
Chapters 17 - 17

Passing by the lone mountain near the city gate, Yan Zhong Shan suddenly thought of a terrifying thing. Mu Qian Xue did not hide inside Jiang Yue's carriage to get out of the city, so it was most likely that she was hiding within this lone mountain. However, not long ago, he evacuated all the people who surrounded the lone mountain.

In other words … He was the one who released Mu Qian Xue!

Thinking about that, Yan Zhong Shan started to sweat profusely, he hurriedly ordered his subordinates to surround all parts of the lone mountain. He still had a trace of luck in his heart, Mu Qian Xue's body was weak, maybe he still wasn't able to escape the lone mountain!

After he had arranged everything, he carried his horse and headed towards the city gate with a gloomy face. This was all the fault of the gate warden, if not for him saying that he saw that there was someone in the horse carriage, he wouldn't have suspected that Jiang Yue was protecting counteroffense. He wouldn't have brought so many people to chase after him, and now, not only had he offended Jiang Yue, he had even given Mu Qian Xue the chance to escape.

Xiao Ruo Ao knew about this, but he did not know how he would be punished!

As soon as they arrived at the city gates, Yan Zhong Shan was stunned, and the gate warden s all fell onto the ground in disorder. Whether they were dead or alive was unknown, the people all pointed at them from afar, not daring to get too close.

The Artemisia annulata Lam quickly rushed over to check on them. Fortunately, they were only knocked unconscious, so their lives were fine.

Yan Zhong Shan dismounted and surveyed his surroundings. He did not see the gate warden that he spoke to before, he casually grabbed a gate warden that had just awoken and asked sternly: "Who knocked you out, where is the person that spoke to me earlier, where did he go?"

gate warden opened his eyes and saw his sinister look. After a long while, he said in a trembling voice, "The one who went back to First Lord and knocked out the little ones is the one who spoke to you before."

Yan Zhong Shan did not expect such a reply, his face full of shock: "What did you say?"

The gate warden replied honestly: "Not long after you left with your men, that man suddenly attacked and knocked out all of the youths."

"What's his name and where does he live?" Speaking of which, if he still did not realise the problem, Yan Zhong Shan had wasted his last few decades of life.

gate warden shook his head: "This little one doesn't know him."

"What did you say? Don't know him?" If he hadn't listened carefully, Yan Zhong Shan would have thought that he had heard wrongly.

gate warden said with absolute certainty: "Yes, before he spoke with First Lord, this lowly one has never seen him before."

Yan Zhong Shan gritted his teeth and said: "Since that's the case, why didn't you say it out loud just now?"

"At the time when the First Lord was here, and this lowly one thought that he might have been transferred here from another city gate, so … "I didn't ask." Before his voice fell, Yan Zhong Shan had already thrown him onto the ground, and kicked his body, "Bastard, you actually didn't say anything about such an important matter, harming this lord here, and caused a group of counteroffense s to have the chance to escape!" As he spoke, he kicked the other party a few more times. The latter shrank back to the ground, not daring to cry out in pain.

The underling said worriedly, "Sir, what do we do now?"

Yan Zhong Shan took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly realised that there was more than one trap he had taken.

The moment Mu Qian Xue and her group escaped the city, as the envoy of the Northern Week, Jiang Yue wanted to leave the city with a strong demeanor. When she was released, there was immediately someone who came to tell him that when the carriage door opened and closed, she saw someone hiding inside and that she did not see clearly who was escaping the city, leading him to suspect that Jiang Yue was colluding with the counteroffense, in order to remove the people who were surrounding the lone mountain. This made Jiang Yue seem extremely resistant, making him think that Mu Qian Xue was hiding in the carriage.

This was a complicated and intricate series of plans. Every step he took was within the other party's calculations. There was nothing wrong with it!

After realizing this point, a chill rose from the bottom of his back and quickly spread throughout his entire body.

Mu Qian Xue, it must be Mu Qian Xue. Only she could arrange such a terrifying trap!

It was no wonder that Xiao Ruo Ao used the entire Artemisia annulata Lam to capture her. Letting such a person escape from the West Chu would bring about endless troubles in the future, but now, he was actually letting her go.

Just as Yan Zhong Shan was being surrounded by layers of fear, a large group of s with bright armor appeared in their line of sight, and stopped a few steps away from Yan Zhong Shan. The Yulin Army took a step forward and cupped his hands in salute: "Following Your Majesty's orders, I have brought two thousand Yulin Army s to this place to help him search and capture the counteroffense."

There were only three thousand Yulin Army s in total, but Xiao Ruo Ao had to send out two thousand to search the mountain in one go.

Yan Zhong Shan bit his tongue with all his might and used the pain to calm himself down. Although the situation was dire, he had not reached the point of despair, so he might still have a chance!

"Lord Commander, please lead the troops to search and capture this lone mountain and its vicinity. I am going to hunt down the accomplices!" After saying that, Yan Zhong Shan mounted his horse again and led the dozen Artemisia annulata Lam s out of the city. If they were unable to find Mu Qian Xue, then Jiang Yue would be the last clue, even if he could not think of the reason why Jiang Yue helped Mu Qian Xue like this.

The matter of chasing after Jiang Yue had unexpectedly gone smoothly. After only running for a few dozen kilometers, he saw Jiang Yue's carriage, which was moving slowly at a place not too far away from where he had seen them previously.

Yan Zhong Shan's spirit was roused, he hurried forward, so as to not let Jiang Yue escape. In just a few breaths' time, he had already caught up to the carriage, but the result was that Yan Zhong Shan was disappointed.

The underling looked around the empty area with a pale face, "Sir, what do we do now?"

"Find!" Flipping over the entire outer city, we have to find them too, "Yan Zhong Shan squeezed out these words through his gritted teeth.

When the entire Artemisia annulata Lam and the imperial guards were searching everywhere, Mu Qian Xue and her group appeared on a remote and narrow mountain path that was more than a hundred miles away from the city.

Mu Qian Xue who was on the horse leaned on Dong Fang Su with her eyes half closed, his face was pale to the point that it was almost transparent, and one could even see the green veins underneath.

"No way!" Mu Qian Xue's feeble voice entered Dong Fang Su's ears, "They will not stop until they catch me, continue walking east, and quickly reach the place I told you about, they shouldn't be too far away."

"But your body …" How could Dong Fang Su not know that they were not out of danger, but with Mu Qian Xue's situation, it was not suitable for them to continue on their journey.