Chapter 265

At this time, the evil spirit Knight looked at the footman who was in pain but was looking forward to it. He grabbed him by the neck and lifted it up.

"Didn't I give you the treasure? Why kill me? Why? " The footman asked in horror.

As a matter of fact, the infantry was completely flustered at the moment.

He said before that he would take out the treasure and exchange his life, but he always talked to himself.

The cruel reality told him how miserable the self righteous ending was.

"Teng" came.

The evil spirit Knight grabs the infantry's hand and suddenly a fire bursts out.

The fire full of evil and death instantly enveloped the whole infantry.

"Oh The infantry let out a pitiful wail.

His hair, hair and clothes were burned to ashes, then his skin and flesh.

However, after two breaths, the infantry's whole body began to make "Zizi, Zizi" sound.

His meat, it was burned, cracked, and then it oozed.

"Ah... Don't... Give me a break... Give me a break The infantry made a shrill cry for mercy.

Unfortunately, his plea for mercy did not get the slightest response, and the flame was still burning again.

Soon the infantry were dead.

As soon as the tea time passed, the whole infantry was burned to ashes.

At this time, the magma whirlpool suddenly appeared, countless double Mori white bone claws, out of it, and then seized the soul of the infantry who had just appeared.

"No! Why? Why don't you let me go when I die! " The soul of the infantry screamed bitterly.

"Because you die!" The ghost Knight's skull looked at the soul of the infantry and said coldly.

"I'm going to kill you, kill you, ah..." Cried the soul of the infantry.

However, his soul is now pulled into the magma whirlpool.

"No! I'm not going in! " Cried the soul of the footman in terror.

Unfortunately, no matter how he yelled, he was still caught in the magma whirlpool.

That's the gate to hell, where the soul of the infantry will suffer endless suffering and endless pain.

The infantry disappeared, and so did the lava crater.

The evil spirit Knight then went to the skeleton motorcycle, lifted his legs to get on the car, and then turned into a flame and ran after the motorcade.

On the road, an instant appeared a long fire belt, in the dark night, especially dazzling.

"Open... drive a car! Drive! That idiot is dead! That's a liar A scream of horror came from a car that stopped to watch the evil knight fight the infantry.

He is the younger brother of the wansha gang. He is ordered by Xing Meng, the leader of the wansha Gang, to stay and watch the results.

As long as the evil spirit knight is killed by the infantry master, they will be safe, and they will not have to run for their lives in such a hurry.

But the reality is that the master infantry step is a liar. In front of the evil spirit knight, he is not even a mole ant, and is solved by dividing two by three.

"Yes, isn't he a master? Isn't he able to set off lightning? Why did you die so fast that you didn't even fight back? " A person flustered matchless say.

"This fool is a liar! Big liar One roared angrily.

"He did, didn't he miss a thunder ball? Why not One face a panic cry.

"Ghost he knows, grass him, this stupid fart is useless, don't he's stupefied ah, drive, drive quickly!" Yelled one face with fear.

Because the evil spirit knight is chasing after them rapidly, and the distance between them is getting closer and closer, the people in this car start to panic.

"I want to drive, but I can't catch the fire!" The driver roared angrily.

His voice was trembling, his face was pale, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

The evil spirit Knight killed a car of people in a few seconds. All the kids of the ten thousand shark gang in this car saw it. It was because they saw it that they were so afraid and afraid.

At this time, the car finally started, the driver did not say a word, directly stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom, and then ran forward to the motorcade.

The boys in the car were relieved one by one.

"Well, I'm scared to death. I thought I was going to account for it." A person wiped the cold sweat of the forehead, palpitation said.

"Drive fast, how fast, how fast, don't be overtaken by that ghost!" One yelled in horror.

Just then, a scream came.

"She... She's catching up

In the car, the ten thousand sharks help the kids, one by one, they take a breath of cold air.

See originally because the car starts to be thrown away evil spirit knight, the speed increases again, the distance with their car begins to close again.

On the road, on the skeleton of the evil knight, the fire of hell is burning. Because of the strong wind, there is a long flame behind the skeleton.Cool and handsome.

Of course, this is the view of others, but in the eyes of wansha Gang, it is horror and horror.

"Speed up! increase speed! She's catching up A ten thousand shark Gang screamed.

"I've stepped on his gas pedal to the end, and I can't lift it!" The driver roared in horror.

"Shoot, shoot, disturb her!" A man shrieked.

"Yes, yes, shoot, shoot!" A person hears here, seem to have caught the life-saving straw, extremely approval roar way.

The next second, the ten thousand shark gang in the car took out their pistols one after another, opened the window, and pulled the trigger to the evil spirit knight who was chasing after him.

"Bang bang bang" the dense gunfire rang out in an instant.

"Jingling." Innumerable Mars, from evil spirit Knight body, skeleton motorcycle appears.

Ten thousand shark Gang's younger brothers, crazily poured out the bullets in the pistol, and they were still desperately pulling the trigger.

They think only one, that is, to prevent the evil spirit knight from catching up, if can knock down the evil spirit knight, even kill the evil spirit Knight even better.

But the cruel reality told them one thing.

The bullet, to the evil spirit knight, has no effect at all.

Just then, the evil spirit Knight grabbed the chain.

"Teng" came, the chain was instantly covered by the fire of hell.

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