Chapter 1167

That is to say, no matter how fast they climb, the pain they have to bear will not be less than a cent, but because of the fear of these poisonous snakes, they can't help but speed up their speed, hoping to get out of here as soon as possible.

After a series of screams, they finally arrived at the door of the warehouse. There were no poisonous snakes in that position. The custom suits they were wearing were already full of holes because of numerous snake teeth.

After they finally got out of the sea of snakes, they still felt unbearable pain all over their bodies. Without the snake teeth, however, the wounds on the surface of their bodies and the venom in their bodies still exist. Their bodies still don't get any relief.

The smell that they didn't smell just because of excessive tension has now been introduced into their noses. After so many years of life, they were not used to the smell and began to retch immediately.

There is no comfortable place from head to toe, from inside to outside.

However, their psychology is a little relaxed a lot, because it seems that those poisonous snakes are not trying to catch up with them and attack them, that is to say, they are no longer in danger. Of course, it's just that they think

"Congratulations, you've passed the first level of the game."

Ye chenxie laughed: "now, prepare to start our second level."

The three people who were still retching suddenly stopped, and the muscles on their faces began to thump incessantly. As soon as they thought about the things before, they all restrained their mouths.

Li Xuewen asked, "judge of death, how many hurdles do we have to pass in this game?" This is what they are most concerned about now. According to common sense, the later they go, the more pain they need to bear. Therefore, if they know how much, it is also to judge whether they can bear it.

Unfortunately, they believe too much in common sense and are too self righteous.

"The second level is the last one, that is to say, as long as you can pass the second level, you can pass this trial." Ye Chen's voice is full of temptation. It seems that it will be very easy for the three of them to pass the second level.

Only he knows what he has prepared for these three people in the second level.

Hearing Ye Chen say so, their faces were brightened. Although the first level was very painful, there was no danger to their lives. It seems that the second level should make them suffer more.

But what about that? As long as you can live, everything is not a problem. For men who live to this age and have everything, the most important thing is to live. Even if they only live one more day, they are willing to spend countless money to buy.

"Out of here in a minute, I don't like to wait."

The three people in great distress looked at each other and stood up almost at the same time. Although their bodies were still suffering from such pain, they did not hurt their muscles and bones, so their actions were not greatly affected.

Of course, this is also arranged by Ye Chen. At their present age, if their health is still affected, the game will certainly become very boring. If they are not fed up with the painful death, how can they be worthy of the game of death and blood specially arranged by themselves.

After stepping out of the warehouse, the outside is no longer the square they are familiar with, but a large commercial street. Behind them, the warehouse they came out of has also become a car mall.

In such a prosperous place, it seems very strange that the three of them are in a mess. People who come and go take them as different kinds and keep looking at them. Their eyes seem to be looking at neuropathy.

Three people naturally understand the meaning of other people's eyes, and rush through the crowd, toward the less crowded place. In such an environment, the three of them can only continue to hold on to each other.

"Where is this? Does magic have this place? I have no impression at all. "

"Fool, it's certainly not the magic capital. As for where it is, don't ask me. I think it's the skill of the judge's boss. It must have moved them to other places."

"How do I feel that there is no place on earth? Is it The world created by the chief judge? "

"On the top floor, I don't care. I'm the No.1 brain damage powder of the judge. In any case, as long as it's a positive guess, even if you say that the judge's boss is the creator God, I believe it."


The world does not exist in reality. This is similar to the simulation device in the biochemical crisis, but different from those false things. In this place created by yechen, everything is real.

It is just that the world depends on the real world, but it will not have any impact on the real world.

After a long walk, the three men found the toilet in the commercial street. Only by hiding here can they feel safe. In the compartment with the door closed, the three of them crowded in.So far, they have no idea what will happen next. They don't even know how to pass the second level.

Everything here is so real, but their mobile phones, but there is no signal at all. He didn't want to ask for help, but no matter what they did, no one here would even say a word to them.

The second unknown level, like a heavy stone, pressed on their hearts, making them even breathing not smooth.

In the toilet compartment was a man, like three shivering dogs, who only wanted to catch his breath and didn't want to do anything else.

"How do you feel? The whole world regards you as different. No one wants to talk to you. No one takes you seriously. " Ye Chen asked coldly.

These three people have not experienced this kind of cold reception for many years, and their inner pressure and fear have also begun to accumulate.

Of course, it's just the appetizer of the game, just to make them understand that in this world, they are nothing. Knowing what kind of identity they are and losing all their auras, they are not even as good as a dog. At least, dogs have sharp claws and fangs to protect themselves.

And they can only play the role of a lamb in this game. .. , the fastest update of the webnovel!