in the phone.

But with the video, people in the plane, breathing more and more heavy, face more and more nervous, especially Shitian, he is the most frightened person.

Because the howl in the phone, it was him, the two previous calls, the howling people, died.

When the video was over, the atmosphere was at its peak.

Time passed a little, but nothing happened.

The nerves of the mountain, the shore, the river, the river mouth, the leader of the mountain, and the tense nerves of the marshmallow gradually ease down.

The rest of the plane, at this moment, also relaxed a little.

"Yes... It's useful? " Jiangkou little field swallowed saliva heavily, and then asked.

"I don't know. It should be useful. Shitian should, and don't die." The letter chief in the mountain said with a little bit of a bad look.

"It's been ten minutes, it should be OK." Watanabe farts, shares sit on the seat, some hoarse said.

At this moment, the ferry river, has been unable to keep calm, he pretended not to come out, from his nervous tone, it is not difficult to see that he is more afraid at the moment.

Not only he, everyone in the plane was worried, but after ten minutes, Shitian was still OK, and the nervous tension of the people relieved a lot.

"I... I don't have to die? " Shitian showed a smile that was more ugly than crying, and said nervously.

"Don't die. Ten minutes. You're OK. It's OK." The letter chief in the mountain breathed out a long breath and said.

"That's all right.... That's all right. " Shitian suddenly relaxed, and the back hand a back, and then almost jumped to the heart of the throat, and then farted, shares sat down.

"No! Don't sit! " A man beside the field shouted suddenly.

However, Shitian was just a daze, inertia, he could not stand again, and then fart, shares sat on the seat.

For a moment, a solid, hard, cold pipe, shaped object stabbed into his fart and his stock.His eyes suddenly shrunk and his heart trembled.

Guns! It's a gun!

He thought of this in horror, and suddenly remembered that something had fallen from his waist when he was holding the back.

He was too nervous, too scared to think about it for a while.

But now, he knew what was falling down. It was his pistol!

He had just thought of it and had not yet got up.

There was a bang.

Ishida's face instantly twisted incomparably, and then issued a miserable howl.


The bullet blew his intestines and intestines in a mess.

Intense pain, strong stimulation of his nerves.

His body began to tremble, tremble, tremble violently.

A moment later, he found that his breathing began to become difficult, and his eyes were full of fear.

"Ah.... Save me... Help me Ishida looked at the mountain Shinjuku, looked at his companion, and howled in horror.

After he finished, he couldn't breathe. He began to struggle. His twisted face became more and more red and purple. Finally, he kicked his legs and hung up.

At this time, Xinchang in the mountain was cold and shivering, and Shitian finally died.

"Baga! Come on! Smash the cell phone to me! " Watanabe Ogawa exclaimed in horror.

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