Chapter 670

Then he jumped up at him.

A bleak voice rang out in the library.

Some of the viewers in the studio were scared to close their eyes.

At the same time, in XX City, there is a man silent, smoking.

And beside him, there was a woman crying sad.

They are the parents of Mr. Doo.

"Wuwu, laotu, you must save Pengfei. We are the son." The woman cried and cried.

"Help? What can I do to save him? That's the death judge. It's the best thing to be able to get involved with me now. " Men are ashamed and annoyed.

Losers really don't understand what, they know to buy and buy, flowers and flowers! Have you ever thought about it for him?

Even if she had a son, she was spoiled from childhood.

The crying in the room was a little bit, and then it was louder.

Correspondingly, it is the bleak howl of Tu Pengfei in the live video.

Meanwhile, the voice of Ye Chen in the library rings again.

"Time is coming, seventy-five hundred and thirty-two people will be wiped out!"

And the rest of the people, found that the environment around them began to change.

Then it appeared in a square, surrounded by people.

Foreign, all of the TianChao.

There are even people who see women in it.

A strong criminal Women? Those people can't imagine what terrible things happened at the beginning.

The ocean is one of these survivors.

His name is also interesting, with water.

It is said that when he was born, he was told that he was short of water in his life. His father gave him such a name.

When he grew up, he finally understood the real meaning of the shortage of water in his life.

Because he was accidentally disabled, leading to the inability to make girlfriend. And women, is not water made.

Wang ocean felt unwilling, took advantage of a certain opportunity, forced his landlady, but after the threat, the landlord unexpectedly did not alarm.

Slowly, he began to be unscrupulous.

Until now, there are as many as 17 women threatened by the sea, but today, his retribution has finally come.

It was difficult to survive the sea, which was closed between the carriage and the library, and shrunk in the crowd.

There are all the foreign heroes with high numbers around him, which makes him very insecure.

If the death judge let them kill each other, wouldn't he die?

After all, the situation of profiteering like in the car before will never happen all the time.

At this time, the voice that made everyone hate and fear, appeared again in this square.

"Let's talk about the current data. There are still 27881 people in this square. And this will leave only one person to enter the fourth level. If the fourth pass is still possible, Congratulations, you will be sent to the local security bureau for the disposal of the order. "

The voice of yechen fell, and the crowd was not only cheering, but panicked.

Although they don't have to die if they survive, because many countries have no death penalty, even if they are serious, they don't have to worry about being executed.

But the survival rate of less than 27% is too low!

But the most hated part of yechen was that he gave them so little hope.

This makes them have to follow his design to carry out those terrible punishments.

"You devil, I curse you!"

"God, it's so terrible. You don't have the right to do it to us!"

"Allah is on..."

"The sky shines on the gods..."

A loud noise sounded, the crowd was venting their anger.

"The rule of this is Who can hold this light ball for 30 seconds, then the person will succeed in passing the pass, and all others will wipe it off! Good luck to you! "

With the fall of the voice of Ye Chen, a bright light ball appeared in the air, and quickly hovered.

All looked at it with a babble eye, both in the hope and in fear.

For it is not to be said that the people who get it will be besieged by all.


Suddenly, the light ball went down, and the crowd was in a hurry. There was a burst of startling voices in a corner.

It was a foreign man who got the ball.

But before he panicked and threw the ball out, a group of people came up.

Then he was held down by a group of crazy people.

In just a few seconds, people were overwhelmed by the breath, and the bear mouth was in a throb of pain.

"Damn it, the ribs are broken! Get up for me! " He cursed and cried painfully, but he felt that his weight was not only less, but more and more heavy.By then, it was completely breathless.

Then, I heard the terrible movement of the click and a great pain.

The man knows that his bear cavity must have collapsed! The ribs must have all broken!

Even the internal organs in the body may have broken.

A lot of blood came out of his mouth.


He cried in his heart, but he could only feel the passing of power, and became the first victim of the light ball.

The sea trembled and trembled.

The people around were pouring out into that corner.

He just wanted to escape.

Especially when he saw some people fall on the ground, were trampled to death by countless people, they did not have to join the lively mind.

It was so sad that my body was flattened. It was estimated that my parents and parents came, and they were hard to recognize.

In order not to be taken to the more dangerous place by this terrible stream of people, Wang Haixiang turned against the stream of people and wanted to rush out.

He hoped he could find a corner on the edge and save his strength.

"Shette, the light ball is flying away!"

In the center of chaos, a group of light suddenly flew up and returned to the sky.

People stopped at once and looked at it.

I don't know that this short fight killed at least dozens of people.

The man who first got the light ball doesn't have to say much, but the above men are not good to go, and they are also pressed to spit blood and lose their lives.

And the bad ones who were trampled to death. #The audit of the Daguan was passed: 029 2018 6:28pm..

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