Chapter 1449: want to cheat

Chapter 1449 Want to cheat people

Sun Yu did not expect that the expected situation would not happen, and the woman calmly asked herself to find her husband.

If she dared to find Lu Yichen directly, why would she come to her.

still wanted to go up and entangle, but heard Luo Qiao say: "Don't think I don't know your purpose, I advise you to put away your dirty thoughts, don't become a rat crossing the street, everyone shouts and beats."

After saying that, he didn't give her any chance, just got in the car and left.

Sun Yu stood there, feeling someone pointing at her beside her, felt ashamed, covered her face and ran quickly.

On Guan Yuqi's wedding day, she saw a handsome man in a police uniform at the door of her house helping to pick up her relatives, and she couldn't let it go ever since.

It took a lot of effort to find out some news about him. I was so excited that night that I didn't fall asleep until the middle of the night.

But later I learned that his wife is the youngest professor of Peking Medicine, the youngest chief physician of Peking Medicine Affiliated Hospital, and an all-around doctor.

She was depressed for a time, and felt that she was compared with others. Besides, she also found out that the woman had given birth to two daughters and three children, and her family status was very stable.

But what I didn't expect was that they would meet at the mudslide rescue scene, and they were still trapped together for a day and a night. Although there were others at the time, she was the only woman trapped at the time. He still took good care of her. It made her very happy.

In fact, she followed her colleagues to the site of the mudslide to interview. When taking pictures of the scene, she got stuck in the mud and pulled her, and when she was dragging her legs, she assigned a **** man to carry her for a short distance.

In the eyes of others, this is a normal thing, but she magnifies it infinitely.

I think Lu Yichen is interesting to her, it's really a wonderful brain circuit.

But when she returned to the city, she kept thinking about it. A few days ago, it happened to her colleague's birthday. Because she was in a bad mood, she drank too much, and she didn't know what was going on, so she did something wrong.

When she woke up, she was the only one in the room. She didn't even know who she was with, she knew she was unclean, and she almost collapsed.

But thinking of her mother and her unwillingness, she gritted her teeth and endured it.

Afterwards, she pretended that nothing had happened in front of people, and talked and laughed with everyone to cover up the absurdity of that night.

What she never expected was that two days ago, she found out that she was pregnant, and she really wanted to die at that time.

She didn't know who the child's father was, because there were quite a few men who went to her colleagues' birthday party that day, many of whom he didn't know.

After two days of deliberation, she decided to take a gamble.

Anyway, that day they went to interview and were indeed trapped there for a day and a night, during which he and Lu Yichen were indeed alone for more than three hours. Those who were trapped at the same time can testify.

If she killed herself, Lu Yichen had a relationship with her, so no one would know, no matter how much Lu Yichen explained, it would be useless, because he was really pregnant with a child.

But she knew that she had rushed to Lu Yichen, and she was afraid that the man would kick her to death, because only the two of them knew that during those three hours, Lu Yichen didn't even look at him at all, so where did the child come from?

So she thought that women are generally jealous. If his wife knew about it first, she would definitely get angry and make things worse. In this way, Lu Yichen would definitely not dare to attack him, as long as the child was in his belly. Even if he vomited blood, he could be responsible for himself.

But she has inquired about it. Their family is very rich. Even if he doesn't marry him in the end, it is not a loss for him to take a large amount of money from him. Besides, he is not allowed to marry himself for the future.

Now that he has no way out, he must bet on this one.

Even if this evil seed is destroyed, someone must recognize this child, so that people can't feel that she is a jerk, and you don't know who the child is, so how can she be embarrassed in the future.

No matter what the result is, people have to think that this child belongs to Lu Yichen, and that's enough.

Anyway, I didn’t want this child to be born, but I depended on him for future life security.

Pre-received text [After crossing, my husband and I were reborn together] Welcome to collection!

(end of this chapter)