
If an ordinary person was able to catch all of them while playing slot machine, it would already be considered extremely lucky. However, Ye Zifeng could actually explode two times in ten minutes while playing with the slot machine. Not only that, he could even predict in advance how many times Ye Zifeng would explode all of the icons in one go. This was no longer a matter of luck, but a technology.

Although the slot machine was said to be a devil-may-care game machine, in the end, it was still just a machine.

As long as it was a machine, it would have its own rules and regulations. Or in other words, a program.

For someone who has spent half a year in a Las Vegas casino, it's not that amazing to see and figure out how a slot machine works.

Although Ye Zifeng was still unable to hit the target every time, there was still no problem in calculating most of it. Especially since Mo Lan had already spent two million to scout out the road, Ye Zifeng was able to roughly guess the rules of the slot machine in front of him.

Two consecutive explosions, and the fact that every one of them could produce a giant tiger, was something that would attract the attention of others.

As the points inside the magnetic card crazily rose up to 20,000 points, the people surrounding Ye Zifeng and Mo Lan started to increase. Among these people, there were well-dressed young people, and also some poor looking gamblers. Of course, most of them were the people that Xiao Yuan had sent out to monitor Ye Zifeng and the others in the underground gambling den.

However, Mo Lan who was in a state of excitement did not care about that, and continued to speak towards Ye Zifeng: "Feng, continue, continue, tonight we will make a huge profit, win back all the money we lost!"

At the moment, Mo Lan's beautiful eyes were blinking non-stop. She was staring at the points on the slot machine, and it did not seem like she was staring at a string of numbers.

Ye Zifeng smiled slightly, and nodded his head lightly. He still used the same method as before, placing his bets once again on the points one after another. However, this time, Ye Zifeng bet more than fifty rounds before he slowly stopped, as though something was running in his mind.

Looking at the slot machine in front of him, Ye Zifeng did not rashly take action this time, but took out half of the 20,000 or so points in his magnetic card to bet. It was clear that Ye Zifeng did not have the character of a desperate gambler, he had to leave behind enough for himself.

However, without any suspense, Ye Zifeng struck with his pole once again, causing his points to skyrocket. Although it was a little regretful that he did not bet all of his points, Mo Lan was still incomparably happy when he saw that the points in the card had already skyrocketed to tens of thousands.

"He's too crazy, he's simply too crazy! Every bet he makes has to be filled. Just what kind of background does this young man have? He's simply too terrifying!"

After being hit three times consecutively by Ye Zifeng, the people around had already started to whisper among each other.

As for Ye Zifeng and Mo Lan, they didn't care about all this and continued to play with themselves. According to Ye Zifeng's precise calculations, about a dozen times he opened the card, and every time he opened the card, it would hit. In less than half an hour, the points which were left of the two hundred that he lost instantly shot up to several tens of millions. Such a figure was simply enough to make one's heart palpitate with fear. One would be envious and jealous at the same time.

At the same time, in a private room on the second floor of Xiao Family Casino, Xiao Yuan and Gu Chuanhun were smoking a cigar, the card in their hands glued to their lips.

After taking a deep breath, Xiao Yuan revealed a faint smile and said: "Everyone, looks like I'm going to win this round again!"

As he said that, Xiao Yuan casually picked up the stack of money and threw it onto the table. "One hundred thousand, his meaning is..."

The person sitting opposite of Xiao Yuan was also a young man. Seeing Xiao Yuan's aggressive attitude, he smiled and put the card in his hand away, then threw it to the center of the table: "Looks like Young Master Xiao's luck today was really explosive.

Gu Chuanhun laughed out loud from the side: "Young Master Qin sure knows how to joke around. 2-35 is a big card, maybe he can even catch Yuan as a leopard, and throw it away so casually, isn't that too much of a pity!"

That young man chuckled: "Two, three, five against a leopard. This probability is no different from luck. Young Master Gu, stop joking with me!"

On the same table, seven or eight people were tying their gold flowers, there were already four or five people who had already thrown away their cards. Xiao Yuan laughed happily while chewing on his cigar, looking as if he was determined to win.

"Everyone, is there anyone else who wants to continue?" Xiao Yuan laughed.

Just as the atmosphere in the room was abnormally depressing, the sounds of footsteps could be heard. With a bang, the door to the room was opened.

"Young master, something bad has happened! Something big has happened!"

Standing at the entrance of the box was a young man wearing a black suit.

But seeing how his servants were shouting, Xiao Yuan immediately frowned. For those at the casino, especially those who were enjoying the day at the gambling table, this was the kind of unlucky voice they hated the most.

"No rules, who let you in? Didn't you see that I was playing cards?"

The black-clothed youth did not care about how furious Xiao Yuan was, and walked over to Xiao Yuan's side in a hurry and whispered a few sentences in his ear.

Xiao Yuan who was smug just now immediately put down the card in his hand, and suddenly stood up. The expression on that handsome face kept changing between dark and light.

"Are you serious?" Xiao Yuan lowered his voice and asked word by word.

"Young Master, it's absolutely true. That brat seemed to be an expert. In just half an hour, he had already spent more than 50 million points on the slot machine, and he was still continuing. The staff there are almost unable to hold on anymore. Young Master, what should we do now? "

Xiao Yuan slammed the corner of the table and said: "Fifty million. Fuck, I never would have thought that the brat surnamed Ye was actually this big of a character. No wonder he dared to come to my casino to cause trouble."

After pondering for a moment, Xiao Yuan waved his hand and said: "Go out and stop all operations of the slot machines. Also, ask Gu Jin to come over for a while to meet that little red guy."

"Hmph, to dare to win money at my Xiao Family Casino, I will spit out as much as I want him to win!"

As he said that, Xiao Yuan's eyes slowly became sinister, and a killing intent that was so thick that it could not be dispersed.