Chapter 415

"This kind of thing, huh!" Ye Chen snorted coldly, full of killing intention.

No matter what the mentality of the scientists who studied the instrument, the government of M, which used it in combat, is damned.

This kind of thing is too easy to cause people's ambition. If it is not good, the world will return to the slave age.

That is equal to the retrogression of civilization and the vicious liberation.

"Sky shine!" Ye Chen in the eyes of the eternal kaleidoscope scarlet, does not wait for the opposite person to react to come over, the cart loaded with nerve command instrument has been burned up.

Not only that, but he will later process the data, including the researcher's memory.

This technology is a double-edged sword, which has a great potential to cause a backlash.

Once something happens and is used by some evil person, the result will be disastrous.

"Come on, get rid of that guy with the super gravimeter!"

The officer cried out in a hurry.

Their faces became frightened, and the neural command apparatus failed, so their hope became very dim.

Super gravimeter aims at yechen.

The gravity of the region with it at its core will increase 150 times.

And then for every meter out, it's 10 times less.

When it's 15 meters away, it's basically normal gravity level.

Ye Chen suddenly felt a bit of crisis, squinting his eyes, and immediately left the original place.

The voice of the small tree immediately sounded: "master, that is a gravity weapon, which can increase the gravity by 150 times. The owner has the life and death book protection, so that he does not have to worry about the danger. If there is no life and death book, even if the owner's physical strength is now, he will be greatly suppressed and even injured."

"So good?" Ye Chen asked.

"Yes, master, you may be able to lift 150 times the weight of yourself, but has the master ever thought that your heart or other fragile organs can bear 150 times your own weight?

One hundred and fifty hearts are almost equal to the weight of a teenager. What are the consequences of letting him step on your heart

"Hiss!" Ye Chen could not help but take a breath of cold air.

It's terrible to think about it. A person standing on the heart will be trampled and exploded properly.

Even if his own heart is stronger and stronger, it will definitely be severely damaged.

Of course, these concerns are based on the absence of a life and death book.

Unfortunately, ye Chen has a Book of life and death.

"However, this is also an opportunity for the owner. As long as the machine is available, the owner can use it to exercise his internal organs. Even if he is slightly injured, he can recover with recovery medicine.

After the master adapts, this level of gravity weapons will no longer have any effect. And by then, simply relying on physical fitness, the master's physical strength can be improved several times than now. " The little tree cheered.

It is wholeheartedly thinking about ye Chen's strength.

"Then I'll take it." Ye Chen moved in his heart and opened Shenwei to collect the last cart.

A group of soldiers were stunned and looked at each other in horror, "what to do? There is no super weapon."

"You ask me, I ask who to go, damn it! Why haven't they ordered the retreat yet? "

"A bunch of pigs, why don't they come out against this terrible fellow!"

"Oh! Mother, my God, your son is facing the most terrible nightmare in the world

A group of people began to slowly retreat, like a group of forced helpless girls.

It's not about running away.

They can't run because the order hasn't been given.

The reason for the retreat is that ye Chen drifted to them a little bit.

Such a terrible existence floats to oneself, is the individual will instinctively retreat, in order to seek a sense of security.

"My God, our super weapon! Is there no way to deal with the devil In the White Palace, a councillor watched the surveillance video, holding his head in both hands and squatting down in frustration.

"There's no way. Sound waves and gravity weapons are completely evaded by him, and the neural command device should be shielded." Another councillor was pessimistic.

"We can't say it's useless. We can only say that the power of science and technology is not enough. But gentlemen, it is a fact that we lost this time!

Unfortunately, perhaps by the time we build enough technology to deal with the death judge, we and the coroner may no longer be in this world. " The Minister of Finance spread out his hands and wryly laughed, but his cold humor made others feel more desperate.

"This is the worst thing. Why are we? We will be crucified on the cross of history and ridiculed by future generations

"Yes, they will say, look! This is the most cowardly government in history. They were forced to surrender by one man! Oh, my God, I can't imagine the way people look at us later! "

A group of MPS almost collapsed and lost control.Their morale was completely exhausted.

At the same time, the hapless Secretary of state was still making a news speech, and had no idea what was going on here in the White Palace.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have reason to believe that the strong government of M can punish the guy who takes the law as a trifle, thinks he is arrogant and reckless! He will pay for his actions

But at this time, the reporters below were surprised one by one.

"Oh, my God!"

"It's unbelievable!"

"Allow me to interrupt, Mr. Secretary of state! Are you talking about super weapons? Is that what you're talking about in three big white carts? " A reporter stood up and asked.

The Secretary of state was stunned.

Then a smile appeared: "yes, that's it! Have they already defeated that damned clown? Ha ha ha, that's a celebration, but it's not a surprise, because it's inevitable! "

Poor guy, he took the scream of the reporters as the wonder of super weapons.

As if they were surprised to see the death judge subdued or destroyed.

After all, these days, the strength of the death judge has been internationally recognized, and the only one in the world with a powerful superpower .. , the fastest update of the webnovel!