6 Let's get down to business!

In a hollow cave which seemed dimly lit a young child was sleeping, his face was round like the moon, his hands and legs which should be smooth are filled with blisters; his unkempt hair has grown long and unorderly, his body was as smooth as a jade; his face which was white was pale now,

his eyebrows were arched up now due to nightmares he was experiencing.


A bucket of water was splashed on Chen Yang body.

Chen Yang got up and stared blankly for a second, then he moved quickly to dodge the incoming water

than a grunting voice was heard"Finally got up, you filthy rabbit" said an old man that was tall, despite being old his back was straight; his face was smooth he looked like a 50-year-old man.

He was looking at Chen Yang "Your two hours are up, now train, train until you can't take it anymore and then train some more" the old immortal said in a crazed manner.

Chen Yang grumbled as he looked at the old immortal angrily for a moment and then he sighed as got up and ran towards waterfall to wash his face.

Tang Tenshin looked at Chen Yang unwillingly running towards the waterfall to wash his face, he sighed and once again thought about lotus spirit roots that Chen Yang possesses, that too a five-leafed one.

It is said that the spirit roots are the ones which help the body to absorb the spirit energy, spirit energy is dormant within the world and leaves of the spirit root determine how much your body is synched in with the spirit roots you have,

for a normal human who wants to cultivate the minimum requirement is, an ordinary spirit root with at least 2 leaves open, but that being said there are many different types of spirit roots, an old legend states that spirit roots are predefined by characteristics of an individual but nobody believes that anymore.

Coming to lotus spirit root, the characteristics of that spirit root are that no matter how much you exert yourself physically you will rarely feel exhausted and recover much more quickly than others,

how exhausted you will feel will depend on the number of leaves your spirit root has; lotus spirit root was valuable for devil sect because unlike other sects which use pills to reach minimum cultivation barrier and then train in cultivation techniques,

devil sect uses body refining by doing a set of movements prescribed by their ancestor and to do that you need to have strong body and be proficient in martial arts, weapon training etc.

That's why devil sect loves people with a spirit root which can endure physical strain and absorb the spirit energy; that's why Tang Tenshin despite knowing Chen Yang is 10-year old puts him through such hardship.

For Chen Yang though, this was literally hell; to a ten-year-old boy who just passed through a tragedy being in an unknown place with an unknown old man, that too and being threatened by him to do this training, his muscles still ache from last night push ups but to survive he needs to break through that minor success stage thing that old man talks about.

As Chen Yang was running around the cave which has a width of 10 kilometers(6.2 miles) and uneven, he was once again hit by the pain which was from the residual effects of the *heart crusher* pill that he was made to consume by that old bastard,

at least when the pain was there Chen Yang felt like even dying is better than being alive.

Tang Tenshin too was facing some problems; to teach Chen Yang, Tenshin took the life-extending pill but this pill has side effects; first It cut his cultivation by half, secondly, even though his internal injuries looks like it's subsided it will flare up from time to time creating extreme agony.

Tang Tenshin thought it has only been three days since he started training Chen Yang and his internal injuries flared up again.

pale-faced Tang Tenshin got up, left the cave into the deeper cave to meditate and suppress the internal injuries.

*three hours passed*

After having suppressed the injuries Tang Tenshin came to look for Chen Yang. he was still running, running 10 kilometers ten times takes a lot of time after all.

Every time he looked at Chen Yang he couldn't help but be impressed upon Chen Yang hard work and dedication because even if he recovers quickly, It takes a lot of determination to do what he does, that's why he wanted him, even more, to succeed in reviving the devil sect.

Chen Yang consistently got better at training because of fear of losing his life even through trying to sit under the stone lying in a waterfall, water still throws him off but he can last 10 seconds longer each time he tried it, and the constant exhaustion to the point of vomiting thankfully didn't happen again

Instead, it looks like he got weary less and less, this made Chen Yang happier as he got more time to sleep, but the grumpy old man changed the schedule and made it tougher every time he got used to training.

It made Chen Yang unhappy but as he can see the progress he was somewhat satisfied he even asked "mister immortal what do you think of my progress " to that he with a frown on his strict face

the immortal Tang said,

"don't get cocky kid! from where I am from this stuff is below average to think I chose this trash as my disciple *spit* I am already shaming my ancestor."

This made Chen Yang really sad he even didn't want to eat fish from waterfall today; but the stinky old man forced it down his throat, he sobbed for an entire day, not for this humiliation, but to enact revenge upon his he needed strength and to think he's this weak will he really able decimate bandits from black hell organization?.

Chen Yang from childhood was a very competitive boy, he had a little bit of pride and that was shattered today, from that day onwards Chen Yang rigorously followed instruction and trained; if he needed to run 10 times then he'd do 20 if he needed to do push ups 500 times then he'do 2000 this tenacity impressed and worried Tang Tenshin.

Even though Tang Tenshin knows that this child contains lotus spirit roots and thus physical strain is a good thing for him he can't help but be worried about his mental health at the same time,

If he is that much affected by mere words that are clearly meant to spite him then what happens if he meets someone that uses mental tricks to manipulate him thus,

Tang Tenshin decided that once he cultivates to small success stage then he will teach him methods to increase mental fortitude and techniques to prevent mental attacks and so on.

*15 days passed*

Chen Yang got increasingly proficient in training; he'd run around the cave twice in half the time, he looked a lit bit taller, little bits of fat that he had under his belly has vanished; due to meditating in the waterfall.

His body which used to look full of dirt and his face full of dust got cleaner revealing a devilishly cute child, his eyes which were dim and lifeless before now got keener and sharper.

Chen Yang now stood in front of old immortal Tang, Tang Tenshin who was meditating slowly opened his eyes, seeing impatient Chen Yang he let out a chuckle " mister immortal, I think I am ready to do the movements that you want to teach me!" said Chen Yang as he clearly exceeded his training limit,

the last night he finished training he got so much free time he didn't know what to do with it, and the pain in his heart due to the pill he has taken is growing and growing; this made Chen Yang anxious thus coming before Immortal Tang.

Tang Tenshin got up reached out his hands and checked Chen Yang to check the bones then he nodded to himself and looked at Chen Yang and said "below average, but it'll do for now. ok kid. follow me" then he went to clean wide space within the cave and said as he looked at Chen Yang with amusing eyes

"ok! then Let's get down to business!."