Chapter 127: I'm going to high school

Chapter 127

When he was about to get off work, the doctor who worked in the commune health center in the next village stopped by the Qingshan Village brigade headquarters and told the branch village and brigade captain about the situation of Shishi, saying that the director of the health center asked him to come.

The doctor said, "The twenty dollars that I paid has already been spent, and now I owe the medical bills. If the fee is not renewed, the hospital will no longer be able to put water on the stone to reduce inflammation. The consequences will be unimaginable."

The people of the Sun family were called back from the field ahead of time, and the party secretary and the brigade leader were also having a headache.

Sun's eldest room and the third room began to complain about the second room. If it wasn't for what they did, it wouldn't be so embarrassing.

Luo Qiao went home to cook after work. Today, I boiled mung bean porridge, steamed two sugar buns and flower rolls mixed with bread, fried a fennel white, and patted a cucumber.

As soon as the meal was ready, she heard someone shouting outside the gate. Luo Qiao washed her hands and walked out.

It was the student Qiao Ruimei who came last time: "Student Ruimei, how are you?"

Qiao Ruimei looked at Luo Qiao and said, "Next Monday, the teacher wants you to go to school early, and the high school entrance examination will be next Wednesday."

Luo Qiao said with a smile: "I see, thank you, I made you run again on such a hot day, just wait a moment."

Quickly picked a melon and a cucumber from the backyard, went into the kitchen to wash it, and then came out and handed the things to Qiao Ruimei: "It's too hot, and I asked you to turn around again. You take this on the road to quench your thirst."

Qiao Ruimei was a little embarrassed. Last time they gave red dates, and this time they gave melons. I wanted to say that I really don’t need them, but the melons are really delicious.

Luo Qiao couldn't help but put the things into her hands: "I planted them all by myself, not anything valuable."

Qiao Ruimei blushed and said, "Thank you."

Luo Qiao said, "Don't thank me, it's not that I always bother you."

Sent away Qiao Ruimei, Luo Qiao saw that Lu Yichen hadn't come back, thinking that if she didn't come back, she would go to the hospital to deliver meals by herself.

was about to take a bamboo tube to serve porridge when he heard the door rang and people came in.

stuck his head out and saw that Lu Yichen had come back. The lunch box had already been washed, but Luo Qiao still scalded it with boiling water before putting the food in it.

Put the good meal aside and let Lu Yichen eat it first, so that he can deliver the meal later.

Lu Yichen came over with a bag of rice and was about to put it in the kitchen, but he saw something piled on the ground.

Lu Yichen pointed to something on the ground and asked, "Did you go to the commune in the morning?"

Luo Qiao said, "No, that's a thank you gift from someone else."

Luo Qiao deliberately didn't put away these things, so there would be a reason to add some space for food in the future.

So he briefly talked about what happened in the city that day, Lu Yichen tapped Luo Qiao's forehead and said, "I'm getting more and more daring, but it's a good job."

Luo Qiao covered her forehead that had been tapped and said, "It hurts to death."

Lu Yichen said calmly, "You can't remember it if it doesn't hurt."

Lu Yichen left after eating the meal with the stone, but returned after a while.

Luo Qiao was stunned when she heard the movement: "Why are you back?"

Lu Yichen asked, "Can you ride a bicycle?"

Luo Qiao nodded and said, "Yes, what's the matter, you can't go because of something?"

Lu Yichen propped up the bicycle: "You pack up and go deliver food to Shishi. I just went down to the Sun's family in the brigade, and now it's going to be a quarrel. I'll go in and have a look and get things done with Shishi as soon as possible."

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(end of this chapter)