Chapter 1174 He must Know!

Chapter 1174 He must Know!

Karina marveled at the lifelike representation of Harvestasya, appreciating the craftsmanship that had gone into the statue. The meticulous details captured Harvestasya's essence, freezing a moment in time. As Karina prepared to depart, she heard an unexpected thud.

Turning back toward the statue, her eyes widened in shock as the once inert eyes of the sculpture now emitted a faint, ethereal glow. The abode, once filled with the quiet hum of frozen tranquility, was now disrupted by the sudden surge of supernatural energy.

Karina's scream pierced through the stillness, echoing within the icy chamber. "Aaah! What's happening?!"

The glow intensified, casting an eerie luminescence across Harvestasya's carved features. The cat-girl's eyes, usually frozen in a perpetual state of calm, now seemed to flicker with an otherworldly vitality. The air itself felt charged with an unseen force, and Karina could sense an inexplicable transformation unfolding before her.

As her scream lingered in the frigid air, Karina watched, transfixed, as the statue of Harvestasya exhibited signs of life. The cat-girl's silhouette within the sculpted form seemed to shift, as though awakening from a deep slumber. The contours of the statue blurred for a moment before settling into a dynamic posture that mirrored Harvestasya's lively and mischievous demeanor.

Karina's initial shock evolved into a mixture of awe and trepidation. "Is this... magic?" she whispered, her voice barely audible amidst the supernatural ambiance. The abode, once a serene sanctuary, now crackled with unknown energy, and the statue of Harvestasya stood as a conduit for this mystical transformation.

The statue, now imbued with Harvestasya's consciousness, spoke with a voice that echoed through the icy abode. "D-Do not be afraid," it uttered, attempting to reassure Karina.

"That's not helpful," Karina retorted, her nerves still on edge. Confusion and trepidation painted her expression as she remained sprawled on the floor. n(-0veLB1n

Cecile, Selena, Kesya, and Liu rushed to the scene, drawn by Karina's startled reaction. Cecile, recognizing the statue as Harvestasya, raised an eyebrow. "What's going on?" she inquired, casting a curious glance at Karina and then at the now-animated statue.

"What did you find, Tasya?" Selena inquired, her cold gaze fixed on the animated representation of her feline companion.

"Listen, everyone," she began, her words cutting through the air with a mix of urgency and solemnity. "I've made a discovery in the cavern guarded by the Ice Spirit, a place of secrets and chilling revelations."

The adventurers, attentive and intrigued, looked to Harvestasya as she continued, "I found big sis Maria, the Benevolent Empress."

A hushed silence fell upon the room. Cecile, Selena, Kesya, Liu, and the others absorbed the weight of the revelation. Maria, Lyon's long-lost wife, the enigmatic healer whose absence had fueled Lyon's quest, had been found.

"Maria..." Cecile uttered the name almost in a whisper, her thoughts racing. The name had lingered in Lyon's memories, a beacon of hope and love in the midst of his arduous journey.

Harvestasya continued, her voice carrying the gravity of the situation. "She's encased in Eternal Ice, as if she chose to remain frozen in time. The devil cultivators were after her, and she sought refuge here, in the Ice Spirit's domain."

Cecile, always composed, was the first to break the silence. "Maria... Lyon needs to know. We can't keep this from him."

Harvestasya nodded, her eyes reflecting a mix of determination and concern. "Indeed. Lyon deserves to be informed about Maria's discovery, but we must approach it with care. The circumstances surrounding her are... complex."

Kesya, always forthright, voiced a concern, "How will Lyon react? We've never seen him confronted with news of Maria. And her condition... it might not be easy for him."

Cecile reassured Kesya, "We'll be there for him. Lyon is resilient, but he deserves the truth. Maria is a part of his past, and now, potentially, his future. We can't keep this hidden."

Selena, typically reserved, spoke with a rare warmth, "Whatever Lyon decides to do, we stand by him. Maria's discovery is a turning point, and we'll face it together."