
It was very interesting to tease Ming Xia like this; Zhou Tianle was not tired of it.

At this moment, Liu Daqing came running out of the room with a panicked expression on his face, shouting out that something was wrong.

Zhou Tian was still in doubt, but two screams of pain came from the kitchen.

"Is something wrong?" Ming Xia looked up with a silly smile on his face.

"It's fine. You just need to continue enjoying the delicacies."

After Zhou Tian said that, he hurriedly entered the kitchen.

He saw that Master Qin and Master Wei, who were still in battle spirit, had their faces flushed and their bodies twitching.

It was similar to rushing, but also a bit different.

Zhou Tian stepped forward, parted the human wall, squatted down, and took one meridian in each hand.

Their symptoms were exactly the same.

They all appeared to be unable to get up at one breath, moreover, they all appeared to be extremely exhausted.

Someone at the side said, "Master Qin and Master Wei, it's really too much. For the sake of battle spirit, you even made your own bodies. Consecutive concentration with spiritual force is too much of a burden for their bodies."

I just counted, Master Wei cooked 13 dishes and Master Qin 14 dishes. In such a short period of time, you also have to ensure the quality of the dishes. Even a young man in his twenties might not be able to handle it, not to mention the fact that the two masters are in their fifties.

"Shh, when they wake up, don't tell anyone that they cooked too much. It must be said that they all cooked 13 dishes."

When Zhou Tian heard this, he also knew what had happened. He also felt that it was funny that there really were two old children.

He took out the silver needles and pierced each of their abdomen acupoints. He slowly infused his zhenqi into them, opening the locked doors. He then used a stream of zhenqi to travel through their bodies, dispersing their fatigue and restoring their physical strength.

Luckily, the two of them were just having a fit of anger. As for why they were sick at the same time, Zhou Tian reckoned that one of them had collapsed first, while the other one was laughing heartily, unable to get up.

As for who was the one who was exhausted first and who was the one who was laughing until he couldn't breathe, he had no way of determining.

After about two minutes, Zhou Tian felt that it was about the same, so he put the silver needles away.

At this moment, someone said to Zhou Tian, "Young man, I saw you using silver needles just now and you are very skilled at it. Moreover, you are very adept at identifying your acupuncture points and you can easily see them through your clothes."

"I come from the Central South Mountain."

Zhou Tian's simple words stunned all of the chefs present. They were not ordinary people, coupled with the fact that the Yu Xiang Garden often received hermits and experts, they had more or less heard of Zhong Nanshan from these people. They knew just how important the five words' Central Nanshan 'were.

"Truly a young hero. I heard Old Chuan say that he wanted to find a person with outstanding medical skills to be his son-in-law. You can give it a try." Someone laughed.

Ming Xia walked in. This time, Zhou Tian didn't dare to answer.

The scene became silent for a moment.

"Why aren't any of you saying anything?" Ming Xia was puzzled.

Fortunately, Master Wei and Master Qin slowly woke up.

Looking at the crowd surrounding them, Master Wei thought for a moment and said, "What are you all doing? Hurry up and continue cooking!" My Eight Treasures Duck should have been prepared by now, right? "


The people beside them briefly told them what had just happened, because there were many things that could not be said.

"So you're saying, I cook as much as Old Qin? "No, my Eight Treasures Duck is already well. I have fourteen dishes, one more than Old Qin!" Master Wei said proudly.

"Bullshit, I'm sure it's not 13 dishes, they must have counted wrong!" I will lose to you? What a joke, why don't we have another round! " Master Qin was unhappy.

Everyone looked at each other, then walked out of the kitchen, leaving the two of them to bicker.

Liu Daqing walked over with a ruddy-faced middle-aged man. His clothes were untidy and his sleeves were torn apart.

"Why are you all here? Where are Master Qin and Master Wei?" Liu Daqing was stunned, he felt that the situation was not normal.

Just inside, someone pointed to the kitchen.

"Are you really just going to let the two patients in?"

Liu Daqing walked into the kitchen, discontented with the smell of the wine.

What a strong smell of alcohol and medicine. Although this person looked slovenly and had an unkempt appearance, he should be a medical expert, Zhou Tian guessed in his heart.

"No one can blame you for asking for it." Someone chuckled.

Sure enough, two voices came from the kitchen.

"Old Liu and Old Chuan, the two of you, tell us, which one of us has the best culinary skills, and which one has the fastest cooking speed!"

"You can't give us mud! Do you really think we are three-year-olds!? "

Not long after, Liu Daqing walked out with an ashen face. Looking at the people who were laughing evilly, how could they not know what was going on?

"Why hasn't my father come out yet?" Ming Xia suddenly said.

It turned out to be Ming Xia's father, one of the three famous doctors of Jiangbei Province.

"That stinking drunkard, I can't wait for them to fight every day. He can just openly tell them to cook for him, that's not bad at all." He still had the second half of his sentence to say. Unfortunately, their anger was almost gone now.

Sure enough, Ming Chuan was thrown out by Master Qin and Master Wei together.

"Aren't I asking you guys to make a plate of salted prawns? You don't even know how to cook such a simple dish, how can you have the nerve to compete for first in cooking? " Ming Chuan looked unhappy.

Then, with a slightly intoxicated look, he walked over to Ming Xia's side and said, "Good daughter, father wants you to marry Xu Jinghe for your own good. You're not young either; it's about time for you to get married. The next family's Elder Chu's granddaughter is already born."

Zhou Tian snickered as he looked at Ming Xia's embarrassed and angry face. Only now did he understand why Ming Xia had run away from home. Xu Jinghe had been scared, but he was just a fuse.

"I'm not forcing you to marry Xu Jinghe, but you have to give me a promise. You can make me happy by quickly finding someone to marry home. Didn't you hear from your neighbor Auntie Li that Old Ming's daughter was pretty good-looking, but why is it that she didn't even have a partner? Could it be that there's something shameful about her daughter? Listen, can I stand this? The next time they come to visit me, I'll charge them five, no, ten times the medical fee! " Ming Chuan continued to shout.

This caused Mingxia's face to turn bright red. He felt extremely embarrassed and was too embarrassed to run away.

That was why people who drank half the time and were sober spoke the most.

The people sitting next to Ming Chuan were already used to Ming Chuan's appearance. After drinking, they would jabber on like monks.

Ming Chuan let out a burp before looking back and forth. Finally looking at Zhou Tian, his eyes narrowed, "Are you the one who cured these two old men?"

"It was nothing." Zhou Tian said carefully.

"You actually stole my business! Do you know that the illness of those two old fellows is worth at least twenty dishes? "

"…" Zhou Tian was speechless.

Ming Chuan walked over and looked at Zhou Tian from head to toe. After thinking for a moment, he said, "The twenty dishes that you owe me, I don't need them. As long as you marry my daughter and we become a family, we can forget about it."

Eh, using twenty dishes was precisely for the sake of marrying his own daughter out … This was simply too extraordinary.

Zhou Tian was dumbstruck. This kind of father was too terrifying.

"Father, you are talking nonsense again! I'm ignoring you, hmph! "

Ming Xia couldn't stay here any longer. Clutching her face, she quickly ran out.

"What a foolish daughter. I was only joking around. How could I possibly do such a loss-making business? He should have brought at least twenty dishes to propose to me." Ming Chuan sighed.

"..." After all, he sold his daughter for these twenty dishes.

"Young man, your master is not simple. I can feel the flow of Zhen Qi in their bodies." Ming Chuan looked at Zhou Tian and spoke seriously.

Zhou Tian was taken aback. Could it be that he knew how to cultivate as well? However, there were no signs of true energy flowing through his body.

Just as he was about to ask, he heard Ming Chuan say, "Although you, your teacher, is not simple and seems to be quite capable, you have to bring at least forty dishes in order for me to marry you."

"There are still twenty dishes that you owe me." Ming Chuan added.

With that, Ming Chuan staggered away, leaving Zhou Tian in shock.

Liu Daqing walked over and patted him on the shoulder, saying, "Don't bother with this old drunkard, just drinking a little wine and he'll go crazy. But his medical skills are good, and his daughter is also very beautiful."

Zhou Tian was puzzled. What was the connection?

"As long as you learn culinary arts from me, with your talent, a mere forty servings is easy. As long as you can subdue that old drunkard, his daughter will definitely be yours." Liu Daqing finally revealed his purpose.

Zhou Tian couldn't help but think that the other person had, after all, drunk. You didn't even drink alcohol, yet you're already spouting nonsense here …

Outside of Yu Xiang Garden, Li Qing sat on a large limestone in front of the door, waiting for Xu Wenlei to deliver the ingredients.

He didn't want his master to know that he had captured a strong man, and then he would just hide here and be lazy.

"Hey, you ten thousand years old kitchen man, hurry up and help! I'm so tired! "

Xu Wenlei carried seven to eight bags in each hand and carried four to five bags on his back. Even three to four bags were hanging from his head as he tottered his way over …

With a long sound of a horn, a Lamborghini stopped in front of Xu Wenlei.

A person alighted from the car, Xu Jinghe.

Xu Jinghe tidied up his famous suit. With a face full of contempt, he looked at Xu Wenlei, "Tsk tsk. What? Your master actually let you do this kind of work?" You might as well be my disciple, at least you won't have to worry about three meals a day. "

He recognized Xu Wenlei. Anyone close to Zhou Tian was his enemy.

On the side, Li Qing walked over with a dark expression and helped take the food off Xu Wenlei. Then, he looked at Xu Jinghe, "Xu Jinghe, you have such a big tone! Don't you always flaunt yourself as a gentleman? Did I hear wrongly just now? "

Xu Jinghe's expression changed slightly, but he didn't care too much about it.