Chapter 1737

"Of course." Yang Mingde said as gently as possible: "we really need to get out of here. Our backpacks are all lost, and there is nothing left. If we don't go out again, I'm afraid we will starve to death here."

"So it is." Women seem to understand them very much, "then you promise me one thing, I will take you down."

Niu Dali listened and quickly made a package ticket.

"As long as you can take us down, no matter what you say, we will promise you."

Now, the most important period for them is to go down the mountain from here and try to save their lives. At this time, no matter what the woman asked for, they would not refuse.

Anyway, Niu Dali thinks that if he really can't do it, then it's no big deal. Just don't do it. Anyway, he thought at the beginning that he would not do it as long as it was a little troublesome.

For people like them, it's a common thing to say a word as fart. It's no big deal at all.

Niu Dali didn't feel anything wrong, but Yang Mingde's heart was a little uneasy. He always felt that things would not be so simple.

He just wanted to refuse and let Niu Dali not talk casually.

The woman had turned her head, and a face of extraordinary elegance appeared in front of them.

Two people's saliva is about to flow out, Yang Mingde before that kind of uneasy feeling immediately was thrown out of the sky by him, in the eye only left this woman.

He swallowed his saliva and pushed the cow to the front of his mouth. He said in a narrow voice: "beauty, what can we do for you? No matter what, I can do it for you. For example, hey, what your boyfriend is willing to do

The meaning of Yang Mingde's teasing has been very obvious, but the woman still seems to have not heard anything. Anyway, she nodded: "since this is the case, that's great!"

Niu Dali also came to the woman with a smile even worse than crying: "it doesn't matter, as long as you can send us down at that time. By the way, I haven't asked your name yet

The woman shook her head: "it doesn't matter if you meet by chance. You'd better help me do that thing first."

"You can say it as long as I can do it. I will promise you everything

A charming smile appeared on the woman's face, which caused the two men to lose control of themselves.

"In fact, it's very simple, as long as you two go into the cave and help me find something."

"Looking for something?" "What do you want us to look for in the cave?" Yang asked? We just came out of there and saw nothing

Yang Mingde is not willing to go back in his heart, but now he can resist himself. But if the woman went too far, he might have another idea.

The smile on the woman's face did not abate in the slightest, "you have promised others, are you going to refuse me now?"

Before Yang Mingde had time to speak, Niu Dali had already approached: "of course, we are not going to refuse you. We just want to know what you are looking for. In this way, we can help you find it."

The smile on the woman's face gradually converged, and the air around her seemed to become cold.

The uneasiness in Yang Mingde's heart reached the extreme. He felt instinctively that if he didn't do anything else, he might die now.

He said in a hurry: "you'd better make it clear first, and then I'll decide whether to help you find it."

The woman's face changed in an instant, her eyes seemed to drip out immediately, and she looked very pitiful: "didn't you all promise me? Why do you still ask for something and decide to help me find it or not? "

Niu gives Yang Mingde a big look, as if Yang Mingde is a criminal for ages. He said excitedly, "he won't provoke you, I'll help you find it!"

"That would be great!" The woman said slowly, "my leg is lost in it. Can you help me find it?"

Yang Mingde's face suddenly turned pale. He seemed to have discovered something. It was the woman who turned her head and talked to them for a long time without ever standing up.

"What?" Niu Dali hasn't figured out what's going on.

The woman finally "floated" up, she looked at two people, the face of that beautiful face began to disappear bit by bit.

At this time, Niu Dali, even if he was blunt again, saw the lower part of the woman's body. There was no leg at all!

This can also "float" up, how can it be a person!?

"Ghost!" Yelling a big cattle, without hesitation to turn around and run.

The exit of the cave is in front of us, but Niu Dali has no courage to rush past the ghost.Yang Mingde's courage is not bigger than him. At this time, he dare not rush to the ghost.

So he looked at the cow running vigorously, and he also turned around and ran.

After running for a long distance, Yang Mingde looked back for a long time and found that the ghost girl was still in place and did not go after them at all.

This made Yang Mingde a little relieved.

The two of them ran all the way and finally appeared where they had come in.

Two people are in the waist, gasping heavily. Their faces are full of fear. What happened today is just like a nightmare for them.

"Ghost girl Not chasing Catch up. " Niu Dali was out of breath and said that he was very afraid now.

Yang Mingde said helplessly: "it is not catching up, but how do we two go out now? This is the innermost part of the cave. We have nothing, even if we want to dig a hole. "

Niu thought hard for a moment. After a rare thought, he said, "as long as the ghost doesn't catch up, it's OK. We'll wait here. When it's morning, the ghost will always leave, right? By that time, we'll have a chance. "

"Easy to say!" Yang Mingde was not angry and said: "now we still don't know whether we can persist until dawn."

Niu Dali was stunned for a moment, and then said, "the ghost girl didn't catch up with her?"

Yang Mingde shakes his head. He really doesn't know how to communicate with Niu. He always likes to think about things as simple as that. .. , the fastest update of the webnovel!