
Zhang tingxiao suddenly stopped and said in a hateful voice, "I tell you, even if you kneel down and die in front of me, I won't deal with this mess again!"

"I know, I know." Zhang Qiye repeatedly promised. After getting on the carriage, he whispered: "the most urgent thing is to find a way to get rid of the fourth brother, otherwise Looking at my father's appearance today, maybe he will... " Later, he didn't dare to say it for fear that he would make Zhang tingxiao angry again.

With Zhang tingxiao's mind, how could he not guess his meaning? He patted the armrest and gritted his teeth: "as long as I'm in one day, he won't be able to achieve his wish!"

"Lao Si is always crafty. For example, this time, we all thought he was dead. As a result, we not only escaped from death, but also coaxed our father to leave him alone to speak. On the contrary, we were reprimanded for no reason, and I was also fined enough!" As soon as he mentioned this, Zhang Qiye hated his teeth and said, "brother, you have to think of a way quickly. You can't let him be proud any more."

A small six edged snowflake floated in along the crack of the car window and landed on Zhang tingxiao's warm cheek. In a flash, it turned into a small drop of water and slowly slid down.

Zhang tingxiao raised his hand to caress, looked at the wet finger belly, lips gradually revealed a smile, "Jieling still need to tie the bell."

Zhang Qiye was confused by what he said, "what is the person who tied the bell?"

Zhang tingxiao now is a clear before the worry, calm way: "I ask you, the fourth plan, who is the most critical person?"

Zhang Qiye said with disapproval: "isn't that the meat in Xuanji's belly that hasn't formed yet?"

"Wrong." Zhang tingxiao listened to the bleak wind outside the window and said casually, "the real key is Xuanji."

Zhang Qiye was stunned. He shook his head and said, "brother, I remember wrong. It was clear just now..."

Zhang tingxiao deeply interrupted his unfinished words with a smile, "Xuanji is dead, do you think that piece of meat in her abdomen can still live?"

This time, Zhang Qiye finally understood his meaning and suddenly said, "yes, as long as you kill Princess Xuanji before the baby is born, all the problems will be solved." Then he flattered him and said, "it's still big brother's interest. After a while, he thought of a way to deal with Laosi."

Zhang tingxiao eyes quiet tunnel: "I'd like to see, old four can coax the emperor."

Listen to this, Zhang Qi night heart rose a evil fire, eyes quietly turned a few circles, patted his chest and said: "this matter is up to me, brother, don't worry, I will do it for you properly, there will be no fault."

Zhang tingxiao calmly smiles and lowers his head to play with the Green Dragon Pendant on his waist. After waiting for a long time, Zhang Qiye doesn't see him speak. He can't help but say, "brother, don't you believe me?"

Zhang tingxiao raised his head. Although he was still smiling, his eyes were as cold as the ice on the surface of the lake. "Normally, I let you do things. I often push things around. How can I take the initiative this time?"

Zhang Qiye's eyelids trembled and said with a dry smile: "I don't want to share for my elder brother..." Before he could say the last word of "worry", Zhang tingxiao clapped his hand on the windowsill, lowered his face and said, "I'm still full of nonsense. Do you really think I can't see through your careful thinking? It is clear that she is in love with Princess Tu Xuanji and wants to satisfy your lust through this. "

Zhang Qiye was told that he had something on his mind, and his face was as pale as paper. After a while, he forced a smile and said: "brother misunderstood, I I don't think so. "

"Is it?" "It's rare that you volunteered. I'll leave it to you to do it. Remember..." He stopped for a moment, and his face was full of cold and murderous thoughts. "For the sake of you and my brother, I can ignore everything else, but this one If you dare to do it wrong, don't blame me for being a big brother. Have you heard me clearly? "

"Clear! Clear Zhang Qiye was too busy to answer, for fear that a little slower would lead to death.

Hearing this, Zhang tingxiao smiles with satisfaction, pats Zhang Qiye's shaking shoulder and says, "as long as I ascend the throne of God, I will never treat you badly." Playing a stick to a date is always the only way to win people's hearts.

While they were discussing how to deal with Zhang Qiling, the dialogue in the palace continued. Zhang Qiling took the medicine from the palace and personally served Ling di. The latter drank half of it and shook his head. "I can't drink any more. Let's put it aside."

"Yes." Zhang Qiling handed the medicine bowl to the palace man waiting nearby and asked him to put it in a warm cup to keep it warm so as not to let the medicine cool. "It's a pity that doctor an can't escape. Otherwise, let him show it to his father, maybe it will turn for the better."

Lingdi shook his head and said, "I know that unless the gods come down to earth, it is impossible for me to be well. It is God's blessing that I can last for a year." Then he said with emotion: "I only hope that before I die, I can see Dongling's opening up and expanding its territory, achieving the wishes of our ancestors for more than 100 years."

Zhang Qiling said in a deep voice: "my son's ministers will do their best to achieve the wishes of his father and Emperor."

"It's the best." After a pause, Emperor Ling said slowly, "when you were in the Northern Zhou Dynasty, I thought that you were not too young, so I decided a marriage for you. It's the youngest daughter of the Qiandai family. You've seen it, too. The date is spring next year."

Zhang Qiling didn't want to hear such a news suddenly. He was stunned there for a moment. Ling Di's eyes narrowed slightly and his tone was cold. "How, don't you want to?"Zhang Qiling returned to his senses and knelt down and said, "my father is trying to arrange the wedding for my son's minister. My son's minister's gratitude is not enough. How can he not be willing? I'm just afraid my father will be tired."

"That's good." Ling emperor stroked his forehead and said wearily, "I'm tired. Please step back."

"My son is leaving." It wasn't until he got on the carriage that Zhang Qiling turned cold in the cold wind and clenched his hands tightly.

Old man Tianji was sitting in the carriage. Seeing his look, his eyes sank slightly. "Your Majesty won't agree?"

Zhang Qiling took a deep breath, shook his head and said, "my father agreed to my plan, and gave them a lecture."

"Tianji old man doubts:" since so, why still depressed

Zhang Qiling bit his teeth and said in a low voice, "my father ordered a marriage for me. It's from a thousand generations. I'll get married next spring."

The old man's face relaxed, and he stroked the white beard on his chest. "What's the way to be a teacher? It's this."

Zhang Qiling was slightly stunned, then looked complicated and said, "so, master already knew?"

"It's true that although the lady of the thousand generation family is a woman, she has been given a special look by her father and assigned part of the dead to her commander. In recent years, she has done a lot of things. Your majesty and teacher think that she is the best match for you."

Zhang Qi Ling tightly pursed lips, a moment, he whispered: "but I don't want to get married so early."

Tianji old man's eyes slightly cold, forced to look at him and said: "is it a big thing that has not been done, or do you want to marry, not the one of the thousand generations?"

Zhang Qiling's eyes trembled slightly. "I don't understand master's meaning."

"You grew up in the eyes of Shifu. Can't Shifu see what you're thinking?" The old man snorted and his eyes were dim. "Remember, Xuanji is a tool for you. That's all. No one will have feelings for tools."

"Master misunderstood." Zhang Qiling's voice sounds a little pale.

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