Chapter 1140

It's just that no matter how they cry, they can't change what's going to happen at half. Everything is still going on

After waking up, the Ranger in the small screen stared at the two people in front of him with the help of the dim moonlight. It is because of their very authentic local accent that they make such mistakes that they can't make!

"You What do you want to do? " The pain from the leg made the Ranger unable to finish a full sentence, and what made him scared was the place.

As a forest ranger, how could he not know the place. As one of the few forbidden areas in this mountain, even on the edge, they seldom come here when they patrol the forest rangers.

Because if luck is not good, it will become a good meal for wolves in the mountain.

The smell of blood is very light, after all, the wound of the Ranger is not very big. But as the blood continued to flow, the smell began to dissipate towards the surrounding.

Zhang Hua and Zhang Wen ignore the forest rangers who have been saying various warnings and advice words. For them, this has become the matter of both of them. And now the Rangers, and they were caught by monkeys, there is no big difference.

"Hua ge You What are you going to do? " Zhang Wenjing, trembling, asked, killing this kind of thing, in his courage is still too difficult to bear.

Zhang Hua glanced at him and scolded: "I haven't had a chance. What can I do if you look at your bear like this? No use, I know to go to the casino and spoil my money! Take it! "

Zhang Hua handed Zhang Wen the dagger: "practice courage." Zhang wenshudder took over the dagger and looked at Zhang Hua doubtfully: "brother Hua, you What do you want me to do? "

"What do you do?" Zhang Hua said fiercely: "stab him two knives and let blood go! Please bring the wolf to me, or it will be too late to wait until other forest rangers find it! "

This kind of thing, Zhang Hua alone does is actually a problem not, only kill this kind of event, if only he alone in the end, he will not be at all relieved.

But as long as Zhang Wen mouth is not tight, and a little wind is leaked, the person who will suffer then is him. So the best way to do this is to make Zhang Wen a killer. Only in this way can he be assured that he will not betray himself.

Otherwise, Zhang Hua will not believe Zhang Wen. He is a kind of person who, in the village and town, feels crawling and rolling as a rogue. Other people have not learned. It is very good at pulling people into the water.

Zhang Wenqi first did not want to, has been muttering that he can not go to the hand. Zhang Hua's patience is not good. When he sees Zhang Wen unwilling to do it, he directly opens his mouth and says, "either, you stab him today and kill him with me. Later, our brothers will get rich together, or I will kill you here today and throw them to feed wolves. You choose it yourself. "

Although the bright knife is in his hand, he has no basic spirit in the face of the fierce Zhanghua. He can't hold up to a meter, six or five, and that's still his own shoes. Zhang Hua is a meter eight, and still fighting outside all year round. If Zhang Hua wants to kill him, the knife in his hand can not give Zhang Wen a little sense of security.

There was no way. Zhang Wen had to cry and raise his knife and stabbed it in the other leg of the Ranger.

In reality, Zhang Wen, seeing this scene, said "no!" The two words were shouting louder. Hate to let this way, can not bear the next expected pain.


At the same time, the Ranger and Zhang Wen howled bitterly, and the laughter was almost the same. Zhang Wen used to know that it would hurt to be tied to his leg and would shed a lot of blood. But he never thought how much pain would be, how much blood would be shed.

This time, it was a taste.

Compared with the hate for ye Chen, Zhang Wen now has taken him on this road!

"Grass Mud Horse, he blame you, I said at that time, I can't do this kind of thing, do not want to do. You are him, you have to force me. You are all! " Zhang Wen scolded Zhang Hua constantly, but his leg was injured, and he couldn't kick back like Zhang Hua kicked him before.

Zhang Hua is not a fuel-saving lamp. He can get it when he scolds Zhang Wen. His arm is much longer than Zhang Wen. He can just hook Zhang Wen's face and fan it in a slap.

"Dog day, now you he pushed everything up to Laozi. Why don't you say that if you didn't bet you, you would not sell your parents. Please come here, let me help you!"

By this slap a fan, Zhang Wen immediately calm a lot. When he closed his mouth and looked at Zhang Hua, he was still full of your resentment. How could he not hate to take him on this road that he didn't return to, just because he can't fight back now, so he doesn't go on looking for a fight.

"Originally this piece of text is a rotten gambler, I said, how dare a person with such a timid heart dare to do such a bad thing out of the sky.""So, gambling is really bad. When I saw my wallet, I was relieved with the remaining five dollars and five. Simple people like me can't get involved in gambling. "

"If you have chicken feathers upstairs, you are poor!"

The people's eyes are still bright. If it was not for gambling, Zhang Wen's character would certainly not dare to embark on this road. Therefore, most of the time, as long as people have bad habits, it may be the beginning of a road of no return.

In the small screen, the two legs of the Ranger shed blood at the same time, and his face, which was already white with fear, turned pale when he lost too much blood.

The smell of blood was coming, and all of a sudden, except for the gargling of the leaves, all of a sudden disappeared.

Zhang Wen's forehead has already shed a cold sweat, which is not a joke. If the wolf pack stares at them, under the stimulation of blood, even if the shotgun is in hand, the two people may not be able to leave safely.

"Hua Brother, this This should be ok... " Zhang Wen's teeth are trembling. If it's just killing people, he might be a little better, plus the wolves that may appear later.

His heart seemed to be about to jump out of his chest, and his back was completely hit by cold sweat. .. , the fastest update of the webnovel!