Chapter 1327

After walking for such a long time, he still didn't see the exit. John couldn't help feeling that he had chosen the wrong route. Maybe this is a sewer without an exit, or a sewer with a long exit.

"George, I think maybe it would be better if we took a different route."

George nodded. "I feel the same way."

Their breathing has become a little bit urgent and rapid. In such an environment, their physical strength is very fast. It is especially because they are now old. How can they persist for such a long time compared with those young people, or because they usually go out to exercise.

John looked at the two pipes on the left and right and asked George, "which one do you think we should take now?"

George shrugged: "actually, I don't think it matters, because we don't know whether there will be an exit for either one..."

After listening to George, John didn't want to discuss it any more. I directly chose the sewer on the left and went inside.

As he walked farther and farther away, he found that the light inside was also getting darker, that is to say, the number of manhole covers above was less and less.

John didn't know whether it was good or bad, so he walked along and asked George, "George, the number of manhole covers here has decreased. Do you think we are near or far from the exit?"

After thinking about it for a while, George said, "I think it's good news for us. Generally speaking, there are so many manhole covers only on the main street. Now that the well covers are less, it means that we have left the main street. Whether it is the suburbs or other places, this may be the end of the sewer..."

After listening to George's words, John's spirit was shaken and his pace was two points faster.

As they pushed forward, the light became more and more dark. At the end of the day, they could not see anything. John, walking in front of them, could only prevent his own pace from haze and walked slowly forward.

At this moment, John suddenly felt a hand grab his ankle and asked, "George, did you fall?"

George's voice came from behind him: "no, what's the matter, John?"

John felt something wrong. The hand was in front of him, not behind him. And George said that he didn't fall down. Who would be the owner of this hand?

"George I I feel something grab my ankle. "

George heard this and his heart beat faster: "you Is that true? "

Even in his old age, John still cried: "I'm telling you the truth. George, you have to believe me!"

George heard John's words, immediately began to slowly back up, at the same time his mouth said: "John, don't be nervous, let's step back slowly, it's too dark for us to see anything! Be careful. "

John understood what George meant and began to step back slowly. The hand didn't cling to his ankle, so it was easy for him to move his foot back.

But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, the hand that held his ankle came again.

John doesn't know what his face looks like now, but he knows clearly that the big drops of your sweat on his forehead are falling, and his beard is completely beaten.

In the heart flustered John, simply did not think so much, just retreated again. Behind him, George heard the water and knew that John was still retreating, so he pushed back with him.

John vaguely felt something was wrong. He always felt that he had stepped back a little so that his hand would catch up a little, and there was nothing else. But after all, he can't see anything now, and he dare not draw a conclusion so casually. He can only continue to step backward one by one.

It wasn't until they got back to the light that they found out that it was only a dead body that caught John's ankle. It seemed that the dead body was not long ago, so there was no decay. The clothes were rotten, and the suit of the coat caught John's feet. In addition, John and they were walking against the direction of the sewer flow, which would lead to such a result.

Knowing this, John untied the clothes hanging on his feet, and then aimed at the outstretched hand of the corpse and stepped on his feet fiercely.

If they were ordinary people, under such circumstances, they might have some fear in their hearts, but not for them. They did not know how many corpses they had seen in their whole life. In their hearts, corpses were not a big deal.

It's just that they're a little annoyed because the corpse has to stay here for a long time. In their opinion, just now they were all approaching the exit infinitely, just because the corpse returned.

John and George walked down the drain again.

This time George was ahead of him. George was not much braver than John, but after all, he was several years younger than John and much stronger physically.As he walked ahead, John didn't think that much. Just keep your head down

George soon went to the place where John had just stepped back, and this time there was no corpse holding the wrist, and they did not stop.

After another distance, they finally saw the light again. What surprised them most was that this time they saw a ladder made of steel bar under the well cover they saw!

I knew that they had been looking for such things before, but they never saw them

"George, we can get out! If we can get out of here, the death judge can't stop us any more John looked very excited.

George did the same. He quickened his pace and said to John, "yes, John, we can go out. You are right. The judge of death is not omnipotent."

Ye Chen listens to the excited conversation between the two men and glances at the corners of his mouth Full of disdain.

George took the lead to climb up. At last, when he reached the top, he grabbed the steel ladder with his left hand and pushed it up with his right hand.

The well cover is heavy, but it's not that it can't be removed, which makes them even more excited.

George bit his teeth and moved most of the manhole cover away, which was enough to get them out. At last he was able to get out of this damned sewer, and George, with any hesitation, went straight out. .. , the fastest update of the webnovel!