Chapter 2032

Ye Chen secretly strengthened the protective cover and said, "I was covered."

In an instant, the atmosphere fell to freezing point, and then ye Chen and ye Chen met the crazy impact from red data: "human! You hypocritical human! You don't think there's a price to pay for cheating me! "

"Ye Ge, what should we do now?" Emil asked anxiously.

After thinking about it, ye Chen replied, "this guy has no human nature at all. If we want to leave here, we have to defeat him."

"But how to defeat him?" Emir is worried. Yechen is right. They can only leave after defeating the red data. But if they want to defeat the red data, how can it be so simple?

The shadow of red data is printed in Ye Chen's eyes: "if you don't go into a tiger's den, you can't get a tiger's son.". We've got to fight. "

Emil shook his head. "I don't want you to get hurt."

"I don't want us to die here, Emir. Look at it. It's a twisted system intelligence. It doesn't pity us. It only knows how to play with us. Here, either we die or it lives." No matter how smart Emil is, he is also a child. Ye Chen does not want to put his companions in danger. However, the situation is so, he has no choice.

There is such a thing in hand, as long as he can understand the weakness of red data, then they And Lin shuangshuangshuang, there is a chance of life!

"Hello, what's your name?" Ye Chen gets close to the edge of the protective cover and knocks on the protective cover, calming down the red data.

Red data was silent for a long time before saying, "I don't have a name. Bai Xiaosheng likes to call me a clown. "

"That's a good name, clown. Shall we play the game together?" Ye Chen casually replies that asking for the name of the red data is not his intention. His intention is to get close to the clown. Only by knowing yourself and knowing the enemy can we win a hundred battles. This is Ye Chen's long experience.

"Are you sure?" Hear can play the game, the clown's voice has become smart.

Ye Chen nodded: "what can I do to cheat you?"

"Good, good, let's play a game together. How about death sniping? You can avoid me to snipe you. I like to blow my head." The clown suggested.

Emil: "you'd better not play such a dangerous game."

Ye Chen: "Good"

Emir: "Ye Ge!"

Ye Chen: "peace of mind, I have my own discretion." Then ye Chen turned to the clown and said with a smile, "but I have a request. If you promise me, I'll play with you. If you don't, it's all right. You can hit us directly."

Joker: what do you want

"Every time you shoot a bullet, you have to answer a question. Every time I get hit by you, I give you something. " Ye Chen said, taking out the system reward he had won, "whether it's a magic puppet in the immortal cultivation system or a high-tech robot, I have it here."

The red data on the clown's body is more dazzling. For a moment, ye Chen almost can't open his eyes. The clown said, "deal."

After the two reached an agreement, yechen walked out of the protective cover. Emil was left in the protective cover. She looked at the direction of the crystal coffin and the place where jomi was sleeping. Finally, her eyes fell on yechen.

Emil was puzzled: ye Ge, what is he thinking?

The clown did not know where to find the short gun, the sharp short gun was surrounded by red data, ye Chen looked at the short gun and said: "you should not be planning to play sniper with me like this?"

From the red data, a young looking red doll jumped out. The red doll could not see his face clearly, only a pair of red eyes were very eye-catching: "of course not, if you use the data, what's more interesting to say?"

Ye Chen looked at the villain and nodded. The smile at the corner of his mouth was not clear: "Heroes think alike. I feel the same way."

"Hum, don't think that if you praise me a few words, I will be merciful. I tell you, this short gun is a real gun, not made of data. Moreover, as long as you are hit five times, no matter whether I blow you in the head or not, the poisonous metal contained in the bullet will poison you to death."

"It's vicious, you little boy." Ye Chen touched his head, and the smile on his face was more intense: "I have never been afraid of anyone in my life."

The clown curled his mouth and said, "human beings who don't know what to do, let's start quickly. I can't help myself."

"I'll start by counting three, two, one." The scope of the sniper game is limited to the system space, and ye Chen can only evade through the space layout in the system space. This game can be said to be a challenge to both sides' technology, which is a test of the clown's sniping technology and ye Chen's dodging technology.

"Why do snipers use shotguns? It's a foul Emil, with his hands on the shield, cried.

The clown aimed the gun head at the protective cover and fired it. A slight crack was made in the protective cover by the gun. The crack was quickly repaired by the system energy. However, the feeling of palpitation in Emil's heart was still there. She gasped, and the clown's voice seemed to come from hell: "here, I'm the rule. You're a useless dirty thing, or shut up The mouth is better. "Ye Chen watched all this happen. He gritted his teeth and said nothing. He clenched his hands into fists. "Well, don't waste time. Let's get started." Ye Chen pretended not to care. He can't show that he cares about Emir, because the clown is a time bomb. He doesn't know when it's going to explode or who he's going to target.

After marking the beginning of the game, ye Chen took the lead in hiding in a room. The next moment, before he turned around, the clown came in through the wall. He held up a short gun and aimed at Ye Chen. Fortunately, ye Chen was sensitive, so he hid in the past and manipulated the system to shift between two different rooms Relieved, he leaned against the wall.

Just at that moment of confrontation, he felt that the clown was definitely aiming at himself with the idea of killing himself with a blow. He must not be on the front bar of the clown, or he will become fish on the dinner board and be slaughtered.

Fortunately, he has successfully avoided an attack, and now he can ask the clown a question. Ye Chen took a few deep breaths, and his voice in the street seemed calm: "do you remember the rules, clown?" .. , the fastest update of the webnovel!