Chapter 726

Ding Taishan rushed out of the elevator and went forward.

He's going to flee here.

Because the death judge is nearby, it's too unsafe.

However, when he changes his breath, he looks up to the four sides, and suddenly he is stunned.

The pace began to slow down and finally stopped completely.

"This is Where is this? "

I saw the dark around him, not the neighborhood he had ever been impressed with.

And wet, feeling like in what cave, and water dripping on his face, let him shiver.

"Where is this in the end?"

Darkness is always instinctively daunting.

Besides, it is clear in Dingtai mountain that it is not the other people who bring the darkness, but the death judge.

This almost 100% shows that there is danger in the dark!


Suddenly, a crisp voice sounded.

Then Dingtai mountain felt his arm uploaded a burst of tears, can not help but cry.

"Ah! What is it? Blood, it is blood, must be blood! "

In the dark, he felt the wound in his arm in panic.

I feel like there are some warm liquids flowing out of it.

Dingtai mountain trembled and trembled.

In the high-definition and camera night vision lens, can clearly see his eyes that palpitation of panic.

Aware of his injury, Dingtai mountain dare not stay in place.

Turning to the dark ahead, he ran into a crash.

He had a bad guess about the sound and the pain just now! Well Maybe it was the gunshot! And he's shot!

"Good job, cute, very accurate shooting."

Behind, ye Chen and the maid sprouted and stood side by side, and the darkness did not work for them.

One has white eyes, write wheel eyes, gyratory eyes, one is robot, has electronic eyes. How can the darkness affect their perception of the outside world.

And this will, the young white hand is slowly down, and the index finger part is being deformed.

The appalling metal muzzle is shrinking and turning back to its flawless delicate fingers.

Although some ghosts and animals, but considering the identity of the sprouting robot, ye Chen reluctantly accepted the scene and praised her.

The sound of the breaths in the dark, and Dingtai mountain felt that his situation was terrible.

A moment of dizziness in front of you seems to fall at any time.

But he didn't dare to stop, because maybe as soon as he stopped, the gunshot would ring.

"Whoo Whoops Where is this, cave? Am I going to the exit or deep? " Dingtai mountain is full of uneasiness.

The legs were as heavy as lead.

Don't forget that he had been in a state of exhaustion when he had been on a bicycle for a long time, just like playing life.

"Bang!" Another gunshot rang out.

At the same time, in the dark beside, there was a crisp tinkle.

Ding Tai Mountain was frightened to jump away, and the heart almost stopped at this moment.

It's dangerous. It's almost a little bit hit!

However, it would have found another thing that frightened him.

Just after instinctive jump, he seems to step empty!

"Ah!" With a scream, Dingtai mountain felt that he was falling down and the wind in his ear was ringing.

Hands and feet, and back completely cold, so high place fall, he will become meat mud!

Then there was a sharp pain behind him, and some liquid wrapped him up, cold and cold like ice water.

"I fell into the underground river?" Ding Taishan heart is glad, can not take care of the pain caused by slapping on the water, hurriedly to swim with a dog plane which is not so standard.

God bless me, so he learned to swim for a few days.

"I don't know if the death judge will feel like I've fallen, and if so, I'll be able to keep my life." While traveling, Dingtai mountain heart raised a fluke.

It was not easy, dragging tired and painful body to the shore, Dingtai mountain lying on the ground, no longer want to move.

If he can, he wants to save even the strength of his breath.

Soon, however, he felt that his body was a little bit out of order.

Suddenly cold and hot, head also faint tingling.

But it turned out that he had a fever under the triple stimulation of gunshot, fatigue and cold water.

"Help Whoa, who will help me, it's cold, so tired I'm going to die. " High fever and weakness, but also the whole body ache of Dingtai mountain despair.

Even if the death judge thinks he is dead, he can't hold on for too long in such a place.

Especially the rest of the world is so bad now.At this time, ye Chen no longer needs to torture him.

Darkness, injuries, loneliness and the constant loss of physical strength will continue to torture Ding Taishan for him.

But it's always right to add heat!

For example, a python with a length of more than ten meters and a bucket thick, swam from a distance with a rustling sound.

The rustling sound is the sound of friction between its body and the ground.

Because of their huge size and their weight, it's not surprising to have this kind of movement.

Lying on the ground, the sleepy Dingtai mountain felt a little strange when he heard the sound.

But at this time, he did not want to move, so he did not want to get up at all.

A little bit waiting for the sound to approach, at the same time, I comforted myself: "maybe it's a mouse There should be no danger, so I won't get up. "

Soon, however, a long, forked tongue licked his face.

Ding Taishan's body was stiff. What was it? What was it? Licking him!

In fear, he instinctively reached for the past.

Want to control the possible dangers.

This touch made him feel more chilly!

It was a very large head, cold and rough.

But without fur, Dingtai mountain's first reaction was snake.

But some are not sure, because there is no snake with such a big head.

So he felt it carefully again. Anyway, it didn't seem to attack him.

With this touch, the outline of the huge head slowly became clear in Ding Tai Shan's mind. .. , the fastest update of the webnovel!