Chapter 1564: It's terrible, I'm going to kill people

Chapter 1564 It's incredible, I'm going to kill someone

After eating, Emma and Steven couldn't take the time difference and let a few little guys take them out with a smile.

So a few little guys took the two to the small park in front, Taifeng was worried and followed.

Luo Qiao helped Aunt Tang to clean up before a few people came back.

Emma walked over to Luo Qiao and said in a low voice, "Luo, in fact, I'm overwhelmed. I asked my little cuties to take me out to eat, but I'm too embarrassed to say it."

Luo Qiao laughed when she heard this, she believed that this foodie could definitely do it.

Luo Qiao smiled and said, "Do you still want to go out for a walk if you have jet lag at home in the afternoon?"

Emma put her arms around Luo Qiao: "Then let's go to the alleys in Beijing and experience the historical changes you often talk about."

Lu Yichen couldn't go together because he had to go back to the bureau in the afternoon. The children had extracurricular classes in the afternoon, so Luo Qiao accompanied Emma and Stie to several famous alleys in Beijing in the afternoon.

Luo Qiao explained to them all the way: "In Beijing, hutongs are called the blood of the city. Beijing's hutongs have experienced hundreds of years of ups and downs. They are a symbol of the life of the old Beijing people and the embodiment of the ancient culture of Beijing. "

The three of them played in the alleys in the afternoon. Emma and Steven kept taking pictures. The typical courtyard houses were all blue bricks and gray tiles, with unique architectural features. There are also carved patterns on the headboard and open eaves, and there are also wood-carved flowers or text patterns on the doors, which are very beautiful.

Luo Qiao had never visited the hutongs as carefully as she did today, but this time, after visiting the hutongs with the two of them, she really felt a lot and had to admire the exquisite craftsmanship of the ancient craftsmen.

Looking at these once brilliant Chinese classical buildings and cultures with national characteristics, I also felt a little sigh in my heart, and gave birth to a psychology to protect these things with national classical characteristics.

In the next few days, Luo Qiao accompanied the two to walk around several scenic spots in Beijing, and took them to eat all kinds of snacks in Beijing.

When the accompanying delegation came, Emma and Steven went to the hotel to meet them.

The next reception work will be taken over by the government, and Luo Qiao will officially go to work.

On this day, Luo Qiao dropped by after get off work to deliver things to the master and the wife. As soon as she parked the car and entered the gate to say hello to the master and the wife, she heard someone shouting from outside: "It's terrible, I'm going to kill someone."

Feng Shumin took Luo Qiao to the gate to look out, and saw a lot of people running into the alley, and saw that the direction was Fang's house.

Feng Shumin shouted at the courtyard: "Old man, you go to Fang's house to see what happened? Forget it, you better not go there. Qiaoqiao and I will go over there to have a look, and you will look after the house."

Luo Qiao was dragged to Fang's house by her mistress.

When they arrived, the gate of Fang's courtyard was already crowded with people.

Feng Shumin saw Qiu Yuehua there and walked over: "Yuehua, what's wrong?"

Qiu Yuehua saw the person coming, but did not reply, first smiled and said, "Qiaoqiao is here?"

Luo Qiao nodded: "Hello Aunt Qiu."

After the two finished greeting, Qiu Yuehua said, "Fang Wei's mother, Sunan, brought her family over here and asked Fang's family to explain."

Luo Qiao then remembered that when they came over that day, the old man of the Fang family said that his granddaughter had run away from home.

Feng Shumin said: "Fang Wei left a note a few days ago and went to find her mother. I know about this, why did you call me?"

Qiu Yuehua sighed: "Fang Wei's mother Sunan said that her daughter is all wounded, and she also said that since the stepmother entered the house, the daughter could only eat the rest of their meal, and never asked the daughter to come to the table to eat together, and the stepmother was a little unhappy. hit the child."

Luo Qiao asked inexplicably, "Didn't the Fang family live together in several rooms? Don't the rest of the Fang family care?"

"Who knows, Fang Yifeng eats and drinks with the eldest son, and the second son's family affairs are probably out of his control."

"Then this is too much, Fang Huaizhan doesn't care, is this his own daughter?"

"Hey, if you care, the niece can't run to find her own mother. She's still so young. Fortunately, nothing happened on the road, or I'll regret it."

Several people were talking when they heard Fang Wei's mother in the yard scolding: "Fang Huaizhan, you are a coward, you don't care about your own daughter, but you treat other people's seeds as treasures.

In the beginning, you wanted to keep your daughter alive and dead. In addition to not treating her well, you also condoned outsiders to bully her. You are simply not a human being, and you are not worthy of being a father. "

Fang Huaizhan wanted to argue when he heard his ex-wife's words, but the scars on his daughter's arm couldn't be faked. It seemed like it wouldn't happen in a day or two. Moreover, his ex-wife Sunan also said that it was all over his body. Pain was born.

So he turned around and slapped his current wife, Li Hong: "How could you treat her like this? Am I bad to you and your son?"

Fang Huaizhan's current wife, Li Hong, glared at Fang Huaizhan after being beaten: "Yes, I beat her, that's not because she's disobedient, what if I taught her a lesson as a mother?"

Sunan roared: "Why don't you beat your son, how old is my daughter, when is she disobedient, she does most of the housework in your house, and you are also a mother, how can you bear to be so right? she."

Li Hong covered her beaten face: "You feel sorry for you, take it away."

Su Nan said to the family behind him: "I can't tell her the length and the length of it, I must seek justice for my daughter in this matter, whoever of you will come and call the police for me, I will sue Fang Huaizhan and Li Hong for mistreating me. daughter."

Su Nan's second brother nodded: "Yes, just based on her attitude, she must sue, there is no kingly law."

turned around and ran out.

At this time, the old man of the Fang family received the news and rushed back from the outside, reaching out his hand to stop him: "Su Nan, what's the matter, let's sit down and talk, for the sake of my old man, it's better to call the police, if we can't discuss it. Come on, it's not too late for you to call the police."

Su Nan's heart was on fire, although he didn't call the second brother to call the police, but he was unforgiving: "You live in the same yard with them every day, what did you do earlier, why did you watch them bully Wei Wei, no matter what? That's how you're a grandpa."

Then he pulled Fang Wei and rolled up his two sleeves: "I don't believe it, you are all blind and can't see."

In fact, when Li Hong hit Fang Wei, he was carrying people behind his back, and the rest of the Fang family really didn't know.

Earlier, it's not that Fang Wei didn't tell her family, but Li Hong said that Fang Wei was disobedient, she just wanted to teach her a lesson, and it was not easy for others to say anything.

As a result, it was the family's attitude that caused Li Hong's intensification, and also made Fang Wei dare not tell the family again, because he said that his stepmother beat him even more.

This time, I couldn't stand it anymore, I broke out, and ran away with the New Year's money from the New Year's Eve.

(end of this chapter)