
At daybreak, an autumn rain falls unexpectedly, and it is extremely cold on people. Empress dowager Wei does not like chrysanthemums as much as Shen Xijun. Therefore, although chrysanthemums are in full bloom now, it is difficult to find any trace of them in ningshou palace.

Empress Dowager Wei was standing in front of the window, looking out of the window solemnly at the autumn rain

Dongfang Hui, who was standing behind her, nodded and said, "yes, it's not a bad word. My son has promised to reply to him tonight. I don't know what's the meaning of my mother?"

"Mr. Tianji..." Empress Dowager Wei repeated these four words slowly. Her eyes were covered with a gauze barrier, which made her unable to see her thoughts clearly. For a moment, her eyes turned and fell on Yin Qiu and Zhou Ning, who were standing still. "What do you think of this?"

Yin Qiu thought, "the twelve prefectures of Dongcheng are our fortresses against Dongling's invasion. If we give them to Mr. Tianji, if he colludes with Dongling, it will be very bad for us."

Zhou Ning added in a voice: "the slave also means the same thing. Although Mr. Tianji keeps saying that it's for the sake of keeping a name in history, he doesn't have any other meaning, but no one is sure whether it's true or false."

Empress Dowager Wei nodded noncommittally, turned to the East and said, "how many cities can I change?"

Dongfang Hui thought for a moment, then shook his head and said, "my son didn't ask, but I'm afraid it must be the twelve prefectures in the east city." After a pause, he said solemnly: "when he left last night, his son sent a shadow to follow him secretly, trying to see where he settled down. Unexpectedly, he found out and came back in vain."

Empress Dowager Wei twists the Buddha's Pearl's hand and shows a sense of horror between her eyebrows and eyes. "Do you think he has seen through the shadow's tracking?" Those people were recruited by her. No one knows their ability in hiding better than her. Even Wynn, who was the leader of Shenji camp in those years, can't see through thoroughly. This Mr. Tianji It's a little too scary.

"Yes, although I don't know if he can really peep at the secret, he is really unfathomable."

Empress Dowager Wei narrowed her eyes and said slowly, "if such a person can really stand on our side, it will be very good. I'm afraid that He is a double-edged sword

"Then we..." Without waiting for dongfanghui to go on, Empress Dowager Wei interrupted: "let the mourning family think about it."

In the huge ningshou palace, the sound of the beads twirling at the fingertips can be heard. Many rhododendrons are planted in the courtyard, and petals fall on the wet ground because of the heavy autumn rain, ending its quiet and beautiful short life.

For a long time, the voice of Empress Dowager Wei rang out in the silence, "promise him."

"Mother, don't you worry about him?" Although dongfanghui also preferred this choice, when it came to the final decision, he could not help hesitating.

Empress Dowager Wei raised her hand and stroked the oily hair and a white jade phoenix hairpin on it. She said quietly, "of course I'm worried, but I'm more worried about pushing him to the east side."

"This..." Dongfang Hui hesitated and said, "it shouldn't be."

"If you want to win, you can't leave any chance to the other side, and..." Empress Dowager Wei was a little tired. She held Yin Qiu's hand and returned to the chair to sit down. "No matter what kind of thoughts he has, it's always easy to guess and defend when he stays by his side."

Dongfang Hui thought for a while, nodded and said, "my son knows."

Empress Dowager Wei nodded, took a sip of the tea which had been used for a long time, and the coolness of the tea made her frown. She handed it to Zhou Ning, who knowingly took it down and made a new one. Empress dowager Wei took it in her hand and said in a cool voice, "what's the progress of Zhao Zhaorong?"

Zhou Ning replied respectfully: "since the queen was forbidden, there has been no new news in Chengde hall. However, the slave heard that on the night of Zhao Zhaorong's premature birth, his majesty called Doctor Mei to Chengde hall. As for the reason Chengde hall is secretive. "

Dongfang Hui's eyes lit up, like a candle suddenly lit up in the dark, "it seems that Taoist priest xuanming's magic is working."

Empress Dowager Wei looked down at the tea slowly stretching out in the hot tea water, and her lips were filled with a silent smile, "look, the play is about to begin."

It took nearly two days for the autumn rain to stop, but the sky was still gloomy. Occasionally, a little sunlight passed through the thick clouds and fell on the gorgeous glazed tiles of the palace, with a thin golden light.

There was a slight rustling sound as the yellow train dragged across the ground paved with bluestones. Xia Yue crossed the knee high vermilion threshold and walked into the main hall. He saluted mu Qianxue, who was talking with Xiao Yuanzi, and said in a soft voice, "master, I have found it."

Mu Qian Xue long eyelashes move, way: "how to say?"

"Although Dr. Zhao had a wife and two concubines, he had a poor son. When he was nearly 40 years old, he just got a son. In addition, he was only a child in his middle age. The whole Zhao family pampered him and developed his arrogance and arrogance. Over the years, many disasters have happened. Every time, Dr. Zhao brought him to the door to make amends. I don't know how much money he has lost The Taiyi's medical skill is good, and he often gets a reward from the master of the palace. Otherwise, his family would have been ruined by him. Unfortunately, the latter not only didn't take warning, but also intensified his efforts, causing more and more troubles and finally committing a case of wounding people. "

"It's said that on that day, he went to the theatre with a group of fox friends, and he fell in love with a green dress on the stage. He didn't plan to rob him, so he wanted to get acquainted with him. As a result, another person who was watching the theatre with him also fell in love with him. They quarreled with each other. For a moment, he broke each other's arm. This family also has some influence in Beijing. If they don't want to buy Dr. Zhao's face, they will have to pay for ten thousand taels of medicine. Dr. Zhao's family foundation is already very thin. Even if they sell all their belongings and houses, they can't make up ten thousand taels. They go to the door to ask for less. But the other side is tough and won't give up one or two. They even give a three-day deadline and confiscate ten thousand taels of silver after three days If Wei Jingcheng hadn't had some friendship with Dr. Zhao, he would have been sentenced long ago. This time when the new Fu Yin took office, he decided that the first case was this one. But at this time, the family suddenly withdrew the lawsuit and Mr. Zhao was acquitted. The day before yesterday, Dr. Zhao visited his family. "Small yuan son eye a turn, way: "I guess should be these two days of affair?"

To his surprise, Xia Yue shook her head and said, "no, the withdrawal was a month ago."

Xiaoyuanzi said in amazement: "a month? But Zhao Zhaorong just gave birth prematurely a few days ago? "

"It's better to make arrangements early than to cram." Mu Qianxue gave a light answer and said, "just now Xiao Yuanzi told our palace that there was a palace maid in Changxin palace who was driven out of Changxin palace more than half a month ago because she broke the vase the queen liked. But the decision at that time was just to drive out Changxin palace and send her back to the house of internal affairs. It was Bai Mingfang who really drove her out of the palace."

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