Chapter 279

The early sun in the sky gradually rose and scattered golden light. The forest fog in the whole dense forest began to dissipate, and dew began to drip on the leaves.

Drops of water fell on a monk's bald head.

"Yes, I just want to tell you about cause and effect. Do you dare to answer?" Zhou Tian said faintly and said, "I should call you a monk now. However, it's easier to call you a monk."

The elder smiled coldly, "your accomplishments are really extraordinary. It's not easy to be equal to me at a young age. But if you want to discuss Buddhism, you're too arrogant."

Buddhism is extremely profound. Even eminent monks of all dynasties dare not say that they really understand Buddhism. Zhou Tian only dabbled in it. Naturally, he can't compare with this prostitute monk.

He has been familiar with the books of 100 schools of thought since childhood. He has also been familiar with Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism and the contention of 100 schools of thought in the spring and autumn and Warring States periods.

"We are not comparing Buddhism today, but talking about cause and effect. Don't you believe in cause and effect? Don't you know how many evil causes you planted? Do you really think you can escape the cycle of cause and effect?"

Sitting cross legged on Sunday, he made a gesture to ask the monk to sit down.

The monk looked slightly changed and his mind turned. Then he smiled coldly and said, "why should I waste time here with you? I joined hands with the three elders. Even if you can escape today, your disciple has no chance to escape."

"You dare to kill my disciple? Aren't you afraid of bringing disaster to your Wanchong stronghold?" Zhou Tian looked slightly cold.

The monk laughed and said, "what am I afraid of? As you said, I'm a prostitute monk. I'm bold, even if the Buddha doesn't pay attention to me, not to mention you! What does the life and death of Wanchong stronghold have to do with me? If qingchong's old immortal design didn't deceive me to Wanchong stronghold, how could I be willing to stay in such a poor mountain and water."

"Oh, really? However, I think we should listen to the opinions of the three elders." Zhou Tian smiled and looked at the three elders.

"This is even more ridiculous. The three elders can pay all the price for the future of Wanchong stronghold. How can he stand on your side?" the monk sneered.

The three elders came over with a smile and said, "in fact, it's also a good way to listen to your argument about cause and effect. It's boring to work hard. I'm old and don't have much interest in killing such things. On the contrary, I trust the theory of karma more and more."

The monk who participated in the practice frowned and looked at the three elders as if he wanted to see his real thoughts. Zhou Tian smiled and made an invitation gesture. This time, the monk did not refuse, but snorted coldly, sat cross legged and faced Zhou Tian.

"Do you want to talk about cause and effect, or do you just find an excuse to deceive me so that you can have a chance to escape?" the monk looked at Zhou Tian and then looked at the three elders: "what are you thinking? Do you want to join him to kill me here?"

The three elders took back the soul seizing cone in their hands, flew and jumped back three meters and ten meters, "I have no intention. Since you want to talk about cause and effect, how about I be the judge?"

"That's a good idea, or what if the prostitute monk doesn't admit it when he loses." Zhou Tian said with a smile.

The monk who participated in the practice was slightly black, and he had no chance to object. He sneered: "Well, since you want to talk about cause and effect with me, let me ask you, you are the king of medicine. You boast that saving people's lives is better than building a seven level floating slaughter, but do you have blood in your hands? Don't say anything. All the people you kill deserve to die. No one in the world deserves to die. You save people because you kill because you save people, and you will also be rewarded because good is not worth evil, saving people can't offset killing."

Zhou Tian frowned slightly. The monk who participated in the practice deserved his reputation. He had such a difficult question at first. It was very sharp. If Zhou Tian didn't answer well, it would completely affect his Taoist heart, and this was the wishful thinking of the monk who participated in the practice.

Hum, boy, do you really think I've taken your plan? This time, I'll directly break your Taoist heart in terms of cause and effect, so that your cultivation will never improve again. In the end, your path to immortality is just an empty flower in a dream, ha ha. A sneer gradually appears at the corners of the monk's mouth.

"You are right, monk. Saving people is a cause and killing people is also a cause. The two cannot offset each other. But so what? When I save people, I do not seek its results. Saving people is saving people. When I save people, I am no longer in cause and effect. As for killing people, I am not afraid of the reward of results. Cause and effect has a cycle, and God becomes the fruit of those people's lives through my hand, The accumulated cause of their previous evil deeds is their fruit if I kill them. "

Zhou Tian spoke lightly. He never killed innocent people indiscriminately. Just like this time, Wanchong stronghold didn't know how many people were planted in his hands, and he didn't want to kill them because they didn't deserve to die.

There are those so-called seven eagles. He just corona them and didn't kill them.

"Funny, do you think you are the executor of God? Why do you become the fruit of accepting the fate of others? You are just a person. You are still in the cycle of cause and effect. Do you think you can correct your name for killing innocent people indiscriminately with such slogans?" the monk sneered, and his words became more and more fierce.

Zhou Tian looked at the monk quietly and said, "have you ever heard that killing people is to protect them, and cutting karma is not to cut people? What I cut is only their karma, not to end their lives."

The monk who participated in the practice was stunned when he heard this sentence, because there was an allusion, the story of killing a monk.

According to the Buddhist scriptures, a monk with profound Buddhism once went the opposite way, picked up a butcher's knife that had long been abandoned and began a killing journey, that is, the journey of cutting karma and eliminating sin.

If killing one person can protect ten people and hundreds of people, I will kill you! All karma arising from this is borne by me for all living beings. If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell. This is the supreme mercy of sacrificing one's life to feed the tiger. This is not a murderous monk, but a compassionate monk who is willing to bear all the responsibilities for saving all living beings.

Killing is indeed a kind of killing and a crime, but if more people can be saved because of killing one person, it is worth it. Even, no one has the right to decide who should live and who should die. Killing monks make choices for all sentient beings and also bear the sin. This is a kind of real compassion.

In short, there are 1000 people in land a and 100 people in land B. when one day, land a and land B can only exist in one place. That is, the people of land a live, and the people of land B will die, and vice versa. At that time, the killing monk was the one who made the choice. He would kill 100 people in land B and let 1000 people in land a live. One person would bear the crime of killing 100 people in land B. This is his way of killing life to protect life.

The monk who participated in the practice didn't believe that Zhou Tian could have the compassion of killing monks, but he couldn't refute him. He was speechless for a moment.

"Is it my turn now?" said Zhou Tian.

The monk's face changed slightly, and then smiled a few times, "this is sophistry. Even if you win me, you can't pass the level in your own heart!"

He wants words to create flaws in Zhou Tian's state of mind, so as to leave hidden dangers for Zhou Tian's future cultivation.

Zhou Tian naturally saw the monk's intention, shook his head slightly and said, "I can open my mind without any defense and let you explore to see if I also have that kind of compassion. I think it can't be fake? But do you dare to be honest and completely happy and let us have a look?"

Zhou Tianyu is amazing. The so-called open mind and no defense means that all your thoughts and emotions can be perceived by the other party. You are naked in front of others without any secrets.

The three elders were shocked. The exchange of words was more dangerous than the victory or defeat by force. Once someone's mood was insufficient, waiting for him was the collapse of his mood. For any practitioner, the collapse of his state of mind means that he will never be able to make further progress from now on, let alone the unreachable fantasy of flying into an immortal.

"You, you're crazy!"

The monk who participated in the practice was shocked by Zhou Tian's bold idea. Zhou Tian dared to open his mind, but he didn't dare. I don't know how many things he had done were injurious and unreasonable. How could he have no defect in his heart.

If he opened his mind, it would be a state of mind full of holes, which would make it irreparable from now on. Even now, his state of mind was shaken by Zhou Tian's madness.

"You dare not, so your question is of no use!" Zhou Tian sneered and said: "Look at yourself. You were originally a proud disciple of Esoteric Buddhism, and even the most outstanding successor. You are expected to be a generation of eminent monks in the future. But you indulge in obscenity and have evil intentions. The so-called Buddha and commandments have been forgotten by you. This is the evil reason you left behind."

"Later, you were expelled from the secret school, which is the result of the past. After you left the secret school, you were still doing evil everywhere. This is another evil cause, so you were deceived by the high priest of Wanchong stronghold to become the senior elder of Wanchong stronghold. But you still didn't cultivate your self-cultivation and did many things of anger and resentment in Wanchong stronghold, so you fell into such a situation today, and what you will face is your result !”

Zhou Tian's words became more and more passionate. The whole man stood up directly. He will kill the monk participating in the practice today!

"So what! What about the addition of cause and effect! After so many years, I still live well! With you, you also want to be my death? What a delusion!"

The monk who participated in the practice smiled grimly and stood up. His whole body was full of gold. The whole skin, even his beard and eyebrows, was covered with a layer of light gold, which was the expression of the extreme luck of King Kong.

"No one can judge me! Go to hell!"

The monk roared and clapped a lot of golden waves on his palms. Before the waves arrived, the surrounding trees were destroyed. This is the terrible reason why the physical strength is close to the limit.