7 Playing billiards and ping-pong in the game

Ye Qing has once again disappeared from his spot and simultaneously, Lan Ranyan was nowhere to be found.

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The two spiders were were hit again and were sent flying to the left and right walls of the cavern. Since it was easy to predict their intended trajectory, Ye Qing just needed to find the right timing to move and attack.

While this was happening, Ye Qian had succesfully caught Zhang Shan.

In order to lessen the force that Zhang Shans' body had accumulated as he was rapidly approaching, Ye Qian side-stepped diagonally to the back and by the time Zhang Shans body was parallel to her, she grabbed hold unto his arm and shoulder while twisting together with his body.

After a few spins, she slowly brought her body close to his until they were in a hugging position before manuevering to a stop. Since this was done very carefully, it lessened the time that both of them had to endure dizziness.

Even though Zhang Shan was feeling nauseous, he still had the time to "take a yard after recieving an inch". He breathed in the sweet smell of Ye Qian's hair and cherished the feeling of her two, bulging but usually unnoticeable, mounds of flesh as their bodies made contact.

As his body registered this extraordinary suppleness, one of his hands "coincidentally" grabbed hold of one of her butt cheeks and "accidentally" pinched it ever softly and caressingly. These series of actions pumped blood from his heart down to his ancestors legacy.

Ye Qian, blushed red and moaned softly in surprise before moving her head away to avoid his gaze. Seeing her face like this, Zhang Shans' mind went blank for a while before smiling at her. It turns out that this usually loud and talkative woman, would become this meek in these kind of circumstances.

Before his mind wandered off any further, he remembered how protective her older brother could become and started thinking how he would end up like the spiders in case he even tries to exhibit any "unclean" intentions about her.

Shaking off his "wild" thoughts, Zhang Shan was awestruck as he saw and felt the successive events that transpired within the last few seconds. The uncanny and sychronized movements, the trust between the three as they released their skills, has made him felt glad that these guys were there to protect him. He wished to become part of this team permanently and become as strong and skilled as they are.

However this fascination only lasted for but a fleeting moment. He felt that Ye Qian's body suddenly left their embrace as she has once again disappeared.

After the second spider was hit, Ye Qing reappeared at his left side and so did Lan Ranyang on his right. While Ye Qian reappeared on his previous location where he was initially thrown from, with traces of redness in her cheeks.

This time it took the spiders five breaths before they have been able to recompose themselves and disappeared for another attack.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Shans facial expression plunged to the abyss. Realization dawned on him as he remembered what Lan Ranyan previously told him.

"...it was rather unfortunate that after a few runs and ambushes, Ye Qing's sister died when she was hit..."



After the loud crash, The spider reappeared after bumping to two ice walls and Zhang Shan was brought back to reality by Ye Qing's low voice, once again the guy was in his crouching position, eyes closed and bathed in red aura.

"Endless Resolve..." murmured Ye Qing as he opened his eyes.

"Ready?" she heard Lan Ranyan whisper to his ears as she grabbed his collar with her right hand, smiled sweetly at him and jumped a bit while twisting her whole body with him.

"Do I have a say inthis?" Zhang Shan asked weakly.

"Sure, tell me your request after the next run.." as she said this, Zhang Shan was already barreling like a meteor in between.

"FFFFFFFF******CCCCCCCCKKKKKKK!!!!!!!" he shouted, his voice fainting farther he went swishing by.

As Ye Qian catched him, she noticed that she was still blushing and couldn't look straight in his eyes. He took this chance to ask her.

"How many runs did you guys manage before you died?" he asked.

"I don't actually remember..." she said, still not looking or turning his way as she said this.

As they stopped from turning and came to a halt, she immediately escaped their embrace and seemed to be pondering on something.

After about eight breaths, the spiders regained their bearings and gazed in his direction while shrieking.

Before the spiders disapoeared from their position, Ye Qian looked at Zhang Shan straight in his eyes as she stuttered.

"W-would y-ou like me t-to t-take c-count?" and she disappeared.

"So, what' your request?" Lan Ranyan immediately asked as she appeared beside him together with Ye Qing .

This time it was Zhang Shan who stuttered, perhaps due to the horrific experience he has started to undergo.

"C-can I say, I Q-Quit?" he asked nervously.

Lan Ranyan placed her index finger near her chin as her eyes looked upward as if thinking hard.

She then replied in as he looked at Zhang Shan. "That won't do, since we already verified our initial assumptions on summoning these monsters.."

As she grabbed his collar, she said "However, I'm a generous person."

"If you feel uncomfortable about this situation. I can make you unconcious" she added in all seriousness, she then jumped and twisted both of their bodies

The last thoughts on Zhang Shans mind was "She's a devil" before his vision faded to black


When Zhang Shan came into his senses, he heard Ye Qian's voice.

"That's the hundrend and third!" she shouted

He then came to realize that things are not yet over.

"Oh, you're awake" she said. This time no longer blushing

"We're already at the hundred and third since you passed out after the last time we spoke." she giggled.

Zhang Shan couldn't respond afterwards, he thought that she might now be thinking that he's a big wimp. But as he looked closely at her, although she was no longer blushing,there seemed to be sparkles and interest in her eyes. That kind of confused him quite a bit.

Seeing that he was clueless, before she disappeared, Ye Qian leaned over and whispered to his ears.

"I didn't know you're that tenacious! Even when you were asleep. You're still full of energy!" she said.

As it dawned on him, he realizdd and felt that his ancestors legacy was as hard as a metal rod.

He smiled after understanding that this girl seemed to be not that purely innocent as he initially thought.

When Lan Ranyan and Ye Qing reappeared, the smile left his face without a trace.

Lan Ranyan asked "Would you like to continue resting?"

"I think I'm good now!" Zhang Shan said while he shivered bit after hearing her voice.

As he collected his bearings, he noticed that his sword was no longer with him, he presumed that it may have fallen off during the time he was unconcious.

At this point, Zhang Shan has already accepted his fate as a rag doll being tossed around. The feeling of worthlessness can be seen reflected in his eyes.

This scene continued on for quite a while and as time progressed, the gap it took the spiders to regenerate had lengthened continuosly. In the background, Ye Qian's voice can be heard counting.

"That was the three hundred and forty fifth time!" Ye Quin shouted.

"That seems to wrap things up, the expected revival rate of these guys are already outside the expected time frame considering the previous ones." Lan Ranyan agreed.

The three slowly started to converge to one of the dead spiders in order to check it thoroughly. Zhang Shan on the other hand slumped down after the agonizing ordeal of his first hunt.

Zhang Shan looked over the others as they seemed to be discussing something while at the same time, he noticed that Ye Qian fired a few more arrows into the corpse.

"That's Ye Qian for you..." he said.

As he was waiting, he observed that although everything seemed to have ended and the three were still conversing, Ye Qings' majestic red aura was still present.

He started to wonder how high is Ye Qing's skill level for his aura to be still tenacious after almost a full day of hunting.

Suddenly, he felt his hairs standing, it felt as if someone was looking at him.

When he turned around to look, a person was standing in front of him, and this guy seemed to be looking at him as if he was a dead man.


The man attacked...


Out of nowhere, Ye Qing appeared to block the strike, with both swords interlocked, the situation was a stale mate.

"I've been expecting you!" Ye Qing said.

"I told you he looks exactly like Zhang Shan!" Ye Qian said as both she and Lan Ranyan appeared simultaneously in between Zhang Shan and the two men.

Although Zhang Shan hasn't seen what he looked like in-game just yet, given that the system interface does not provide any images of players. He wasn't really bothered about caring eitherway as the system randomly generates a user's feature.

Zhang Shan noticed that the supposed "doppelganger" was strikingly in his same height and build, aside from the reddish skin and difference with armor and clothing, he seems to be of an asian descent.

Although it seemed to be a draw with how the two men, one could notice that Ye Qing was holding his dao sword with two hands and he was shaking while the other guy was only using his left hand.

Seeing this peculiarity, Lan Ranyan motioned and said to Zhang Shan.

"Move back a bit and take cover, things may get messy."

Slowly, Zhang Shan stood up, and he noticed that when he did, the "doppelganger" looked at him.

Lan Ranyan and Ye Qian noticed this as well.

Ye Qing said while stuttering as he gritted his teeth. "R-run... H-he might be a l-legendary..."