
Although it was already May, the night in the mountains was still very cold. At this time, it was already around 21 PM.

It was only after three hours had passed since they finished their meal that Dongfang Ning finally washed up his mother and brother. Because he hadn't slept for the entire night and was in high spirits, Fang Niu had already gone to bed early after his bath.

At this moment, only the mother and daughter were left in the room …

"I know you're not my daughter. My daughter has already left." Wang Lili was still fresh on the bed. Her clothes were new and her hair hadn't dried yet.

There was a new blanket under him, and a new blanket over him.

Ever since she woke up, she didn't say a word. It was only when Niu Wa was also washed clean and carried into her blanket to sleep that she started to size up the busy Dongfang Ning.

The person was still the same, not a bit different, but she was sure that the person in front of her was not her daughter.

This person's actions when washing her were crisp and clean. His proficiency was as if he had done it countless times, and it was impossible for his own daughter to do it. Of course she didn't know that since Dongfang Ning learned medicine from a young age, she could quickly dispose of the corpses that were in disarray, let alone a living person.

A single word, "Uh-huh," answered something that was not her daughter's.


"I won't ask who you are. Since you've come, you're my daughter, my new daughter …" The more Lady Wang spoke, the more she grieved, and the more tears flowed from her eyes. She knew that the person she had raised for ten years was already gone. The person in front of her now was probably the "otherworldly object" that the Daoist priest had spoken of.

"You can't get excited right now. Don't cry for your body to recover quickly. From now on, I'm your daughter!"

She didn't ask him why he wasn't surprised at all by her appearance. Since she had come, she might as well live a life she had never lived before. Her heart only wanted to get some money first and then have a peaceful and carefree life for her family.

Other than that, she couldn't be bothered to ask. In the past 28 years, she hadn't had a single day of peace. The cruelty of her training had made her cold-blooded. Everything that happened now was foreign to her.

It was exactly the same as when he had been taken away that year. He was completely unfamiliar with this place.

With these words, he left. It was good that née Wang knew about it, so that she wouldn't have to worry all day about pretending that she was the same person just to comfort a lonely person. How tiring would it be?

She had to hurry and clean herself up. Her body was so dirty, she couldn't take it anymore. Lady Wang, who was left alone in grief, walked to the kitchen.

After eating the medicine today, she had also eaten the congee, and had also eaten the soup after an hour. Now that she had recovered her strength and spirit, she had thought of many things after waking up. When her son had fed her with the congee, he had told her everything that had happened since last night.

She woke up from her stupor. She didn't expect that her children would nearly die under the hooves of the horses as she was grieving for her husband. Even if they didn't die under the hooves, they would have starved to death first … No one could understand her pain.

Now that her husband was gone, she should have been able to live better for her son, instead of continuing to suffer grievously …

"It's troublesome to have such long hair!" Dongfang Ning was sitting on a small wooden bench and fighting against his long hair. What was going on? There was no shampoo either, so what was the point of having such long hair …

Not only was it a mess, but it was also a knot, as if it was trying to make things difficult for her.

"Find a pair of scissors and cut them off …" She was so angry that she couldn't even remember how much she missed her short hair, which was only an inch long.

Just then, a hand took the comb from her hand and began to comb her hair, gently "Nonsense, how can you cut your hair?" It was precisely Lady Wang who had thought it through and was helping her comb her hair.

She didn't reject him. She had no way to figure out what hair he had. He thought to himself, Fang Ning's body is too weak. Even if someone comes, they still won't know.

The voice was soft, and this was the first thing she felt, and then the warmth came again. This woman was good to her, unconditionally good. Was this the feeling of having a mother?

The gentle way she combed her hair made her want to go to sleep, and for the first time in twenty-eight years, she relaxed. No task, no danger, nothing.

Her hair was very long, and Mrs. Wang combed it very slowly. When she had finished, her hair was dry.

"Alright, if you're tired then go to sleep," the gentle and caring voice rang out again. Dongfang Ning opened his eyes and took out a long ribbon. He said gently, "Help me tie it into a ponytail."

Although she was only 14 years old, she had already revealed her exquisite curves and graceful figure. Her waist-long hair was draped over her back, gently rolled up with a white ribbon, and her white muslin robe was fluttering gracefully in the wind.

It was impossible to see her features clearly in the darkness, but her figure alone was extraordinary …

Lady Wang blankly stared at her back as she stood against the wind, unable to recover for a long time.

She felt mixed emotions: This poor child had followed her to the wilderness for ten years.

The person who was supposed to go was standing right in front of her … Was the sky going to change?

Tonight was a moonless night, and the mountains were very quiet. Occasionally, the chirping of insects could be heard, accompanied by the rustling of leaves being blown by the wind.

The grass hut was swept clean. Dongfang Ning sat on the bed for a long time without sleeping. She had been in a worse environment, but she had never lived in such a simple house.

"It's impossible to be so calm tonight. Is there a problem?"

Dongfang Ning saw that the Liu family didn't come looking for him, so he stopped thinking about it and started to sort out the mutation that had happened to him.

Of course, she didn't know that when a few spies from the Liu family came to look for her, they were stopped on the road, causing her to be half-dead.

"Congratulations Professor, you have succeeded in your research. This is the ancient era before 2018!

Error 1, 28 years ahead of estimated 1500 years!

Error 2, data analysis is not on the original planet;

Error 3, this is Earth, distance from the original planet... "There's no distance, the intellectual brain has made an error, so I need to level it up …"

At this moment, a familiar electronic voice came into Dongfang Ning's mind. What was it that she couldn't understand? Was there a professor here?

"Professor?" Who's the professor? "

"Ask for an upgrade." It was the emotionless electronic voice that answered her.

Lifting your sister, I don't even have any electricity right now …

"Scan the content of the professor's brain waves. The professor has cursed and punished him by running for three thousand meters to maintain a clear mind."


"You're not allowed to scan my brainwave signal!" Dongfang Ning was so shocked that he almost vomited blood.

"Error: The professor has forgotten who he is."

"Shut up …"

"Looking for leveling up!"
