Chapter 1820: Zhang Yu's answer, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

Thinking of this, Lin Jianxuan raised his hand to Zhang Yu and said coldly, "You! Get out!"

"Yes! Instructor!" Zhang Yu ran forward two steps and stood still.


The elite team saw this, and shook their heads helplessly. Because everyone here knows Zhang Yu is a new recruit. A guy who didn't even complete the enlistment training was actually caught by the devil instructor in front of him.

A thousand volts stood up! Even the elite team, it is not easy to finish. Moreover, such a thin guy, by looking at the skin color, knows that it is a typical soft-lying player. Not to mention making a thousand, I'm afraid that one hundred will spit blood and die on the spot without finishing.


Jiang Peng stood in the distance and frowned, although he knew that the next few people were just transferred from the lower ranks. But there was such a young and thin boy inside, which surprised him.

Did Fang Guoxing send the elite team directly to the elite team even after receiving it? This is too much!


Lin Jianxuan shifted his cold eyes to Zhang Yu and said, "I ask you! What is the heart of a soldier?"

"Instructor! I think it should be relentless killing!" Zhang Yu said loudly.

When people around me heard the words, they sounded astonished! What kind of **** answer?

Lin Jianxuan was also quite surprised, saying: "Oh! Then explain what you say?"

Zhang Yu replied loudly: "Warrior! It should be a machine that only knows about killing. Where the chief points, we should kill where it is. Killing should be the soldier's belief in always moving forward. If there is no impulse to kill all enemies Why talk about defending the country? A qualified warrior should only move forward in his mind, step on the enemy's body, and advance the blood of the enemy, never step back. Instructor! "

The elite team was stunned when they heard this!

Almost no one thought that Zhang Yu would give such an answer? But I have to say that Zhang Yu is still very reasonable. The essence of war is killing! Then a qualified warrior with a ruthless killing heart should be no problem.


Several people in Jiang Peng were also surprised! Especially Fang Xingguo! In fact, he thought Zhang Yu was going to be unlucky now! Unexpectedly, Zhang Yu actually gave an unexpected answer to everyone, it seems like the following said, this boy is not simple.


Lin Jianxuan heard this, a rare smile flashed at the corner of his mouth, and nodded, and said, "Good! What's your name?"

"Gong Chang Zhang! The remaining Yu! Zhang Yu! Chief!" Zhang Yu said loudly.

"Soldier Zhang Yu! You can return to the team." Lin Jianxuan nodded.

"Yes!" Zhang Yuyan stopped and turned back to the queue.

Everyone in the elite team saw Zhang Yu was not punished and looked at each other. I did not expect that even the captain did not answer the question correctly, and was actually wronged by a newly recruited recruit, but there was nowhere to reason.

The smile on Lin Jianxuan's mouth disappeared, and he looked at the crowd coldly, and said loudly: "Soldier Zhang Yu said very well! The essence of war is killing. If you do not have a heart of ruthless killing, how can you defeat you? Your opponent, your enemy. Maybe some of you still scoff at what I said. That's because you haven't been to the real battlefield, you have n’t experienced the smoke, bullets, and broken arms everywhere. Vision. There are no official children, no rich children, only comrades in arms, and only enemies. Killing all enemies in front of you! Is the ultimate goal of a qualified soldier. Do you understand me? "

"Listen!" The elite team yelled at the same time.

"You! Get out of the queue!" Lin Jianxuan raised his finger not far from Zhang Yu, and was also the new Huang Xiangrong who joined the team.

Huang Xiangrong heard that he was stunned, but immediately shouted, "Yes! Instructor!" After speaking, he took two steps forward and ran out of the queue.

Lin Jianxuan said coldly, "I ask you! What are you stepping on?"

Huang Xiangrong heard the words, looked at his feet conditionedly, followed by raising and looking at the soles of the shoes, and then said strangely, "Nothing?"

Lin Jianxuan heard a cold snorting and said, "Go and make a thousand volts to stand up!"

Huang Xiangrong heard a look of depression, but he didn't dare to say anything, so he only turned around and ran to the side.

Lin Jianxuan raised his finger to Shan Haiping of the elite team and said, "You! Get out!"

"Yes! Instructor!" Shan Haiping heard the words and ran out of the queue.

"I ask you! What are you stepping on?" Lin Jianxuan once again came up with the previous question.

"It is the territory of the motherland! This is the place we want to defend." Shan Haiping cried loudly.

"Go and make five hundred!" Lin Jianxuan said coldly.

Shan Haiping also breathed a sigh of relief, although he did not answer correctly. However, it was still partially recognized by the devil instructor in front of him, or he would not be able to punish 500 Voldemorts to stand up.

Lin Jianxuan did not look at others this time, but looked at Zhang Yu again, and said, "Zhang Yu! You answer. What are you stepping on?

"It's a site! Instructor!" Zhang Yu said this, explaining loudly: "My foot is naturally my site. Anyone who enters my site without permission, I will tear him in half and break it. His bones, drinking his last drop of blood. I'm going to make him tremble under my shadow! Instructor! "

Zhang Yu's words were so domineering that he had to shake everyone in the elite team.


Jiang Peng smirked and said to Fang Luo, who was next to him, "This kid is good! Which army was sent up?"

Fang Xingguo smiled and heard Jiang Peng's ear and whispered a few words.

Jiang Peng heard something unexpected, but then nodded with a smile ...


The corner of Lin Jianxuan's mouth flashed a smile for the second time, and said, "Very good! Zhang Yu! I'm very satisfied with your answer." "The soldier Zhang Yu is right! A real soldier should treat every inch of land from his motherland as his own imprisonment. Whoever touches the land under my feet, I will kill them. There is no justice here! Only the winner Faith and determination! Do you understand me? "

"Listen!" Everyone said in unison.

Lin Jianxuan glanced at the crowd again and said loudly: "This is the last question! But Zhang Yu has to answer this time." Speaking of this, he moved his steps and came to Tang Jianan in a cold voice: " If you are given a choice to make you something of your enemy, what do you want to be? "