
"You, since you know it, why did you do such a dangerous action? Don't you know that blood flows from the seven apertures of your head? Just a slight negligence is enough to kill this student!" Yuwen Tuo tried his best to reprimand him.

In his opinion, those words were Zhou Tian's excuse. What he needed to do was for Hua Li to uncover Zhou Tian's lies.

"Do you know acupuncture? To think that you would think that you know everything about acupuncture just by knowing a little about it. How laughable! " Zhou Tian was disdainful, and continued: "Who said that a person would die if they bleed from their seven orifices? Are you guys watching too many TV dramas? "

He had always hated doctors who seemed to be proficient in the arts of medicine, but in reality, they only knew the basics.

I remember that the old man had a good saying. He was not afraid of a doctor who could not cure, but he was afraid of a doctor who could only treat half the doctors." The latter was much more dangerous than the former.

The onlookers were also stunned. They had the same idea as Yuwen Tuo. Since simultaneously applying the needle would cause blood to flow from the seven orifices, it had to be the wrong method of treatment.

"What nonsense are you talking about!?" When could blood flow from one's seven orifices and one's life be saved? Furthermore, this is epilepsy, even modern medicine cannot say that it can cure a person with epilepsy completely. Just with a few acupuncture sessions, it can be completely cured of epilepsy! I think you're just boasting shamelessly! " Yuwen Tuo wasn't suppressed by Zhou Tian's aura at all.

In the eyes of many onlookers, Yuwen Tuo was representing the righteous side. At this moment, he was fighting righteously against the quack doctor represented by Zhou Tian.

"We believe you! You are the best! " Some girls crazily shouted.

They did not care what Yuwen Tuo said. They only knew that what Yuwen Tuo had done was right!

Zhou Tian was too lazy to argue with Yuwen Tuo. He extended his hand and lightly patted the back of the sickly female student's head twice. Immediately, the rate of bleeding from her seven orifices increased by a lot.

It was shocking.

Who would dare to believe that such a treatment could save lives?

If the epilepsy was not cured, the female student would die from excessive blood loss.

"Enough! You'll kill people if you do that! I can't just sit back and let you randomly heal me! " Yuwen Tuo roared.

Zhou Tian merely glanced at him calmly. After which, upon seeing that the situation wasn't bad, he stroked the back of the female student's head lightly for a moment before slowly infusing zhenqi into her body.

Being ignored like that, Yuwen Tuo's anger burned even more. He originally wanted to embarrass Zhou Tian, who had stolen his limelight. But now, he was truly treating Zhou Tian as his enemy.

Because no one had ever dared to ignore him! His current position was the center of everyone's attention. He even thought that when he stood next to Bai Ning Rou, his radiance wasn't weaker than hers at all.

If she was a goddess, then he was a male god!

Seeing that Zhou Tian didn't pay any attention to him, Yuwen Tuo directly went forward, wanting to grab Zhou Tian.

From Yuwen Tuo's point of view, although Zhou Tian's body was slender, it wasn't that type of physique. He had once practiced Taekwondo and was an expert with a black belt. He didn't believe that he couldn't subdue an ordinary person.

The moment Yuwen Tuo's hand reached over, Zhou Tian's brows twitched. His left hand was incomparably fast, like a dragonfly skimming over water as it sealed the vein on Yuwen Tuo's hand. At the same time, a wave of true energy vibrated.

Yuwen Tuo's entire body first went numb, then his body went limp and he fell onto the ground.

"How is this possible!" Yuwen Tuo was completely stunned. He had been easily knocked down like this. Moreover, he didn't even know when his opponent would attack. The gap between them was too big.

The three lovestruck girls ran over with heartache. Two of the girls carefully helped Yuwen Tuo up. The boys present could not help but be jealous of their carefree appearance.

One of the boys turned around and left with a darkened face.

Some people knew that one of the three girls who ran over was his girlfriend.

Another girl who did not support Yuwen Tuo walked over, pointed at Zhou Tian and cursed: "Are you crazy! He actually dared to hit him! Do you believe that I can call the police right now and charge you with beating up a student! "

"Since you, Yuwen, have kindly pointed out the flaws in the treatment method, it's fine if you don't appreciate my kindness!" He actually beat someone up! "Do you even have the slightest bit of decency and shame!"

Zhou Tian was speechless. Wasn't this ability to invert black and white a bit too strong? Yuwen Tuo had clearly been the one to attack, but his skills were inferior to hers. However, in her opinion, he was in the wrong.

He didn't want to care about these people at first, but now he was getting humiliated. In that case, he didn't need to leave any face for them.

"What right does a girl like you have to talk to me about honor and shame! Can you tell me where you spent the night? A girl who doesn't know self-respect, do you still have the face to talk about justice, justice, integrity, and shame!? " Zhou Tian said coldly.

This girl's aura was chaotic, and there were a few male auras lingering around her. She had been hanging out with at least a few men last night, and as for what exactly she was doing, he didn't want to be too clear about it.

The girl's face stiffened, then her face paled, and she exclaimed, "You're talking nonsense! "I stayed in the dorm last night. I didn't go anywhere!"

She naturally knew what Zhou Tian was referring to. However, she couldn't remember meeting this person last night. Could it be that she was accidentally seen by someone?

"Is that so? I just don't know if your roommates are willing to lie to you! "

Zhou Tian swept a glance at his surroundings before two girls hurriedly left with their heads lowered.

They were this girl's roommates, so they naturally knew her personality. They didn't want to be a perjury, and they also didn't want to hurt their roommates' feelings, so they could only quickly leave.

"Hey, I seem to have an impression of this girl. I saw her wearing a pink dress last night at 12 o'clock. She was beautifully dressed and walked out of the school gate. Why is she wearing a black dress now?"

"Don't you understand? There's a place about two thousand meters from the left corner of our school. Isn't there supposed to be a Grand Heavenly Entertainment City? I've been there a few times.

"Isn't she Wenshanshan from junior high?"

The discussions on the side became even more heated.

"It's not like that! You are simply slandering me! "

Wen Shanshan ran away with a dark face, she really didn't have the face to stay any longer.

The other two girls looked at each other. They quickly left Yuwen Tuo and slipped away.

Although they were not as weak as Wen Shanshan, they were afraid that Zhou Tian would say something shocking that would cause them to be unable to argue back.

"You guys … hurt …"

Yuwen Tuo let out a blood-curdling screech as he fell to the ground.

Just now, Zhou Tian had skillfully caused him to fall onto the ground. There hadn't been much pain, but now, he had actually fallen down.

Zhou Tian withdrew his Zhen Qi and placed the female student flat on the ground. He got up and stood in front of Yuwen Tuo, looking down at him and slowly said: "Regarding the way of medicine, the difference between you and me is like this. You are destined to look up to it."

Then, ignoring Yuwen Tuo's reaction, he left.

"You bastard! What qualifications do you have to talk to me about medical skills! "You can't even be human …" Yuwen Tuo struggled to get up and was about to curse.

The female student who was suffering from epilepsy actually woke up, and her face regained its original rosiness.

Yuwen Tuo's mouth was wide open. When had blood from his seven orifices become a cure?

No, no, it must not be true! It should be that the epileptic symptoms had already flared up, so the patient automatically woke up.

The number of people who shared the same thoughts as Yuwen Tuo was no longer small.

An acquaintance went up to ask the female student how she was feeling at the moment.

The female student was already shocked by her current condition. Originally, her chest was always aching and disgusting, and her brain was a little muddled, but now, her whole body was relaxed, and her spirit was in a great state. She had not experienced this feeling for a long time.

She was convinced that her epilepsy had been completely cured. Tears streamed down her face as she looked towards the direction Zhou Tian left in. She couldn't help but shout in her heart, "You are my real god!"

This was a true miracle!

Using acupuncture alone to completely cure epilepsy would probably be recorded in the history of medicine!

In the midst of everyone's admiration and praise, Yuwen Tuo dejectedly left. However, his eyes were filled with resentment.

Zhou Tian who was already far away could still hear the exclamations behind him. He shook his head and chuckled.

This was just a small test of acupuncture. Moreover, those people only knew that it was amazing to be able to cure the symptoms of epilepsy. They didn't know which step the truly powerful part was in.

The seven orifices bleeding caused by the application of acupuncture on the Fengchi acupoint and Zhengying acupoint deserved admiration. However, in the eyes of a true expert, Zhou Tian's precise acupuncture skill at two acupuncture points was the most terrifying.

The bleeding from the seven orifices caused by the wind pond and the official camp points was indeed extremely dangerous. Only the proper acupuncture power could turn a seemingly dangerous situation into a miracle of healing.

It was because of the high requirement of the acupuncture power that only a few doctors were able to reach this stage. Ancient doctors would make this kind of treatment impossible.

This was what Yuwen Tuo meant when he said 'apply the needles'.

Tossing these thoughts aside, Zhou Tian stopped a taxi to head to the largest antique market in Jiangbei, Jinhua City.

The driver, who was an uncle who was around fifty years old, immediately told Zhou Tian about the Jin Hua City when he heard that Zhou Tian was going to the Jin Hua City.

According to him, Jiangbei has a long history, and in the 1980s and 1990s, many underground tombs were excavated by archaeological teams, and many cultural relics were excavated. The most famous was the successful excavation of an underground palace. It shocked the world of antiques at that time, causing a wave of antiques here.

At that time, the reputation of Jinhua City had spread throughout the entire Jiangbei Province. Many fans of ancient arts came to visit, and some masters of various industries also came here to live in seclusion.

These reclusive masters were the purpose of Zhou Tian's visit.

If he could find the best one, he would also want to find one or two masterful magic tools here. Only with these tools in hand would he be able to unravel the real mystery of Qingshan's funeral parlor.