
Not to mention them, even Tianji old man was surprised. He was ready to fight hard, but it turned out that he couldn't guess Zhang tingxiao's mind for a moment.

In that chamber, Zhang tingxiao said in a loud voice: "all the imperial guards listen to the order and evacuate the west gate immediately. There must be no mistake!"

Zhuang min was very anxious and said anxiously, "Your Highness, this matter must not be done."

"I have my own plan. Now listen to me and stop at once." Seeing what he said, Zhuang minde had to swallow his words and ordered the soldiers to return to the camp.

Looking at the imperial guards leaving one by one, Tianji finally determined that Zhang tingxiao was not joking, but Why did he do this? We should know that once Xishan camp was allowed to enter Beijing, his dream of becoming emperor would become a dream.

After all Is Zhang tingxiao worried about something, or is he planning something else?

"See you later, national teacher." Zhang tingxiao showed a meaningful smile, immediately turned the horse's head, and drove away with all the people, leaving behind the old man with a lot of worries.

In the distance comes the sound of roosters crowing. The East shows the light of the morning. With the rising sun, it falls into the world. It's dawn

At the gate of the palace, hundreds of officials came in, which seemed to be the same as usual. But if you look carefully, you can see that some officials look very dignified.

After entering Yuqing hall, Tianji old man and Zhang tingxiao are already there. They, who are ordered to supervise the country, stand in front of everyone and salute to the empty dragon chair together.

After the ceremony, some officials came out and asked Zhang tingxiao to take over the throne as his eldest son on the ground that Ling Di had been ill for a long time.

This matter was discussed early in the morning. As soon as the official finished speaking, many officials echoed and asked Zhang tingxiao to take charge of the overall situation. For a moment, Yuqing hall was full of petitions.

Zhang tingxiao was full of embarrassment and said, "my father is still here, and my virtue is shallow. How can I succeed to the throne?"

"Your Highness has both ability and morality, which is generally acknowledged by the whole court. Your highness was praised many times before he became seriously ill. Moreover, the highness is the only son of the former queen and the eldest son of your highness. Apart from your highness, I can't think of anyone who is worthy of taking charge of the country after your highness."

Zhang Qiye took over the words and said, "what Mr. Zhao said is exactly what he said. I believe that if my father is here, he will agree to it. So please don't refuse."

"But..." Zhang tingxiao just said two words. The officials who supported him to ascend the throne all fell on their knees and said in unison: "if your highness does not agree, we will not get up on our knees."

"You Well Zhang tingxiao sighed hypocritically, "the scenery is beautiful, but it's also as heavy as a precipice. Tingxiao is really afraid that he can't bear the burden." As he said this, his eyes turned and fell on Zhang Qiling, who had never spoken before. "In fact, my father also valued his fourth younger brother very much. He often praised his fourth younger brother for being careful and prudent, which is very rare."

On hearing this, an official immediately objected, "Your Highness's biological mother is the daughter of a crime minister. She was born in a humble family. She must not be an emperor."

"Not bad." An official next to him took the talk and said with a sneer, "your fourth highness was born outside the palace. He just came back when he was five years old. It remains to be said whether he is the heir of your majesty. How can he become emperor?"

"Presumptuous!" The old man's face sank and he came to him slowly. "Your Majesty has personally identified the fourth Royal Highness as his blood. Are you questioning your majesty when you say that?"

The official was terrified by his gaze and said, "next I dare not, but my fourth highness is just a concubine. It's not supposed to be... "

"What's wrong?" The old man of Tianji said coldly, "in my dynasty, I never choose the right person to be the crown prince. From generation to generation, I choose the able one among the princes. This is the rule set by my ancestors. Do you want to change it?"

"Lord Li is just telling the truth. Why should the national teacher be so angry?" The first petitioner, Mr. Zhao, sneered, "is it hard to do it Does the teacher really want to elect his fourth highness as emperor

Tianji old man flicked his sleeve and looked at his eyes with the color of vulture, "why not?"

With a light smile, Mr. Zhao came to the silent Zhang Qiling and sneered, "if you want to have self-knowledge, it's like a four legged snake. No matter how hard it tries, it can't soar into the clouds and turn into a dragon. Instead of smashing its head and blood, you'd better share one mu and three parts of its land, your highness, don't you think?"

Zhang Qiling looked at him and said with a smile, "I have always respected Mr. Zhao. I think you are the mainstay of the court. Now it seems that you are too proud of Mr. Zhao."

With a cold face, Mr. Zhao arched his hand to the Dragon chair and said, "eat your salary and share your worries. I and you will never allow a person without talent and virtue to ascend the throne."

In the face of him, Zhang Qiling was not angry. He said calmly, "Mr. Zhao, ask yourself, are you really loyal to your father or Loyal to beauty? Or is it gold and silver? "

Zhao adult canthus a twitch, drink scold a way: "you don't talk nonsense, which have what beauty money silk."

In his indifferent smile, Zhang Qiling said slowly, "but as far as I know, Zhang tingxiao once sent you four beauties, including antiques, calligraphy and paintings, gold, brocade, money and silk. Do you want me to send someone to search your house?"

"You Mr. Zhao was surprised and flustered. He gritted his teeth and said, "I've been clean all my life. I've got nothing to do with it. Don't spit out blood here." After a pause, he said, "if you don't believe me, just ask. My colleagues in Manchuria can testify for me!""Yes, Mr. Zhao is a clean and honest official. How can he be like you said? It's clear that your masters and disciples want to seize the throne, so they are talking nonsense here."

"Yes, Mr. Zhao has been honest all his life. How can you be so slandered?"

For a moment, all kinds of accusations poured in, and the crowd was turbulent. In their accusations, Master Zhang Qiling and his disciples were absolutely heinous. Of course, there are also officials on their side, but the number is only one-third, which is undoubtedly the underdog.

Zhang Qiling looked at the scene with a smile, "of course you help him speak, because he is not the only one who has received Zhang tingxiao's beauty and wealth, but also - you!"

Almost in an instant, Yuqing hall, which was still full of people, was quiet, so quiet that the birds could be heard outside.

But soon, the more fierce accusation started, startled the birds that stopped on the eaves, leaving only a few bright colored feathers.

Zhang tingxiao raised his hand to stop the public's criticism, frowned and said: "the fourth younger brother has outstanding talent, and it's common sense that he doesn't want to be inferior to me, but it's too much for the fourth younger brother to slander the ministers for his own interests."

"You know in your heart whether it's slander or truth." Zhang Qiling stares at him coldly and says: "although father Huang is seriously ill, he is still king of Dongling, the location of Yuqing Hall It's not your turn to sit down! "

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