Chapter 244: Maybe it's providence

Chapter 244 Maybe God's Will

Ning Hongda came here because a friend called him to tell him about the Luo family. His unit is not far from the machinery factory, so he came to ask what was going on.

As a result, when he came in, he saw his brother-in-law Luo Haotian with red eyes, and a big man was crying there.

Luo Haotian quickly put away his emotions, took out his handkerchief and wiped his tears: "Brother, why are you here?"

Ning Hongda said, "It's not because I heard people say that Jia's coagulation type is wrong, and said it's not your daughter, so I'll come over and ask what's going on?"

Luo Haotian told Ning Hongda what happened in the hospital yesterday, and again what Ning Xueling knew about it before.

Ning Hongda said, "Xue Ling is really confused. If you know, you shouldn't hurry up and tell the family. If you knew earlier, I'm afraid the child will be able to find it."

Luo Haotian said: "My comrades in arms have already helped me find that child. She has had a very difficult 15 years. I have booked a ticket for tomorrow, and I will go and pick her up in person.

It's my fault for her. When I was out on a mission, I didn't expect her to be ripped off like this.

What Ning Hongda thought: "I can't complain, my old man always said it was strange, how could he not find the jade plaque."

Luo Haotian raised his head and asked inexplicably, "What jade card?"

Ning Hongda said: "That year, the old man didn't go to Dongsheng for business, so he turned to Jishi to see Xueling, and he caught up with Xueling to give birth ahead of schedule.

The hospital where the old man and your comrade-in-arms were sent. When they took the child from the doctor, they knew it was a girl. The old man was happy and put the jade card he carried with him on the child.

Originally, I thought that the child was born prematurely for a few days, and I thought that it would have a good meaning for her to wear it, but not long after wearing it, there was news that Xueling was not good and had to be transferred to another hospital.

Later, when Xueling was discharged from the hospital for the full moon banquet, my father saw that the child did not have the jade tag on his neck. He originally wanted to ask Xueling and your family, but that day was not because of Xu Yan and Xu Yuan, and it was unpleasant. Yet?

The old man didn't have the nerve to ask, because he was afraid that something would happen again. He just told me when he got home, saying that he put the jade card on the neck of the child at that time, but he didn't see it.

Later, the old man had an accident, so he didn't mention it again. This is also a clue. You have also seen the jade card, which is in the shape of a crescent moon. "

Luo Haotian nodded: "I remember, I didn't expect that Yupai Dad would give it to that child."

Ning Hongda said, "Maybe it's God's will."

The two talked for a long time before Ning Hongda was about to leave. After standing up, he said, "Haotian, if the child is found, what should you do with Jia Ning? You have to think about some things.

The child has suffered a lot outside, and he is likely to have low self-esteem. If you keep Jia Ning, I am afraid that the child will not be able to accept it. You should consider some things beforehand so that the child will not be hurt again. "

When Luo Qiao returned to Ji Shi, it was already very late. After returning home, she closed the door and entered the space, because the goods sold at BJ have not yet been counted.

I made a lot of money when I went out this time, and I still had some goods on hand, but I was afraid that someone else would have to collect these goods. I couldn't send them to He Yujie, it would be too revealing.

If all the goods are sold, then there will be start-up funds in hand. I will go back to the summer vacation and buy a yard in BJ first, and then I will live in college when I go to college.

The house must be settled during the summer vacation. Buying it early can save some money. She likes those courtyard houses the most.

In addition to changing the jewelry in two small boxes, I also made a net profit of more than 60,000 yuan. This amount of money is astronomical in this day and age, and this is in addition to the principal.

took a shower, set an alarm for himself, and then fell asleep.

Qingshan Village, Lu Yichen said to Shi Shi: " Shi Shi, we will leave the village tomorrow afternoon. You pack your things. I have already contacted you about the school, which is not far from your sister Luo Qiao's school."

(end of this chapter)