
Uncle Ming came back with a bag of rice and some vegetables. He stood up and took them.

I slept in his room, but I couldn't sleep. I wanted to know what kind of woman he loved and what she could do for Molly.

He got up before dawn the next day and when I opened the door, he was already at the courtyard door. He looked at me before saying, "Dear God, you should rest obediently at home. I'm going to the palace to handle some matters."

"Yes." "Yes," I said softly.

I lay down to sleep again, and got up in the morning. I couldn't sit, I couldn't stand, and it was so empty that it annoyed me. Uncle Ming had disappeared too. The old cow was lying on the wall, dozing off.

"Is Mo Li here?" someone shouted.

"Not here." I answered.

"He owes us quite a bit of silver. Tomorrow is the deadline, let him prepare."

I nodded. I think Mo Li didn't actually think of it as a home, just as simple as if he could leave at any time. He was so poor that there was nothing valuable in the house.

I strode out. I knew the way to the West Market, and once I knew the way to go. I went to pick up some discarded vegetables and then cooked.

When lunch was ready, he ran to the mouth of the alleyway to wait for him. He waited from noon to evening, from evening to the rising of the moon.

When the shadow returned alone, I called out excitedly, "Mo Li, you're finally back."

He was surprised. "Why are you here?"

"I'll wait for you. It's so boring to be alone at home."

He touched my forehead and said, "Don't wait any longer next time, it's not good if you get cold. I forgot to tell you that Uncle Ming went back to his house to help out. He wanted to come back after the second day. Have you eaten yet?"

I smiled sweetly and shook his hand. "I've made it. I'll wait for you to come back and eat with me."

He also laughed happily, "Who said that Heaven's Love is a bad girl. Heaven's Love knows what's good for you. It seems that I got lucky and got a little girl."

We went home together and lit the candle. He poured back the food that I had cooked in a mess and heated it up again. The warm fragrance of the small hut warmed my heart.

He filled a bowl with food for me. "I was in such a hurry today that I forgot to tell you that there's a money box in your desk. Don't wait for me there. I've been busy these past few days and have to finish what I left behind."

"Yes." I nodded vigorously.

If this was something we could be together forever, how nice would that be.

The next day I took all the money out of the money box, and I went after him. I went out of the city to buy some vegetables, and I learned that the people in the West Market bought them there, bought them, and put them on the market.

Being petty is also good, I don't want Mo Li to worry about his life.

After accumulating more money every day, I will buy a good pair of shoes for Mo Li. He only came and went with those two simple sets of clothes, but the shoes were very worn out.

In the evening, when I prepared food for him to eat, he ate with relish and I was very happy.

Uncle Ming came back and Uncle Ming went to his room that night to talk about something. I saw that he was unhappy, but he didn't tell me to share his worries, so I could only watch and worry.

The food in the west market was cheap, and the east market was even further away, but in order to sell it for a good price, I dragged the old cow and two big bundles of vegetables to the east market.

I can only lead the old cow across the street. This old cow is a bit afraid of people, but I have to use a lot of strength to pull her away. The people who passed by all turned around to look, and a smile appeared on their faces, as if they were watching a good show.

The morning meal was very good. I counted the coins and smiled happily. I carried the cow outside the shoe shop and chose a pair of good shoes. They matched his clothes very well. I wrapped them in cloth and went out to pull the cow back.

How am I supposed to tell him? Mo Li, I picked up a pair of shoes. Try me, or should I say Mo Li, I went to steal a pair of shoes. Hehe, if I said that, he would definitely scold me. There will always be a good reason. This is the first time in my life that I've ever painstakingly thought about how to buy things for someone.

Raising my head to wipe off my sweat, I was surprised to see that the person sitting in front of the window didn't need to look at his face. I could recognize him just by looking at his back. Mo Li.

Beside him sat a beautiful girl. The girl looked at him and smiled shyly.

"Miss, why aren't you leaving? Stop blocking our way of doing business!" He could hear the waiter urging him on.

I was still glaring at the person opposite me when the girl saw me. She smiled and said something. Mo Li turned his head to look at me, stunned.

I pulled the cow hard and the rope fell on its back, but it was me who hurt.

He did not catch up with me. I hid under the hibiscus flowers and cried. I hugged my knees and buried my head deep.