
I looked at the silver bracelet in my hand. No matter how I looked at it, it was still beautiful. It was round and beautiful, giving off an extraordinary feeling.

It's raining a little today, so I'll take the Jade Concubine's clothes to the Huai Rou Palace to wash. I'll also take our clothes as well, since there's a Huai Yi Palace, which saves us the trouble of having to wash them by ourselves.

Holding an umbrella, a good sleeve slipped, revealing my beautiful silver bracelet.

Mother gave it to me, Mo Li didn't even know.

He felt very much like those Jiangnan women in those paintings. Walking in the rain with one hand holding an umbrella and the other holding his clothes, he possessed a very artistic beauty. Thinking of this, and also thinking of my beautiful spring, my heart shrank back in pain.

When I came back, I saw my sister in the Raccoon Court.

She had also delivered clothes with two palace maids, especially not many. Tsk, tsk. Even those clothes that were as thin as a muslin had been delivered. Could she wear them in this weather?

Logically speaking, his status shouldn't be like that.

I purposely stayed for a while longer before I heard my elder sister's soft voice. "Please put in a bit more effort."

The palace maid merely said politely, "This is something that should be done. Actually, Fu Xiuping doesn't need to send it herself. Just send a palace maid over."

Her face was somewhat bitter. She lifted up her slightly wet hair, squeezed out a smile, and left.

I gave the clothes to the ladies, and they looked at them and checked them in and said yes. Then, he said softly, "That Fu Xiuyu should be out of luck. Who told her to live in the same palace as Zhang Zhaoyi? Zhang Zhaoyi is a very powerful person."

"Don't break your mouth." An older palace maid cried out, "Be careful that this mama hears you, tearing apart your little hooves. This is all a matter of master, how can you speak carelessly?"

Why do you always call a palace maid a little hoof? I looked down at myself, wondering what part of her looked like a hoof.

When I went back with the umbrella, my sister walked in front and I was behind. Unexpectedly, she didn't hold the umbrella, and even though the drizzle was light and greasy, it would still wet her clothes after walking for a long time.

She never looked back at me.

I think she really hated me.

Outside the palace, she was more at ease and proud daughter of heaven in Liangcheng, but in the palace, she was like a palace maid. If I hadn't destroyed her and Shaobei, she might have been Xiang's mistress, and she wouldn't have been such a pitiful person.

To me, I could get used to these kinds of lives very quickly, but she was different. She had always been the precious daughter of the Fu Family, and she had always been highly regarded.

I felt a little sad. Was this what they called growing up? I'll think about it for someone else.

At the fork in the road, I stopped following her and walked alone in the direction of Yongjing Palace.

A person ran out without using an umbrella, scaring me so much that I took a step back. I clearly saw who was patting my heart. This fellow ate too much, actually scaring me.

"Mo Tian Love." Li Tan's elegant face had a bit of rain droplets on it, and her slightly wet hair was stuck to her forehead. Her clothes were also a bit greasy, so she must have stayed in the rain for a long time.

I raised my eyebrows. "What?"

"Why haven't you come looking for me in such a long time?"

"What's there to find?" Now, I don't want to bother with you. Mo Li will bring me food at noon. This is what he promised me yesterday.

However, he blocked my path, "Mo Tian Love, come and play with me. I am extremely bored, and have never been bored before. I can't sit still, and I can't stay here any longer."

"What does this have to do with me? Good dogs don't block the way, so don't block my way. I need to go back and do something."

"Let me help you!" "No," he said.

I shook my head. "I don't want to. In this palace, if men and women go too close, do you know that they want to be beheaded? If you want to die, I don't want to die." Of course, in this palace, there were many people who didn't call themselves men.

As for that king dog, he's just a dog man.

I went, he followed me, I went back to the Palace of Eternal Rest and looked back. He did not dare to follow me again, but stood outside the alley, the drizzle weaving into a net behind him, trapping him alone in the middle. His expression was one of confusion and endless pain.

I suddenly couldn't bear it any longer and ran out to tell him, "I only have time to play with you in the afternoon. Jade Peace Garden, I won't be able to see you all the way."

He finally smiled and said, "Fine, Jade He Garden, I won't be able to see you all." The intense grief in his eyes seemed to have been swept away as well.