Chapter 335

Then he increased his speed all week and made every effort to move forward. He no longer observed the scenery along the way and paid no attention to what was mysterious here.

While the speed of the week is increasing, the surrounding world seems to have changed. Especially when he is faster and faster, everything around him overlaps with another world in a trance.

This magical change surprised Zhou Tian. At the same time, the speed gradually accelerated. He wanted to see what changes would happen here when the speed reached the extreme? Maybe this is the way to solve the mystery here.

But just as Zhou Tian's speed increased to the extreme, thunder clouds flashed in the sky and thunderbolts continued to chop down. No matter how Zhou Tian dodged, he was hit by Tianlei.

Not long after, Zhou Tian was dark and smelled of barbecue, which made him look at the sky speechless. I can't help grinning. This damn bastard must have done it on purpose. The world deliberately made him have the illusion of seeing the truth faster and faster. In fact, if he is faster and faster, he will change the law here and be hit by lightning.

Zhou Tian just muttered a few words. There was no one here. He didn't know who to listen to. Later, he slowed down and maintained a certain level. In this way, the thunder clouds in the sky just flickered and didn't split down.

In order to tease the rules of this place, Zhou Tian deliberately raised the speed to the extreme. When the lightning was about to break down, he slowed down the speed, causing thunder and clouds in the sky, but there was nothing he could do, which made him feel a little funny.

Let you chop me just now. Now let you have a taste of being played by others. Sample, dare to fight me.

After teasing for a while, Zhou Tian lost interest. These are just dead things. It's very boring. If the law of dead things is changed to the emperor of Song Dynasty, he may consider playing again. But speaking of it, he didn't see the old guy, and he didn't know where the old guy was hiding. Should he get great fortune instead?

Zhou Tian just thought about it. He didn't care much about the emperor of the Song Dynasty.

After two hours along this road, there is still no trace of Fengdu ghost town, nor is there any place in line with the growth environment of blue blood diamond crystal flower.

"Is there no other way to succeed? You can only go straight along this road. What if it's different?"

Zhou Tian also knew that such a situation could only rely on the so-called fate, but he attached great importance to LV Lingyu's life and death and was worried about it. He could not stabilize his mind to look at these things. He dared not place LV Lingyu's life on the illusory fate. Because what if God wants LV Lingyu to die?

Will he really obey the so-called destiny? No, he will certainly try his best to stop it, otherwise he would not have set up an altar to worship the heaven and acted against the heaven before.

At the junction of the two black mountains, a concave place, there is a path paved with white bones. The emperor of song was walking slowly, with a map of animal skin in his hand, but only one third.

While looking at the animal skin map, the emperor of song observed the surrounding situation. At the same time, he muttered to himself, "I don't know where the place recorded on the map is. I knew that I should have left his life and tortured it clearly. It's not like this now. I can only look at it step by step."

"But with this remnant map, I can at least avoid those dangerous areas and save my life. Moreover, I am much luckier than them. This time, I will find an immortal magic method to achieve eternal life!"

The emperor of the Song Dynasty continued to walk through a dark path, like a gap in the mountain. At last, there was a slight change. Originally, there was no sound in the whole world, as if there was no living creature. But now there is a voice in front. Although it is not a human voice, it also means a turn for the better, or the opportunity may be.

Emperor song looked happy and quickened his pace.

In the darkness, there was a light like a flame. With the progress, the temperature was higher and higher, accompanied by a heat wave.

"Where could it be? Should it be underground magma? It's wrong. I didn't go down. Since I didn't go deep into the stratum, how could I encounter magma?"

The emperor of the Song Dynasty was slightly surprised, but did not choose to retreat, because it might mean good fortune. But the temperature was getting higher and higher. In order to avoid burning clothes and hair, the emperor of the Song Dynasty turned his Qi into a shield to protect himself from the heat wave.

Another hour later, the emperor of the Song Dynasty suddenly saw the light in front of him, as if he had broken into an underground cave. In front of us is a piece of slowly flowing magma. The so-called sound is the sound of magma bursting.

"How is this possible! How can ice and fire exist together!"

The emperor of the Song Dynasty was surprised. On the red magma in front of him, there were white channels, which were ice.

The extremely hot magma seems to be cut by cold ice channels, and it seems that the cold ice channels are surrounded by magma.

What is more strange to the emperor of the Song Dynasty is that the two are not incompatible with each other. On the contrary, they are somewhat harmonious, forming a wonderful scene of coexistence of ice and fire.

"There seems to be something in the middle. Is it difficult? That's the treasure?"

Emperor song was very excited. The reason why he took so many risks was not for the law of longevity in Fengdu ghost city. Now such a good opportunity is in front of him. How can he miss it.

"But it looks very dangerous. Well, try it first."

The emperor of the Song Dynasty turned his mind and took out a shuttle of money dart from his arms.

The money dart is only half the size of a palm. When the emperor of song raised his hand, the money dart flew over and directly crossed the sea of fire, but it broke directly in the middle.

Emperor song's eyes were frozen. The money dart was not an ordinary dart, but the booty he obtained from an enemy. Because the shuttle money dart was tough and difficult to destroy, he took the money dart to explore.

"I can't imagine that even the shuttle money dart can't cross the sea of fire and the ice road. If I'm a mortal, how can I walk there? I'm afraid I can't last ten seconds even if I hold up my real Qi mask."

For a moment, Emperor song had no idea. He was thinking about how to overcome the threat of Fire Sea and ice road, otherwise he didn't dare to try again easily. If you put yourself in danger for an unknown treasure, it's a fool. He won't do such a loss business.

Emperor song observed attentively. He found that the heat of the sea of fire and the cold on the ice path blended with each other to form an inexplicable force. It was because of the strength of this force that the money dart broke.

"What if I only walk on the ice path? Do I just need to overcome the cold to reach the center?"

The emperor of song was a little excited. He couldn't return empty handed after entering Baoshan.

With his strength, even if he is frozen, his life will not be in danger for a while. At that time, he can try his best to break free. There should be no life danger.

On this thought, the emperor of song immediately began to act. He poured real Qi on his feet. First, he gently stepped on the ice path with his right foot. He felt a burst of cold, and went straight to the viscera along the bottom of his feet, as if the viscera were about to freeze.

The cold could not be eliminated even if he tried his best, so he quickly took back his right foot.

Lift up your right foot and see that the whole sole of your foot has turned iron cyan, and the shoes have been directly frozen and broken.

"What kind of cold is it? Why is it so terrible? I've never encountered such a cold, but I've never seen it. It's the legendary Jiuyou cold, but I don't feel that cold, but it's just an extreme cold."

Emperor song fell into deep thinking. According to his current strength and preparation, it seemed that he could not get the treasure in the central position. Maybe he should find someone else to cooperate with, such as the city king. With the array attainments of the city king, he should directly send him to the central position and then send him back. It should be very likely to succeed.

"But as soon as the city king is not very friendly with me, I'm afraid he will blackmail me if I beg him, and the city King may contact others. At that time, isn't there any treasure information leaked out? No, I have to think about it and think of a perfect plan."

While the emperor of song was thinking, the sky swayed and walked in this direction not far away.

Zhou Tian has given up the idea of going straight along that road. He saw this direction on the way before. It seems that there is water and fire flowing. Maybe the place he wants to find is here, so he turned here.

"Two mountains, one Yin and one Yang, one fire and one water. The middle junction should be the combination of water and fire. This situation is fully in line with the growth conditions of blue blood Lingjing flower. Perhaps this is the place mentioned by the king of equality. It seems that the emperor is worthy of his efforts."

The closer Zhou Tian got, the more he could feel the water and fire emitted from the two peaks, and his heart jumped with joy. If there was really the existence of bixue Lingjing flower there, LV Lingyu's condition would be saved at last.

Although Zhou Tian was excited, his pace was very slow. After all, this is an unknown place. No one knows what will be in it.

Always be careful. Since ancient times, many people's failures are due to the relaxation before success. He doesn't want to make such a mistake.

On Sunday, I came to the place where the two mountains intersected, but I didn't find anything unusual. There were only two black mountains around me. I couldn't see ice or fire.

"Is it difficult that water and fire flow out of the mountainside?"

Zhou Tianwei frowned. This is not news. If water, fire and gas really flow out of the mountainside, it means that there will be less chance of growing blue blood rhombic crystal flowers.

"Moreover, the water, fire and gas seem to be integrated together, which is not clear-cut. It is somewhat inconsistent with the growth environment of blue blood Lingjing flower."

But anyway, I'll try it on Sunday.