Chapter 90

Three people suddenly came to the door of the conference room, and the youngest young man opened his mouth.

Beside the youth was an old man and a middle-aged man.

This voice successfully attracted all eyes, and the old Dean was no exception. After seeing the visitor, he frowned and said, "old Xiu, what are you doing in the conference room of Jiangbei medical college!"

"Hey, hey, I heard you led the team this year. As an old friend, I naturally want to see you. Why, are you still cheering for them?" old man Xiu smiled.

"Can't you? Or are you afraid of old Xiu?" the old Dean sneered.

"Tut Tut, such a big man is still stubborn. I'm here just to advise you not to have too much hope for these people, otherwise the higher the hope, the greater the disappointment."

Old man Xiu deliberately glanced at the young people around him.

The old Dean came over directly, stood in front of old man Xiu and said, "this time I personally led the team to recapture the honor of Jiangbei medical college! If your Southwest Medical College hadn't relied on some so-called foreign aid for a few years, would you have the opportunity to stand in front of me and talk nonsense!"

"Ha ha, I won't argue with you. When the exchange competition starts, you will understand that it is inevitable for Jiangbei medical college to kneel three times." old man Xiu laughed a few times.

The young man frowned, looked around the crowd and said, "who are you? Why, don't you dare to stand up?"

Wang De, sitting below, suddenly felt happy. Originally, he had always had a prejudice against Zhou Tian. The reason why he gathered many teaching assistants was to deal with the young man in front of him, but now, the young man obviously came towards Zhou Tian, which hit his heart.

Zhou Tian took back his eyes and turned to the young man. He didn't see any happiness or anger on his face. He just said calmly, "I'm right here. I'm afraid you can't come to me."

The young man followed his reputation and glanced at Zhou Tian sitting by the window. He disdained to say, "so you are this virtue. It seems that I came wrong this time!"

The old Dean and old man Xiu looked at Zhou Tian at the same time, surprised and frightened.

The old Dean had heard of Zhou Tian, but he had never seen Zhou Tian, and he had never seen Zhou Tian's real medical skills with his own eyes.

"Let me guess, are you the disciple of ghost end?" I saw through the identity of the young man in the blink of an eye.

"You, how do you know?"

The young man was very surprised. He didn't even tell the master about his coming to Jiangbei. In front of him, a man about his size could recognize himself.

Zhou Tian chuckled, "is it difficult to guess your identity? Do you want to know why?"

The young man subconsciously replied, "why?"

Zhou Tian looked away, looked out of the window and said with a smile, "because you have a disgusting smell like him. It smells bad."

"You! How dare you insult my teacher!" the young man was angry and said, "I heard that you claimed to be the only descendant from Zhongnan mountain. Others may be deceived by you, but I don't believe it. So I came here to see your medical skills!"

"It's OK to see medical skills. However, you're not qualified to let your teacher come to see me."

I don't even bother to look at him on Sunday.

He didn't pay attention to the ghost, let alone his apprentice.

"What an arrogant tone! To deal with a small person like you, where does my master need to come out in person! I Yan Zhen can defeat you! I will let you understand that only my master is worthy of the real descendant of Zhongnan mountain!" Yan Zhen glared.

Zhongnanshan real descendant? Zhou Tian chuckles endlessly. Does he deserve it with his talent? When I studied medicine together in Sanqing palace in Zhongnan mountain, ghost Mo was just a humble existence. In terms of medical talent, I was better than others, let alone compared with him.

"It seems that it is the world at the foot of the mountain that exposes the arrogant nature of the ghost. One of the top ten miracle doctors deserves to be called a miracle doctor with his medical skills, which is like a short man choosing a general."

"You! Your tongue is sharp! How can a little person like you understand the excellence of my master's medical skills! Ask those present who don't recognize the reputation of my master's ghost end!"

Yan Zhen looked down at the crowd and looked arrogant.

"Ghost Mo, is he the legendary miracle doctor? It is said that he used to stay in Jiangbei and left a lot of legends. Later, he chose to go to the imperial capital for development. It is said that in the imperial capital, he is also a guest of many dignitaries."

"This young man should be a disciple of the ghost end! This is a great fortune! The future is unlimited!"

"Compared with this young man, I'm more curious about this Sunday. Does he really come down from Zhongnan mountain? But there was no Zhou Tian in the miracle doctor who came down the mountain!"

Everyone in the audience was in an uproar and talked one after another.

In the medical field, the Zhongnanshan vein represented by the ghost group is undoubtedly the most conspicuous existence.

"Go back and tell ghost Mo not to fool around under the banner of Zhongnan mountain, otherwise I will find him." Zhou Tian said softly.

what! try every trick to mislead the public? Yan Zhen was so angry that he clenched his fist. In his mind, his teacher is a god like figure. Now he is said to be a charlatan. How can he stand it!

"How dare you insult my teacher! I, Yan Zhen, will make you pay for your ignorance!" Yan angrily said.

Zhou Tian looked back at him and said, "I wanted to say wait and see, but there's nothing that can make me feel amazing, not even you."

"I will challenge you in the exchange competition and beat you! I will let you understand the gap between you and my master!"

The young man Yan Zhen turned and left, and the middle-aged man followed him.

Old man Xiu looked at Zhou Tian with a smiling face and said, "you may not know. Yan Zhen's medical skills and accomplishments are even admired by the three famous doctors."

"Well, then what?" Zhou Tian said faintly.

The old man's face stiffened, then smiled and said, "if it's really a hero, I've heard that you're just a teaching assistant of Jiangbei medical college?"

"Old man Xiu! What do you mean! Do you want to dig a corner in front of me!" the old Dean angrily said.

The old man hasn't seen him for several years. He doesn't pay attention to himself more and more.

Old man Xiu's eyes narrowed slightly. "What's wrong? Young talents like him are casting pearls in your Jiangbei medical college. Only our Southwest Medical College can give him the brightest future."

"Fuck you! Do you have the qualification of Southwest Medical College? Do you want us two old friends to have a competition? I'll see what you've learned in recent years!" the old Dean shouted.

Some people who knew the old Dean well underground couldn't help whispering.

"I heard from my teacher that now the old Dean is soaking in traditional Chinese medicine every day, especially good at acupuncture and moxibustion. He can be said to be the first traditional Chinese medicine in Jiangbei."

"I don't think so. You haven't heard of the name of old man Xiu, but you must know that thirty years ago, a crazy old man treated many diseases called terminal diseases with various strange treatment methods."

"I heard that the crazy old man and our old president were both talented doctors of Jiangbei Medical College and strong competitors for the next president, but the crazy old man treated diseases with insects! He was immediately criticized as a crook and disqualified from the president's competition."

"Is it difficult that the crazy old man is the old man in front of us?"

Zhou Tianlai was interested in treating diseases with insects. He once heard the old man say that in miaojiang, people there will cultivate many insects and insects. Each insect and insect has extraordinary ability, which can be used to cure diseases and save people, or to harm people.

In addition, there is a treatment method of attacking poison with poison in Miao Xinjiang. However, in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, both of these two treatments have been criticized as crooked ways, rejected and can not be carried forward.

The old man Xiu, who was watched by the public, looked at the old Dean and said with a smile: "it was not because my medical skills were not as good as you that I lost to you, but my medical skills were not recognized. Those old guys were stereotyped and unchanged. No wonder our traditional Chinese medicine will decline day by day."

The old Dean looked slightly changed and said angrily: you also mean to mention that year! You used living people as an experiment! You can't count the number of patients who died by your hand! "

"Hum! Those people are incurably ill. They all agree to let me treat them. I just treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor. What's wrong with that? If I don't save them, they don't want to die!" old man Xiu disdained.

Over the years, he has been holding a breath, a resentment, a anger. He wants to prove to the whole medical community that his medical skills can also cure diseases and save people!

"OK! But you still want to promote your harmful medicine in Jiangbei medical college! This undoubtedly touches the bottom line! Otherwise, the master would not have chosen me to take over Jiangbei medical college!"

"Since my medicine can cure and save people, why can't it be carried out! The old stubborn master knows that there is no distinction between good and evil in the medicine. Whoever can cure and save people is a good prescription!"

Zhou Tian listened to the debate between the two of them. Instead, he was more inclined to fix the old man. That sentence is a good recipe for curing the disease and saving people. No doubt it came to the point.

Since ancient times, there have been too many conformist doctors who know how to treat patients and save people according to the records in medical books, but they don't think about the essence of treating patients and saving people.

The old Dean and old man Xiu represent two kinds of people, one is a doctor who adheres to the rules and abides by the valuable experience handed down by his ancestors, and the other is a doctor who dares to open up a new road and does not stick to the form of saving people.

Of course, opening up a new road is too much for old man Xiu, but now doctors have great courage to learn from insects and insects in miaojiang and learn to fight poison with poison.

The reason why their medicine King's pulse can be inherited all the time is that there is no fixed method of treatment in the inheritance of the medicine king. This kind of treatment can be, and that kind of treatment is not feasible.