
Yang He didn't answer his question directly, but said, "Master Hou is the empress dowager's eldest brother. He holds important military positions, and holds high positions of authority. However …" "For many things, it's best to be careful."

Wei Jin's brows tightened as he stared at Yang He's extremely ordinary face, "What exactly do you want to say?"

Yang He was silent for a moment, and then said slowly, "All these years, Master Hou has always been a mainstay of the imperial court. Whenever there is an important military event, His Majesty will ask for my opinion, but this time … The king of Pingyang has gone to war and recruited elite troops. Which of the two has His Majesty discussed with you, the minister of war? "

Wei Jin's eyes jumped as he indifferently asked, "So what?"

"Last year, Master Hou had a few arguments with the empress dowager and the emperor about your son's matter. His Majesty didn't say anything, but how could he feel happy about it?"

Wei Jin had already expected this. After signalling the waiter to order more tea, he said coldly, "Are you trying to say that His Majesty no longer relies on me?"

"I'm afraid it's more serious than that!" Facing those two gazes, Yang He slowly spat out five words, "Accompanying a monarch like a tiger!"

After a long time, he said darkly, "Do you know that as long as I tell His Majesty what you just said, not only will you lose your position as the head teacher of the Ministry of Justice, you might even lose your life?"

Yang He smiled bitterly and said, "This official knows, but this official will still say."


After a short period of silence, Yang He suddenly said, "There is one thing that Master Hou did not know. Actually, this official had seen Prince Wei in his cell the night before he was executed. He told this official a lot."

Hearing this, Wei Jin immediately stood up and glared at Yang He, "Wen Bin …" What did Wen Bin tell you? "

"Master Hou, don't get too excited. Sit down and speak." When Wei Jin sat back down, Yang He sighed, "About Young Master Wei, this official has always felt that it's a pity. However, His Majesty has already made up his mind, so even if this official tries his best, he won't be able to turn the situation around. The only thing I can do is send Young Master Wei off on his final journey."

"That night, Prince Wei cried very sorrowfully. He said that he had never forgotten the Marquis' earnest teachings and that it was only a temporary act of instigation that caused him to commit such a grave mistake. He really wanted to turn over a new leaf, but unfortunately, he didn't have the chance. "The person who will feel the most sorry for him in this life is Master Hou. If there is a next life, in the next life, he hopes to be able to be Master Hou's son again."

"Son... "My son …" Wei Jin's eyes were bloodshot and his lips quivered. At this moment, he was no longer a noble and influential Marquis, but a father who had lost his only son. Grief, pain, and regret interweaved into his entire being …

After a long time, Wei Jin wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and said hoarsely, "Why did you have to hide these words until now?"

Yang He said with a troubled expression, "If that's all it is, this official will not hide it from you. However, Young Master Wei then mentioned something else …" If you don't deserve it. "

Wei Jin looked suspicious: "If not, what is it?"

"This …" Yang He hesitated for a moment before gritting his teeth and lowering his voice, "Young Master Wei told Master Hou to be careful — Your Majesty!"

Wei Jin was greatly surprised by these words. He frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

Yang He looked around and made sure that no one was paying attention to them before he said in a low voice, "Young Master Wei said that His Majesty is selfish by nature, and anyone that slightly threatens his position of authority will be destroyed without hesitation. Even those close to him are no exception. It might just be you, Master Hou. "

Wei Jin's face was extremely dark, and his gaze was as sharp as a sword, as if he could see through Yang He. Yang He's words just now were truly outrageous.

After stopping the manservant, Wei Jin frowned and said, "Wen Bin is my son. No one knows his temperament better than me. He would never say something like that."

Yang He said lightly, "Perhaps, but when a person is about to die, their mind will become clearer than before, and they will be able to see through some people and the nature of things."

"This official has said that the crime of Young Master Wei is not death, if Your Majesty is willing, saving him is not difficult at all. However, it is not, because Your Majesty wants to be the impartial and selfless ruler in the eyes of the world, so you can only sacrifice Young Master Wei!"

Wei Jin's expression was uncertain. After a long while, his expression returned to its normal calm as he said expressionlessly, "Wen Bin was the one who made the first mistake in this matter. His Majesty may have been a little strict, but it wasn't wrong."

"Prince Wei knows, so he doesn't resent anyone. He's just worried that his death … is a beginning, not an end. "

"Start?" Wei Jin was stunned for a moment, unable to understand the meaning of his words.

Yang He nodded, "Master Hou has fought with His Majesty for several times over matters regarding the young master. Although His Majesty didn't say anything on the surface, but he definitely wouldn't be as intimate with Master Hou as before."

Wei Jin lowered his head in silence. In retrospect, Dong Fang's attitude towards him had truly become a lot colder this past half year. In addition, he had even started to unintentionally take away the power in his hands.

Yang He saw the change in his expression, "One disloyalty, a hundred times not to use. Although Master Hou loves his son dearly, in the eyes of His Majesty, from that moment on, you are no longer of the same mind."

Wei Jin snorted coldly, "So what if he is? Does that mean he can take my life?"

"I might not die, but I'm afraid that Master Hou's path in the future will be very difficult, or even …" It's difficult to establish a foothold in Jinling City! "

"Nonsense!" Wei Jin had lived with honor for half his life, so Yang He's words were naturally ear-piercing. He raised his eyebrows and scolded, "I'm the empress dowager's eldest brother, and he still calls me uncle in private. How dare he treat me like this? Even if he did, the empress dowager wouldn't agree! "

Yang He shook his head, "This official asks, is it brother and sister, or mother and son? Moreover, the empress dowager didn't just have one brother in arms. "

Wei Jin was left speechless by his question. After a long while, he squeezed out a sentence from between his sore teeth. "In short, the empress dowager won't!"

"What Master Hou wants is your freedom. This official has neither the authority nor the ability to interfere; this official has already truthfully brought you the words of Young Master Wei. This official will take his leave." As he got up to leave, he hesitated for a moment before turning back to Wei Jin, who was still sitting in his chair, and saying a few words, "I hope Master Hou will always leave a way out for himself, just like... "This time."

Wei Jin stared thoughtfully at Yang He's departing back. This time … What did Yang He mean this time? Was it Qi Guo, or... The Prince of Pingyang went to war? However, what did all this have to do with him? Why did he need to lead his troops into the war?