23 End of The Road part 2 UPDATED!!!

Seeing and hearing the Tang Tenshin angry war cry, JIn Ming laughed, he looked old nothing like what he originally looked like " My! what a chameleon you are? Jin Ming just four hundred years passed and you are already this old? that's why I said to focus on cultivation instead of thinking unnecessarily "Tang Tenshin said.

Young Master MIng who saw his grandpa cried "grandpa " and ran to him and just as he was about to reach his grandpa, he heard a voice of that man " Where are you going? our battle isn't over yet Young Ming."

"My My You shouldn't bully children, Tang brother! or there will be someone like me again and then you will regret again just like you did on that day four hundred years ago and you can't move anyways because I prepared that poison on that arrow I pierced just for you.

" How do you like it? huh was it nice? Hahaha, you will at least live if you were in that forest, So, what kind of death wish did you have that you have to come here, big brother? " Jin Ming said that aloud as he laughed.

" Haha, seeing you say that I just realized again how much of a coward you were Jin Ming, " Tang Tenshin said with a fearless smile on his face.

Jin Ming looked irritated for a second before smiling " Haha, of course, how nice of you to say that It's not like my plan eradicated your sect or anything. "


Upon this revelation, Young Master Ming was stunned, and Jin Ming stood there smirking and laughing to himself and then suddenly out of nowhere came anger as he said " It's not like you betrayed me or anything and YOU TALK LIKE A SELF RIGHTEOUS FOOL! HOW DARE YOU, BASTARD "

Young Master Ming revealed a confused expression seeing this go on, ' looks like there was a lot of history between those two' he thought as he watched those two individuals arguing.

"Now that's history, You have come here, which helps me clean the last stain of Devil Sect spawn"

Jin Ming said as he walked closer to Tang Tenshin

Young Ming seeing this was alarmed and said "grandpa be careful that guys dangerous "

Jin Ming replied laughing " don't worry he's paralyzed and... my predictions never became false. "as he walked closer to Tang Tenshin

Tang Tenshin tried to rush forward to attack Jin Ming but he fell with immense pain, his head hurt like there was no tomorrow and there was no movement from his legs when he tried to move.

and he was in excruciating pain as his internal wounds rebounded he couldn't even scream due to his mouth paralyzing too.

and then Jin Ming came close to Tang Tenshin and from his spatial ring he took an acid bottle slowly and smiled like a crazy man.

Tang Tenshin kept struggling to move as Jin Ming came closer to him, holding that bottle of acid.

"It's no use, this is fast acting poison if you try to move then the poison will spread even more fastly giving you less time to leave " Jin Ming

Tang Tenshin looked at JIn Ming with his bloody eyes. Jin Ming thought with a look of shiver ' if looks could kill he would have killed me haha'

Tang Tenshin used all his spirit energy to move his lips, seeing this Jin Ming was surprised and impressed by Tang Tenshin tenacity and will he has to live.

To hear what he said " he moved closer to his to his face and then *spit* Tang Tenshin spat on his face Jin Ming blinked his eyes for a second before clearing his face of that spit with his hands and then he contemplated for a second.

"Hehehhe Hahahahahhahahahhaahah you done it now bitch " *slap* Jin Ming said as he slapped Tang Tenshin he didn't stop there.

"I've seen you regrowing your arm wasn't that fun I'd like to see it again and maybe again haha," he said as he took a bade out and cut both of Tang Tenshin and feet.


Tang Tenshin cried even though he could care less about what the pain was like, just the sensation of not feeling in his arms and legs gave him a sense of crisis in this impending doom.

Tang Tenshin started to cry, his entire four hundred years worth of emotions burst out as he spoke

" Why, why did you betray our sect, why what have we done to make this happen on our selves "


"Why you ask? of course you don't know, you and your sect were too arrogant, did you know how many atrocities did the demon sect and crimson sword sect commenced, did you know they killed my mother, did you know what they did to my sister." Jin Ming face convulsed as he said, it was like a repressed memory being brought back.

"What are you talking about? our sect will never do that?" Tang Tenshin said with a shocked his countenance looked like he aged thousand years more.

"Heh you and crimson sword sect patriarch were blind fools who did what your followers asked to do, many times, other sects tried to warn you with veiled threats but you guys counted that as aggression, you were too blind to see the real world."

Tang Tenshin who looked like he was near merely by his mental trauma experienced from ten minutes of Jin Ming said with an almost given up hope one last voice of reason " what you did was still not right JIn Ming, you had innocent blood on your hands now, how can you justify killing an entire sect, answer me "

silence resounded through the mountain as Young Master Ming watched, without answering that question Jin Ming with his old and frail hands raised his blade and



give me some stones, give me some stones
