Chapter 1008

Park zaixu walked out of the room and took a deep breath.

Will become a bit of a mess of thoughts to stabilize.

He would never make a mistake he had made before. If he had not had a good brain at the critical time, he would have been a dead man now.

"Now the situation is three to two, but an Zhengyuan and I are We can only take a step and see a step. If those counterfeiters are not able to revive indefinitely, there should be a chance. "

Just as he was about to leave, looking for a new place to rest, the glass of the back house suddenly broke!

First there was a ping-pong, then the sound of heavy objects falling.

This makes Park zaixu have a very bad feeling.

He quickly turned around and saw that an Zhengyuan was lying on the ground spitting blood.

All around are broken glass. If you look up again, only the edge of a window on the second floor is left with some glass burrs.

"How could that happen?" He looked cloudy and clear.

He looked down at an Zhengyuan, who was vomiting blood. He had only half a breath left.

Blood is black! His face was changing rapidly.

It's highly toxic, but why?

Did an Zhengyuan eat the poison he smeared himself? But how does that explain that he would fall from a window on the second floor.

You know, both of them were on the first floor.

If an Zhengyuan accidentally took the poison, he should have died on the first floor.

Even if I ran to the second floor, why did I break the glass from above?

A mysterious and strange atmosphere came.

Park zaixu took a few steps backward and turned to run.

Because he thought of his previous situation when he killed the right to be virtuous, as well as the bizarre attack he encountered in the infusion room.

The most important thing is, the death judge once gave them a hint!

What on earth is a night trip of ghosts? Are they just a few "come back from the dead" fakes?

No! In addition to the fakes, there are more dangerous things in this place. An Zhengyuan was obviously killed by this kind of thing.

"I didn't find that amulet, that is to say, an Zhengyuan will die, so will I?" Park zaixu looks very ugly.

Since he appeared in this ghost place, everything that happened made him feel terrible.

After running for a distance, he looked back.

There is no body of an Zhengyuan on the ground.

At the same time, a cold breath appeared, which made Park zaixu shiver.

Just like then! It seems to freeze people to death, just like the cold air pouring in from the outside when he breaks the window with bullets in the infusion room.

It's getting darker, too.

Unconsciously, the surrounding street lights have been turned on.

Park zaixu also came to a crossroads.

When he came to the middle of the intersection, he was hesitating which direction to go.

There was a footstep in the darkness ahead.

Then, "Quan Xianjing" appeared with a strange smile.

"Where do you want to go? I've told you that I can't run away! " He said in a faint voice.

The sound is not the same as before, but a broken Gong, with a strong malicious voice.

Just hearing it, it gives people a shudder, as if he will come to kill you at any time.

"Coming!" Park zaixu was awe stricken. He turned around and wanted to run back.

But behind the same appeared a figure, with the same strange smile.

It's "an Zhengyuan"!

Not long ago, a guy who just died of poisoning and falling from a building.

"So the other two sides are also..."

Park zaixu's heart sank.

He turned his head and looked at the left and right sides. Sure enough, he saw Cui Chengzhi and Li Antai walking out of the darkness and appeared under a street lamp.

Four corners, he's surrounded!

"Are you here to kill me?" Park zaixu holds the dagger and says with a chill in his eyes. His body is in a fighting posture.

His fighting ability is very strong, but among them the strongest is Lee Antai, he can only rank second.

In terms of comprehensive ability, he is the most powerful. Because most of his abilities are among the best in the team, no one can match him.

But now he only talks about life and death by fighting. His opponents are still four. Park has no confidence at all.

"You're the only one left, don't you?" "An Zhengyuan" smile strange said, moving the whole body joints and neck.

I didn't want to hide the strong and malicious meaning in my eyes.

"Deal with you first!" Park zaixu suddenly moved.

The encirclement circle is too big, several people are far away from each other, this is his opportunity.As long as he can kill or drive back the weakest an Zhengyuan, he will have a chance to break through the encirclement.

But when he rushed to "an Zhengyuan", a deep chill suddenly appeared! I'm freezing!

His eyes suddenly widened, and a trace of fear flashed on his face: "not good!"

His slow and stiff body made his attack seem ridiculous.

"An Zhengyuan" easily grasped the wrist of his hand holding the dagger.

Then a punch hit him in the abdomen and sent him out.


A mouthful of blood flew out of Park zaixu's mouth, and the whole person fell heavily on the ground and tumbled several meters away.

"It's your revenge plan. Blow up the gnat chicken chain, and then you're going to attack the school."

"An Zhengyuan" shook his wrist and looked at Park zaixu on the ground in front of him.

"Cough, you, you are the judge of death!" On the ground, Pu zaixu, who is struggling to get up, suddenly stares at "an Zhengyuan" and says with fear.

"Quan Xianjing" suddenly moved behind him. He took a few steps to his side and picked him up by the collar behind his neck: "otherwise, who do you think it will be?"

At the same time, he was thrown at "Lee Antai".

The latter kicks him with 360 degree whirlwind, hitting his abdomen and kicking him to the opposite "Cui Chengzhi".


Pu zaixu, who suffered heavy damage, vomited blood again.

Then there was a sharp pain in the back. The spine seemed to be broken, and the body soared again in the direction of coming.

In the end, it just landed in the middle of the crossroads. .. , the fastest update of the webnovel!