
Taoist priest xuanming nodded, "I always thought that the mirror demon is difficult to deal with, but your majesty is the real dragon emperor. He has dragon Qi to protect his body. It's not difficult to eliminate it with the help of my skills and charms. For the moment, I think it's too simple."

Dongfang Su looked pale and said, "Taoist priest said Can't you get rid of the mirror demon? "

"It's not that I can't get rid of it, it's just that..." Taoist priest xuanming pondered for a moment and said, "dare you ask your majesty, how many ladies in the palace are famous for taking water with them, and they were born in September?"

Dongfang Suo suddenly asked this question and thought for a moment: "there is water in the name of the queen and Zhaorong. As for the birthday I don't know. "

Zhang Jin gently reminded, "Your Majesty, I remember that the queen was born in September."

"Queen?" Taoist priest xuanming was surprised. He bowed his head and calculated again. He moved so fast that there was a shadow. It was amazing.

After spending twice as much time as before, he stopped and suddenly said, "if so, I understand."

Dongfang Suo had been waiting for him for a long time. Seeing that he had finished his calculation, he said eagerly, "what's the matter?"

"Women belong to Yin, water belongs to Yin, and September also belongs to Yin. Together, they are called Yin women in Taoism. Yin women emit a kind of Yin Qi. Although they are invisible and immaterial, they are a great tonic for the demons whose attributes are yin. The queen is the world and the incarnation of Phoenix. Besides Yin Qi, there is also the Qi of Phoenix. It's the mirror demon who gets these that makes it so difficult."

Zhang Jin doubted: "Your Majesty hasn't seen the queen these days. Where does this Yin Qi come from?"

Taoist priest xuanming shook his head and said, "your majesty and the queen are married. They have long been connected and closely linked. Even if they don't see each other or even are far away from each other, they can still influence each other. Before the poor way, he counted thousands and thousands, but he only missed this point and gave the mirror demon a chance to take advantage of it. "

Dongfang looked back with a trace of disgust and said, "what should we do now? This mirror demon can never be left

"I understand." Taoist priest xuanming was full of embarrassment and said: "it's really hard for the mirror demon to get nourishment from the empress Yin Feng's Qi. If it's removed reluctantly, I'm afraid it will hurt your majesty, but if it's not removed, it will be..."

When Dongfang Su knew what he said behind him, his eyes suddenly trembled and he gritted his teeth and said, "I must not be taken over by this monster. Taoist priest, you must help me

Taoist priest xuanming walked back and forth in the hall with heavy steps. After walking several times, he raised his head and said, "I think about it. There is only one way to keep your majesty safe."

Dongfang Su's face was shocked, and he said: "what can I do? Speak quickly!"

"Waste queen!" Taoist priest xuanming slowly spits out these two words, and there seems to be a strange flame beating in his dark black eyes.

Zhang Jin and his wife were shocked together, and they were all shocked. The empress was in the middle palace, and her mother was in the world. Although the establishment of abolishment could not shake the foundation of the country, it also involved a lot. The Taoist priest was brave enough to be the empress of abolishment.

Dongfangsu was also surprised and said in a suspicious voice, "why is this?"

"The mirror demon can get the Qi of the empress Yin and Phoenix to nourish herself, because the empress is his Majesty's wife. Without this relationship, the Qi of yin and Phoenix will be broken naturally." After that, Taoist priest xuanming suddenly knelt down and said, "poor Taoist, as a stranger, is good at discussing the abolition of the queen. Please punish him!"

"Taoist priest is dedicated to me. What's the crime? Get up quickly." After lifting it up by hand, Dongfang Su said: "is there really no second way?"

He is not reluctant to abandon Shen Xijun. In fact, if Mu Qianxue had not stopped him last time, Shen Xijun would have been put in the cold palace. He took back the imperial edict, that is, he tacitly allowed Qianxue to investigate the matter. Now the matter has not been found out, and it will be abandoned again. It's more or less unreasonable.

Taoist priest xuanming sighed: "if there is any other way, I will never and dare not mention the word" abandoned empress ". There is really no other way. At this time, I have to force my hand. Even if I gamble on my life, the chance of winning is only 30% or 40%. And even if I do, it will greatly damage the dragon's body. Therefore," abandoned empress "is the best way."

Dongfang Su closed his eyes and said nothing. He held his hand tightly behind him, and his knuckles turned white.

Zhang Jin and Sun Xing look at each other, and both of them see deep worry in each other's eyes. These days, because Dongfang Suo has been meditating and drinking Fu Shui with the Taoist priest in front of him all day, and has abandoned the government, many officials have complained. If they abandon the government at this juncture, I'm afraid I'm afraid it's difficult for the court.

"Zhang Jin, grinding ink and laying paper, I want to make a plan for the waste!"

Hearing this, Zhang Jin clenched his teeth to himself, knelt down in front of Dongfang Suo and said, "Your Majesty, although this matter belongs to the harem, it is related to the former dynasty. Please think twice." After him, Sun Xing knelt down and cried, "please think twice!"

Deep and wide in the palace, cold and silent, only the sound of aloes melting slowly in the censer, red candle on the red copper candlestick is burning for a long time, dark and dim, no longer the previous day.

The cold sweat trickled down from his forehead and penetrated into his collar. Sun Xing was even more unbearable than him. Under his blue shirt, his body trembled uncontrollably.

Dongfang Suo's eyes flashed coldly over their heads and said in a cold voice: "you are so brave. When is it your turn to ask whether the queen is abolished or not?"Zhang Jin endured the stabbing pain from his scalp, kowtowed and said: "I know I'm modest and I shouldn't talk about it, but I'm afraid that the empress's immediate abolition will make all officials dissatisfied, and I'm afraid that the princess's side won't approve of it, so I dare to ask your majesty to think twice!"

Sun Xing took a look at Taoist priest xuanming, gritted his teeth and said what he had hidden in his heart for a long time, "Your Majesty, I think we should wait until we find out if there is a mirror demon."

Xuanming Taoist priest stroked his beard and stared at Sun Xing, who was shivering. He said in a deep voice, "this is that I'm lying?"

Sun Xing gritted his teeth and said, "I dare not, but I think the mirror demon is too mysterious, and the Taoist priest keeps saying it, but no one has ever seen it. " Once dongfangsu ran into a monster, he happened to be there. He saw it with his own eyes. From the beginning to the end, dongfangsu asked and answered himself in front of the bronze mirror, and there was no trace of a monster at all. However, the situation at that time was a little bit infiltrating, like running into evil spirits or being mentally wrong.

He and Zhang Jin have been suspicious about the Jingyao incident because they have seen it with their own eyes. But the calm and wise Dongfang trace back to this incident in the past is totally different. They trust Taoist xuanming to the point of paranoia. Now they have to abandon it. It's like a changed person.

Taoist priest xuanming was full of regret and said, "I'm determined to get rid of the demons for your majesty, but you suspect me. It's true..." With a sigh, he arched his hand toward the East and said, "monks don't lie. Everything I say and do is for your Majesty's sake. If your majesty doesn't believe me, you can drive me out of Zhaoming palace now."

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