
Without food and grass, the team had to return to Beijing to accept the crime. The government and the public were shocked when such a big thing happened. Dongfang Hui pretended to order the Ministry of punishment to investigate the case, while ordering Li Hong, the Minister of the Ministry of household affairs, to prepare food and grass for transportation to the south.

It took at least one month for the surplus grain to be mobilized. In other words, the grain and grass on the south side of the border was completely cut off in this month.

Although the grain and grass were cut off, there was no instability in the southern army. Knowing that the grain and grass would be exhausted, none of the more than 100000 soldiers escaped or complained. They still followed the fate of Dongfang Suo.

Since the war, every time he fought with the Qi Chu allied forces, Dongfang Su took the lead and fought side by side with them. He never abandoned them. After more than two months, Dongfang Su accumulated a deep prestige in the eyes of the soldiers. More than 100000 soldiers were willing to advance and retreat with him.

As a matter of fact, Dongfang Su did not wait to die. On the one hand, he slaughtered the captured horses to satisfy the soldiers' hunger; on the other hand, he personally led people to raise food everywhere.

Dongfang Hui knows the key to this battle. He doesn't know that this battle must be won!

After the Qi Chu allied forces found that the Northern Zhou army was short of food and grass, they knew that it was a good time to defeat the Northern Zhou army. They immediately launched a fierce attack, which was blocked by the Northern Zhou army with Tianfu array.

As one of the main arrays in the art of war of the eight formations after the wind, Tianfu array is extremely exquisite. The array masters of Qi and Chu broke it up day and night, but they couldn't break half of it.

The fierce and fearless morale and Tianfu formation helped them to block the crazy attacks of the Qi Chu allied forces again and again, and Dongfang Suo there finally raised some food from a big family in the south. Although it was not much, it undoubtedly gave them hope.

With the first, there will be a second, a third

No common people would hope that their national army would be defeated and their country would be ruined. After understanding the difficulties of dongfangsu, they sent food to them one after another. Some of them had little food, and they all gave some to them, hoping to contribute to the war in the south.

In addition to donating their own granaries to store grain for many years, some rich households also spend money to purchase grain from other places and transport it as quickly as possible.

With the help of many people in the southern region, the difficulty of grain and grass was temporarily relieved. At the same time, the Shenji camp attacked the rear of the Qi Chu allied forces at night. After paying several lives, they burned their granary and made them run out of grain.

Although the state of Qi was rich in grain, their battle front was too long for them to supply for a while. Dongfang Su seized the opportunity of their unstable military mind and attacked with all his strength. After nearly half a month of fighting, he finally defeated the Qi Chu allied forces, killed nearly ten thousand enemies, captured as many as seventy thousand prisoners, and the rest fled into the state of Qi.

After four months of bloody fighting, the people in the southern part of the country were finally at peace. Dongfangsu became famous for this battle and became the God of war for the people in the southern part of the country and even the whole Zhou Dynasty!

When the news of Dazhou's victory came back to Jinling, Dongfang Hui was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He cut off reinforcements or even food and grass. Dongfang Su actually won, and won such a beautiful victory. Jinling City and even the Zhaoming palace, wherever there were people, were discussing this almost miraculous battle. All the credit was taken by Dongfang Su alone. Hateful! Hateful!

When empress dowager Wei stepped into the Chengde hall, the ground was full of broken porcelain pieces. A group of palace people knelt beside them in fear, trembling. Their green clothes also hung their heads and did not dare to speak.

Empress Dowager Wei steadily stepped over the broken porcelain pieces, sat down in her chair and said calmly, "why did the emperor get so angry?"

Dongfang Hui endured the anger in his heart, gritted his teeth and said, "I don't know what happened to my mother. That bastard has won the battle in the south. Now he is on his way back home!"

"I know." Empress Dowager Wei's reply made Dongfang Hui feel puzzled and said, "since mother knows, why..."

"Why is it so peaceful?" Empress Dowager Wei took the tea from the palace and said calmly, "the result of this war is really unexpected, but it's not too bad."

Dongfang Hui said with a sneer: "mother knows what people outside call him now. Call him God of war. Oh, God of war, he deserves it!"

Empress Dowager Wei gave a little smile, covered the tea with tea, slowly removed the foam floating on the tea, sipped and said: "prince or God of war, he is still your minister. Don't you hear that if you want to die, I have to die."

Dongfang Hui's eyes suddenly jumped and said thoughtfully: "but he is now in high prestige. I'm afraid..."

"Prestige is nothing. The real trouble is his military power. So as soon as he returns to Beijing, the emperor will take back his military power. If he refuses to..." Yin Qiu was playing a fan and flicking the Emerald Pendant under empress dowager Wei's ear. "Isn't that what Chen's people are prepared for?"

Under her words, Dongfang Hui gradually calmed down and hesitated: "my son is only worried. He knows that military power is his own talisman. He would rather watch Chen and others die than hand them over."

"If he had such a cruel heart, it would have been a great event. How could he wait until now?" Empress Dowager Wei patted the back of dongfanghui's cold hand and said quietly: "so the emperor can rest assured."Dongfang Hui took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "I hope everything is as my mother said."

Empress Dowager Wei smiles and turns to say: "in addition to Chen and Huaien, mu Qianxue and Zhao Pingqing, which have been idle for a long time, should also move."

On hearing this, Dongfang Hui immediately twisted his long eyebrows and said: "it's good for Zhao Pingqing to say that mu Qianxue has been hiding in Lao Jiu's house and has never gone out. Unless he rushes, he will not go out..."

"Ah." Empress Dowager Wei shook her head and said, "the emperor always takes filial piety as the first thing. There are inscriptions written by the former Emperor in Prince Mu's mansion. If you rush, you will not disrespect the former Emperor

Dongfang Hui was confused by her saying that she wanted to move Qianxue, but at the same time, she didn't allow him to break into King Mu's house. This Isn't that self contradictory?

The green dress eyebrow eyes move, probing a way: "empress dowager, but want to ask to offer to hand?" Although liulifang has lost a lot of manpower in the past two years, the inside information is still there. It's really necessary to attack a King Mu's mansion.

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome." Empress Dowager Wei raised her sleeve and a gold inlaid tourmaline Bracelet between her wrists. "Xuanji can push Lao Qi to today's level, which shows that she is extremely smart. She should know what military power means to Lao Qi best, so she will try her best to protect Lao Qi's military power."

Dongfang Hui sneered: "it's hard to protect yourself. How can you protect the military power of that base breed? It's ridiculous!"

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