Chapter 931

At the same time, in a prison in JY City, GT Province, a middle-aged man with a gloomy face walked out of the prison gate.

Wearing an ordinary down jacket, he walked alone along the road to the distance, and no one came to pick him up.

Twelve years ago, he was also a big name in JY city.

It's called the mixed world green.

But let this green green big man very depressed is that he was trading drugs with the hands of a big drug lord, he was actually arrested by a stupid green police.

Moreover, because of the news media, it has caused great repercussions in the society, and even the national leaders have paid attention to it.

After all, in that year's situation, the number of transactions they made was indeed huge.

It's hard to get attention or not.

So Ding Wufa's tragedy, known as the mixed world Qinglong he, mixed mixed mixed to the prison.

What's more, the sentence is still death penalty.

But fortunately, he finally had some means. After the wind dissipated, he just changed from death penalty to indefinite.

Later, he repeatedly performed "excellent" and became a fixed-term imprisonment from life.

And today, 12 years later, he was released ahead of time.

Of course, it should have been earlier.

Because the 12-year deadline was set ten years ago. If he could work hard in this decade, he might have come out a few years earlier.

But the problem is that his men fell apart, died, hurt, escaped.

Some were also annexed by another gang in JY.

In short, he was a big brother who didn't care about him in the past. Ding Wufa could only start to endure everyday.

Because of this, he was released from prison today, and there was no one to pick him up.

Can only walk alone at a loss, do not know where to go, nuota a city, has long had no place for him.

"It's the criminal police who did it all!" Ding Wufa clenched his teeth and suddenly clenched his fists. Fierce light flashed in his eyes.

If it wasn't for that lengtouqing, he might still be eating hot drinks and raising several young lovers. How can you be so depressed?

He felt that he had no place to go and didn't know how to adapt to today's society. Ding Wufa was more and more interested in killing people.

He set a goal for himself! That is to kill the criminal police!

"But for today's sake, let's get some money first." Ding Wufa's eyes twinkled, and a sneer rose from the corners of his mouth.

In any case, they are determined to kill, or the criminal police, so it doesn't matter to grab some money and kill several people.

If we don't mention whether the criminal police can catch him or not, even if they can catch him back, it's just a matter of eating a gun.

Anyway, it's not interesting for him to live now.

Can't he go to the construction site to move bricks for a living? You're kidding. He's a real green man! How can you live like this.

No beauty, no delicacies, no luxury car, what is the fun of living?

Ding Wufa walked fast. It was still daytime, and it was hard for him to start.

So he's going to wait until night before he does it.

After a whole day of observation, he found that in this era, there are monitoring probes everywhere.

And it's more advanced than 12 years ago. I don't know how many times.

So he chose a more remote place to hide, because there was no monitoring.

By about nine o'clock in the evening, the target appeared in front of him.

With a piece of stone carefully selected by him, Ding Wufa followed up from behind.

Soon, in the moonlight, two shadows were reflected from the lane, revealing the scene of that evil.

I saw the shadow behind, raised his right hand high, and the stone in his hand suddenly hit the head of the shadow in front of him.

The shadow in front suddenly fell down.

The shadow with the stone in the back immediately squatted down and smashed it with stone again and again.

Thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump.

From the beginning to the end, the victim did not make a sound.

Because from the very beginning, she was knocked unconscious by the violent blow.

Soon, Ding Wufa found what he wanted from the dead man's bag.

Three thousand yuan in cash.

Then he left the lane in a hurry and went to the side of a green tree.

Several clothes were removed from the tree.

It turned out that Ding Wufa was naked just now, wearing only a pair of shorts.

In this way, even if the body was stained with the blood of the deceased, he put on his clothes outside, and no one else could see it.

What's more, before he came out, he roughly wiped the clothes from the dead.

As long as the dog's nose is not so sensitive, can smell the faint smell of blood on his body, no one will know that he has killed people.After leaving the scene quickly, Ding Wufa fled in a safe direction according to the route scheduled during the day.

Along the way, he will try his best to avoid surveillance probes.

Even those places where there is no escape, they will be carefully camouflaged before passing.

For example, take off the coat and put it in the sweater behind the back, pretend to be hunchback, deliberately change the posture of walking, etc.

As long as you don't show his face and wait for him to change his clothes, even standing in front of the criminal police, they may not be able to recognize.

Over the years, Ding Wufa has been thinking about prison break. Even if he was going to use them after the break.

It's a pity that the prison was more closely guarded than he thought. Until he was released, he didn't find a chance to escape.

But the methods that were thought of in those days are still in use.

By daybreak, Ding Wufa was nearly 14 kilometers away from the scene of the crime.

Now all he has to do is find a way to change clothes, and then change direction.

In this way, even if the criminal police suspect the hunchback in his disguise and search in this direction, they can't find him.

Because at that time, he might have been in the opposite direction. .. , the fastest update of the webnovel!