
Mu Qianxue walked over to his side and gently patted his shoulder. "I'll think of a way to deal with this, so you don't have to worry too much. Fortunately, the empress dowager didn't immediately decree the marriage and gave me room to turn around." Even if she were to remarry, that person definitely wouldn't be Wei Wenbin.

Dongfang Shou raised his head, and his eyes that were as dark as jade contained a trace of profound sorrow. After a long moment of confrontation, his gaze gradually became resolute. "If I were sitting on the same seat at Cheng De Palace today, I would be able to protect you and protect you from all kinds of difficulties."

The corner of Mu Qianxue's mouth curved slightly. "If Your Highness is really able to reach such a level, then how can you just protect Qianxue alone."

After this sentence, no one said anything, only two figures quietly reflected on the window like a frozen picture scroll …

Fifteen and nineteen people rushed to Jiangning that night to investigate Wei Wenbin. Dongfang Ze, who had received the news, arranged for his spies in the Ministry of Public Affairs to investigate Wei Wenbin's case file and secretly made a copy of it.

Before Mu Qianxue had even opened it, he had already shook her head disappointedly, "The Ministry of Civil Affairs takes its examinations every three years. Wei Wenbin is of the highest quality in every assessment, regardless of whether it's her political achievements or her voice, she can't find anything that can be used as an example."

Mu Qianxue carefully read through the file. Indeed, as Dongfang Ze had said, Wei Wenbin had been an official in Jiangning for eight years. His accomplishments were outstanding, his integrity and integrity were well-respected by the people.

Xia Yue also saw the contents of the file and said nervously, "Then what do we do? Don't tell me the princess really wants to marry him?"

"Of course not!"

Xia Yue said worriedly, "The empress dowager has already sent people over today to urge them. From the looks of it, it seems like … It won't take long. "

Dongfang Ze lowered his head and bit his nails. He ruthlessly said, "No problem. Then we'll make things difficult for him. In short, we definitely can't let him marry a princess." The longer they interacted with each other, the more he understood the value of Mu Qianxue. If it wasn't for this extremely intelligent woman helping him, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that Seventh Brother wanted to take back the throne!

Mu Qianxue put down the thin sheet of paper in her hand and said with a smile, "No one is perfect. Being too perfect is a big problem in itself."

Dongfang Ze was stunned, then he understood what she meant. "Princess, are you saying that Wei Wenbin's evaluation is fake?"

Mu Qianxue smiled and took a sip of her tea. "I remember that when I met Wei Wenbin at Ning Shou Palace, he was wearing a golden robe made of jujube red weave, made from the finest cloud brocade. The cloud brocade was only produced in Jiangnan, and was known for its exquisite materials and fine weaving.

"This …" Dongfang Ze frowned and said, "Although Wei Wenbin's salary isn't high, he's from a noble family, so it's not a big deal to have a few pieces of expensive clothes."

Mu Qianxue smiled and asked, "Then what about the escort company's goods?"

Dongfang Ze asked in astonishment, "What goods are they escorting?"

Mu Qianxue took out a small slip of paper and handed it over to Dongfang Ze. "This was sent by a pigeon last night. Prince, please take a look."

Dongfang Ze puzzledly took the note. There were only a few lines of words on it, but it caused his expression to change drastically. "Wei Wenbin actually asked the escort company to escort him ten boxes of goods?"

Mu Qianxue nodded and said, "Speaking of it, it's indeed a coincidence. Nineteen and the rest had originally gone to Jiangning to investigate Wei Wenbin under my orders. Along the way, they met an escort team and found out that they came from Jiangning, so Nineteen wanted to find out about Wei Wenbin from them.

"The 19 escort squadrons should be resting now. They should be secretly opening one of the chests. Inside the chest are gold, silver, and silk. As for the other nine chests, I believe they are no exception."

"When Wei Wenbin returned to the capital, he only brought two boxes of books, other than some clothes. Everyone thought that the breeze was blowing, and as it turned out, he was practising on the road, secretly crossing Chen Cang." Dongfang Ze's mouth was dry from listening to his words, he drank the hot tea in one gulp and said in a slightly absent-minded manner, "When Wei Wenbin returned to the capital, he only brought two boxes of books with him.

"I've already asked the others to keep an eye on that escort team. According to the distance, they should arrive in Jinling City in two days."

Dongfang Ze excitedly continued, "As long as we expose that Wei Wenbin owns this dart, we can expose his so-called clean and honest mask. When the time comes, the empress dowager will have no reason to force you to marry him."

"What if he denies it then?"

Dongfang Ze disapprovingly said, "The property is obviously his, how can he deny it?"

Mu Qianxue smiled and shook her head. "The words' Wei Wenbin 'weren't carved into that gold and silver. Taking a step back, even if it's truly engraved, he can still say that someone else is framing him. When the time comes, not only will you be unable to do anything to him, you will also be targeted by Empress Dowager Wei.

Dongfang Ze scratched his head hard. "Aren't there still those bodyguards?"

"Those escort agents must have given instructions before taking the dart. They might have even given orders to their entire family, but it's not too hard to leak information. However, it's almost impossible for them to accuse Wei Wenbin in front of the yamen."

Dongfang Ze was rendered speechless by her words. His face turned red from holding back his anger. He said, "If you say it like that, then isn't all this wasted effort for nothing?"

Mu Qianxue faintly smiled, her words suddenly changing the topic. "How is the relationship between Your Highness and the Left Vice Minister of the Ministry of Justice?"

"Yang He?" Dongfang Ze was surprised and said, "He's not too bad. Why would the princess ask him?"

"If you want to confirm that the silver belongs to Wei Wenbin, you'll need Assistant Minister Yang's help."

While they were discussing how to deal with Wei Wenbin, Dongfang Wenshui was quietly waiting in Ning Shougao's palace. After waiting for almost an hour, he saw Empress Dowager Wei holding Yin Qiu's hand as they entered the palace.

Dongfang Qin respectfully clasped his hands and said, "Your son greets Imperial Mother."

"Get up." Empress Dowager Wei beckoned for him to come closer and said affectionately, "Didn't this one send a message? This one is here to pay respects to Buddha. Don't you have to wait here? Why didn't you listen?"

"Your highness, your son, I, should be waiting for you." Dongfang Shou took the tea from her and personally offered it to Empress Dowager Wei. "Just now, I heard from the palace that Imperial Mother often coughed these days. Have you passed it on to an imperial physician?"

Empress Dowager Wei took a sip of her tea and said gently, "It's just an occasional itch in her throat. A few coughs, that's all. It's fine." The hall was filled with osmanthus flowers, and the soft and sticky fragrance was everywhere, filling her nose.

"Before this son came over, I had the royal kitchen stew a sweet and sweet pear. Although this is not a medicine, it has the effect of relieving cough and moistening the lungs. Imperial Mother will drink more later."

"Alright." "You may not be This Dowager's biological son, but you're the most filial son of This Dowager. Unlike the Emperor, This Dowager hasn't seen him for days. I'm afraid he's forgotten all about the way to Ning Longevity Palace."